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Created February 20, 2013 14:08
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Split a vector into a map of vectors
(defn split-into-map [items key-fn]
(when-not (key-fn (first items))
(throw (ex-info "first item is not a key" {:items items})))
(loop [result {}
current-parts []
items items]
(let [item (first items)]
(and (nil? item) (empty? items))
(assoc result (first current-parts) (vec (rest current-parts)))
(key-fn item)
(recur (if (seq current-parts)
(assoc result (first current-parts) (vec (rest current-parts)))
(rest items))
(recur result (conj current-parts item) (rest items))
(prn (split-into-map [:key1 1 2 3 :key2 4 :key3 5 6 7] keyword?))
(prn (split-into-map ["y" 1 2 "x" 3 4 5] string?))
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