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Last active July 12, 2022 10:16
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(ns example.counter
[shadow.experiments.grove :as sg :refer (defc <<)]))
(defc ui-counter []
;; create a local state atom once on mount
(bind state-ref
(atom 0))
;; watch state-ref and bind deref result to val
(bind val
(sg/watch state-ref))
;; renders the component, re-rendered whenever val changes
;; fragment is mostly static
;; will only update val in DOM, no VDOM diffing for the rest
(<< [:div.p-2
{:class "inline border shadow p-2"
:on-click ::inc!}
"click me"]
"counter: " val]]))
;; handle click event in declarative way
;; keeps :on-click (fn [dom-event] ...) out of the HTML structure
(event ::inc! [env e dom-event]
(swap! state-ref inc)))
(defn example []
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