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Created August 15, 2012 00:57
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Simple EDSL to test a calculator
module Edsl where
-- Imports
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
(State, evalState, modify, get)
import Data.Char
-- Test definition
data TestSequence =
Do Action TestSequence
| Check Assertion TestSequence
| Done
deriving (Show)
type Test = TestSequence -> TestSequence
data Action =
Press Button
deriving (Show)
data Assertion =
DisplayHasNumber Int
deriving (Show)
-- Test case transform
unroll :: (TestSequence -> a) -> Test -> [a]
unroll f t = g (t Done)
where g Done = [f Done]
g v@(Do _ next) = f v : g next
g v@(Check _ next) = f v : g next
-- Sample test case
sample :: Test
sample =
Do (Press One).
Do (Press Plus).
Do (Press One).
Do (Press Equals).
Check (DisplayHasNumber 2).
Do (Press Clear).
Check (DisplayHasNumber 0).
Do (Press Two).
Do (Press Zero).
Check (DisplayHasNumber 20).
Do (Press Divide).
Do (Press Two).
Check (DisplayHasNumber 2).
Do (Press Equals).
Check (DisplayHasNumber 10)
-- Pretty print test case
prettyPrint :: Test -> String
prettyPrint = unlines . unroll prettyPrintTestSequence
prettyPrintTestSequence :: TestSequence -> String
prettyPrintTestSequence s =
case s of
Done -> "end"
Do action _ -> prettyPrintAction action
Check assertion _ -> prettyPrintAssertion assertion
prettyPrintAction :: Action -> String
prettyPrintAction (Press button) =
"press " ++ prettyPrintButton button
prettyPrintButton :: Button -> String
prettyPrintButton = map toLower . show
prettyPrintAssertion :: Assertion -> String
prettyPrintAssertion (DisplayHasNumber number) =
"the display should be showing the number " ++ show number
-- Generate JUnit from test case
generateJUnit :: Test -> String
generateJUnit = ("@Test\npublic void test() {\n" ++) .
unlines .
unroll generateJUnitTestSequence
generateJUnitTestSequence :: TestSequence -> String
generateJUnitTestSequence s =
case s of
Done -> "}"
Do a _ -> generateJUnitAction a
Check a _ -> generateJUnitAssertion a
generateJUnitAction :: Action -> String
generateJUnitAction (Press b) =
generateJUnitButton b ++ ".press();"
generateJUnitButton :: Button -> String
generateJUnitButton b = "getButton" ++ show b ++ "()"
generateJUnitAssertion :: Assertion -> String
generateJUnitAssertion (DisplayHasNumber n) =
"assertEquals(" ++ show n ++ ", getDisplayNumber());"
-- Real test checking
data TestResult =
| Failed FailureMessage
type Step = String
type FailureMessage = String
instance Show TestResult where
show Ok = "Test passed"
show (Failed m) = "Test failed: " ++ m
checkTest :: Test -> TestResult
checkTest t =
(threadCheckState . unroll checkTestSequence $ t)
threadCheckState :: [State Calculator TestResult] ->
State Calculator TestResult
threadCheckState = go 0
where go _ [] = return Ok
go n (x:xs) = x >>= (f n xs)
f n xs Ok = go (n + 1) xs
f n _ (Failed m) =
return . Failed $
"Step " ++ show n ++ ". " ++ m
checkTestSequence :: TestSequence ->
State Calculator TestResult
checkTestSequence Done = return Ok
checkTestSequence (Do a _) = checkAction a
checkTestSequence (Check a _) = checkAssertion a
checkAction :: Action -> State Calculator TestResult
checkAction (Press b) = do
modify $ pressButton b
return Ok
checkAssertion :: Assertion -> State Calculator TestResult
checkAssertion (DisplayHasNumber n) =
get >>= \c ->
if displayNumber c == n
then return Ok
else return . Failed $
"Wrong number in display, should be " ++
show n ++ " but was " ++ show (displayNumber c)
-- Calculator's core
data Calculator = Calculator {
displayNumber :: Int
, operation :: Maybe (Int -> Int -> Int)
, savedNumber :: Int
data Button =
| One
| Two
| Three
| Four
| Five
| Six
| Seven
| Eight
| Nine
| Plus
| Minus
| Times
| Divide
| Equals
| Clear
deriving (Show)
pressButton :: Button -> Calculator -> Calculator
pressButton b =
case b of
Zero -> appendNumber 0
One -> appendNumber 1
Two -> appendNumber 2
Three -> appendNumber 3
Four -> appendNumber 4
Five -> appendNumber 5
Six -> appendNumber 6
Seven -> appendNumber 7
Eight -> appendNumber 8
Nine -> appendNumber 9
Plus -> saveOperation (+)
Minus -> saveOperation (-)
Times -> saveOperation (*)
Divide -> saveOperation div
Equals -> performOperation
Clear -> clear
appendNumber :: Int -> Calculator -> Calculator
appendNumber i c =
c {
displayNumber = (displayNumber c) * 10 + i
saveOperation :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Calculator -> Calculator
saveOperation f c =
c {
savedNumber = (displayNumber c)
, displayNumber = 0
, operation = Just f
performOperation :: Calculator -> Calculator
performOperation c =
c {
savedNumber = newNumber
, displayNumber = newNumber
where newNumber =
case (operation c) of
Nothing -> displayNumber c
Just f -> let a = savedNumber c
b = displayNumber c
f a b
clear :: Calculator -> Calculator
clear = const mkCalculator
mkCalculator :: Calculator
mkCalculator =
Calculator {
displayNumber = 0
, operation = Nothing
, savedNumber = 0
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