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Created March 1, 2019 19:22
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(ns codox.reader.clojurescript
"Read raw documentation information from ClojureScript source directory."
(:use [codox.utils :only [assoc-some update-some correct-indent]])
(:require [ :as io]
[cljs.analyzer :as an]
[cljs.analyzer.api :as ana]
[clojure.string :as str]
[cljs.env :as env]))
(defn- cljs-filename? [filename]
(or (.endsWith filename ".cljs")
(.endsWith filename ".cljc")))
(defn- cljs-file? [file]
(and (.isFile file)
(-> file .getName cljs-filename?)))
(defn- remove-quote [x]
(if (and (seq? x) (= (first x) 'quote))
(second x)
(defn- strip-parent [parent]
(let [len (inc (count (.getPath parent)))]
(fn [child]
(let [child-name (.getPath child)]
(if (>= (count child-name) len)
(io/file (subs child-name len)))))))
(defn- find-files [file]
(if (.isDirectory file)
(->> (file-seq file)
(filter cljs-file?)
(keep (strip-parent file)))))
(defn- no-doc? [var]
(or (:skip-wiki var) (:no-doc var)))
(defn- protocol-methods [protocol vars]
(let [proto-name (name (:name protocol))]
(filter #(if-let [p (:protocol %)] (= proto-name (name p))) vars)))
(defn- multimethod? [var]
(= (:tag var) 'cljs.core/MultiFn))
(defn- var-type [opts]
(:macro opts) :macro
(:protocol-symbol opts) :protocol
(multimethod? opts) :multimethod
:else :var))
(defn- read-var [file vars var]
(let [vt (var-type var)]
(-> var
(select-keys [:name :line :arglists :doc :dynamic :added :deprecated :doc/format])
(update-some :name (comp symbol name))
(update-some :arglists remove-quote)
(update-some :doc correct-indent)
(assoc-some :file (if (= vt :macro) (:file var) (.getPath file))
:type vt
:members (map (partial read-var file vars)
(protocol-methods var vars))))))
(defn- read-publics [namespace file]
(let [vars (vals (ana/ns-publics namespace))]
(->> vars
(remove :protocol)
(remove :anonymous)
(remove no-doc?)
(map (partial read-var file vars))
(sort-by (comp str/lower-case :name)))))
(defn- analyze-file [file]
(ana/analyze-file file {:verbose true})))
(defn- read-file [path file exception-handler]
(let [source (io/file path file)
{ns-name :ns :keys [requires] :as ns-info}
(ana/parse-ns source)]
;; fake all string requires since otherwise npm indexing is required
(doseq [req requires
:when (and (string? req)
(not (contains? (:js-module-index @env/*compiler*) req)))]
(swap! env/*compiler* assoc-in [:js-module-index req] (gensym "fake$module")))
(analyze-file source)
(-> (ana/find-ns ns-name)
(select-keys [:name :doc])
(update-some :doc correct-indent)
(merge (-> ns-name meta (select-keys [:no-doc])))
(assoc :publics (read-publics ns-name file)))})
(catch Exception e
(exception-handler e file))))
(defn- default-exception-handler [e file]
(format "Could not generate clojurescript documentation for %s - root cause: %s %s"
(.getName (class e))
(.getMessage e)))
#_ (.printStackTrace e))
(defn read-namespaces
"Read ClojureScript namespaces from a set of source directories
(defaults to [\"src\"]), and return a list of maps suitable for
documentation purposes.
Supported options using the second argument:
:exception-handler - function (fn [ex file]) to handle exceptions
while reading a namespace
The keys in the maps are:
:name - the name of the namespace
:doc - the doc-string on the namespace
:author - the author of the namespace
:name - the name of a public function, macro, or value
:file - the file the var was declared in
:line - the line at which the var was declared
:arglists - the arguments the function or macro takes
:doc - the doc-string of the var
:type - one of :macro, :protocol or :var
:added - the library version the var was added in
:deprecated - the library version the var was deprecated in"
([] (read-namespaces ["src"] {}))
([paths] (read-namespaces paths {}))
([paths {:keys [exception-handler]
:or {exception-handler default-exception-handler}}]
(let [opts (-> (cljs.closure/add-implicit-options {})
(assoc :verbose true))
state (cljs.env/default-compiler-env opts)]
(cljs.closure/validate-opts opts)
(env/with-compiler-env state
(->> paths
(mapcat (fn [path]
(let [path (io/file path)
file-reader #(read-file path % exception-handler)]
(->> (find-files path)
(map file-reader)
(apply merge)
(remove :no-doc)
(sort-by :name)))))
(prn (read-namespaces ["tmp"])))
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