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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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(ns util.camelize-dasherize
(:import (clojure.lang IPersistentMap Keyword))
(:require [clojure.string :as s]
[ :as zip]))
; TODO: regex is slow, should try iterating the string.
(defn dasherize-string*
"Converts an underscored or camelized string
into an dasherized one."
(when s
(-> s
(s/replace #"([A-Z][a-z]+)" (fn [[match c]]
(if c (str "-" (s/lower-case c)) "")))
(s/replace #"([A-Z]+)" "-$1")
(s/replace #"[-_\s]+" "-")
(s/replace #"^-" ""))))
(def dasherize-string (memoize dasherize-string*))
(defn camelize-string*
"Converts a string from dash-case to camelCase."
[^String s]
(when s
(some-> s
(s/replace #"[-_\s]+(.)?"
(fn [[match c]]
(if c (s/upper-case c) ""))))))
(def camelize-string (memoize camelize-string*))
(defn dasherize-keyword*
(when k
(keyword (dasherize-string (name k)))))
(def dasherize-keyword (memoize dasherize-keyword*))
(time (dotimes [x 400000] (dasherize-keyword :clientOSVersion)))
;"Elapsed time: 915.063554 msecs"
(defn camelize-keyword*
(when k
(keyword (camelize-string (name k)))))
(def camelize-keyword (memoize camelize-keyword*))
(time (dotimes [x 400000] (camelize-keyword :client-OS-version)))
;"Elapsed time: 537.186386 msecs"
(defn camelize-map-1 [m]
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]]
[(camelize-keyword k) v]) m)))
(defn dasherize-map-1 [m]
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]]
[(dasherize-keyword k) v]) m)))
(defn camelize-map-recur [m]
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]]
[(camelize-keyword k) (if (map? v) (camelize-map-recur v) v)]) m)))
(defn dasherize-map-recur [m]
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]]
[(dasherize-keyword k) (if (map? v) (dasherize-map-recur v) v)]) m)))
(defn map-zipper [m]
(fn [x] (or (map? x) (map? (nth x 1))))
(fn [x] (seq (if (map? x) x (nth x 1))))
(fn [x children]
(if (map? x)
(into {} children)
(assoc x 1 (into {} children))))
(defn edit-map-keys-zip [m f]
(loop [loc (map-zipper m)]
(if (zip/end? loc)
(zip/root loc)
(recur (zip/next
(if (vector? (zip/node loc))
(zip/edit loc #(do [(f (first %)) (second %)]))
(defn camelize-map-zip [m]
(edit-map-keys-zip m camelize-keyword))
(defn dasherize-map-zip [m]
(edit-map-keys-zip m dasherize-keyword))
(defprotocol ICamelizable
(camelize [this]))
(defprotocol IDasherizable
(dasherize [this]))
(extend-protocol ICamelizable
(camelize [this]
(camelize-string this))
(camelize [this]
(camelize-keyword this))
(camelize [this]
(camelize-map-zip this)))
(extend-protocol IDasherizable
(dasherize [this]
(dasherize-string this))
(dasherize [this]
(dasherize-keyword this))
(dasherize [this]
(dasherize-map-zip this)))
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