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Last active September 7, 2021 13:25
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shadow-cljs code split

Quick comparison to the cljs.loader recently added to CLJS.

Things shadow-cljs does for you:

  • enable-console-print! is a config option, you do not need to call it
  • loader/set-loaded! will be injected for you as well


# install globally to have gain access to shadow-cljs command
yarn global add shadow-cljs

# add to project (optional but recommended)
yarn add --dev shadow-cljs

# create initial config
shadow-cljs init


Modify default shadow-cljs.edn config

{:source-paths ["src"]
 :dependencies []

 :builds ;; one build with id split (used by shadow-cljs commands)
 {:split {:target :browser
          :output-dir "public/js"
          :asset-path "/js"

          :module-loader true
          {:base ;; there is no implicit :cljs-base module
           {:entries [cljs.core]}
           {:entries [foo.core]
            :depends-on #{:base}}
           {:entries [bar.core]
            :depends-on #{:base}}}

          :devtools ;; optional but useful during development
          {:http-root "public"
           :http-port 8080}}}}


(ns foo.core
  (:require [shadow.loader :as loader]))
(println "I'm foo!")

;; plain JS, no
(doto (js/document.getElementById "button")
  (.addEventListener "click"
    (fn [e]
        (-> (loader/load "bar")
            (.then #((resolve 'bar.core/woz)))


(ns bar.core)

(println "I'm bar!")

(defn woz []
  (println "WOZ!"))


         <button id="button">Load Bar!</button>
         <script src="js/base.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
         <script src="js/foo.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


shadow-cljs watch split

open http://localhost:8080

# if you'd like a CLJS REPL (while watch is running)
shadow-cljs cljs-repl split

# build :advanced release build
shadow-cljs release split

The development HTTP server is currently not available for release builds, that will change in the future.

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