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Forked from plexus/pie_a_la_mode.clj
Last active November 21, 2023 17:55
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(ns pie-a-la-mode
(:import [java.util.concurrent Executors]))
;; Concurrency example from The Pragmatic Programmers. Waiters check if there's
;; enough pie and ice cream before they sell an order, but if they don't
;; coordinate it's still possible to sell more than we have.
;; The below code should return either :ok or :not-available for a given order.
;; If we oversell, then it will throw an exception.
;; How would you change this to ensure that that doesn't happen?
(def recipes
{:pie {:piece-of-pie 1}
:ice-cream {:scoop-of-ice-cream 2}
:pie-a-la-mode {:piece-of-pie 1 :scoop-of-ice-cream 1}})
(defn random-order [_] ;; => {:ice-cream 1}
{(rand-nth [:pie :ice-cream :pie-a-la-mode])
(inc (rand-int 3))})
(defn safe+ [x y]
(if (nil? x)
(+ x y)))
(defn order->ingredients [order] ;; {:pie-a-la-mode 2} => {:pie 2 :scoop 2}
(fn [result recipe amount]
(fn [result ingredient ingredient-amount]
(update result ingredient safe+ (* amount ingredient-amount)))
(get recipes recipe)
(defn handle-order!
[inventory-ref order]
(let [required-ingredients
(order->ingredients order)]
(loop [attempts 0]
;; attempt to fulfill order by taking each ingredient out of inventory
(let [state
(fn [state ingredient amount]
(let [avail (get state ingredient)]
(if (< avail amount)
(reduced ::not-enough-stuff)
(update state ingredient - amount))))
;; ::not-enough-stuff
(keyword? next-state)
(assoc order :not-enough-stuff true)
;; inventory had enough, see if someone else took something while we did
;; if not our order goes through successfully
;; FIXME: this is of course silly and not something you'd do in real life
(compare-and-set! inventory-ref state next-state)
(assoc order :ingredients-used required-ingredients :attempts-made attempts)
;; someone else took something, try again
(recur (inc attempts))
(random-order 1)
(order->ingredients (random-order 1)))
;; assuming 5 waiters to take orders
(def waiters
(Executors/newFixedThreadPool 5))
(def inventory-ref
{:piece-of-pie 12
:scoop-of-ice-cream 50}))
;; enqueue all orders, let waiters work them off
(def all-orders
(->> (range 100)
(map random-order)
(map (fn [order]
(.submit waiters (fn [] (handle-order! inventory-ref order)))))
(into [])))
;; get the results
(println "==== order results")
(doseq [p all-orders
:let [result @p]]
(prn result))
(println "==== remaining inventory")
(prn @inventory-ref)
(.shutdownNow waiters)
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