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Created June 21, 2022 10:37
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Script to find Android apps that have a given permission
# Script to find all installed Android apps that request a given permission
# Author: Thore Goebel <>
# Version: 2022-06-21
import shlex, subprocess
PERMISSION = "android.permission.READ_LOGS"
# List all installed packages
# Options: system packages -s, 3rd party packages -3
args = shlex.split("adb shell pm list packages -s")
out =, capture_output=True)
if out.returncode != 0:
packages = []
for line in out.stdout.decode("utf8").splitlines():
if line.startswith("package:"):
print(f"Found {len(packages)} packages.")
# Find the permissions for each package
count = 0
print("Apps with the permission:")
for pkgname in packages:
args = shlex.split(f"adb shell dumpsys package {pkgname}")
out =, capture_output=True)
if out.returncode != 0:
dump = out.stdout.decode("utf8")
if f"{PERMISSION}" in dump:
count += 1
print(f"{count} packages have the {PERMISSION} permission")
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