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Last active December 15, 2015 07:29
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Converte parâmetros de uma string e retorna um dicionário. O formato da string é bem parecido com a nova api do facebook:
#Example usage
# string = "user(1),about,accounts.limit(20).fields(hometown,albums.limit(10).fields(comments))"
# parsed = parse_params(string)
# parsed = {
# 'about': None,
# 'accounts': {
# 'fields': {
# 'hometown': None,
# 'albums': {
# 'fields': {
# 'comments': None
# },
# 'limit': '10'
# }
# },
# 'limit': '20'
# },
# 'user': '1'
def parse_params(str):
attrs = []
aux = str
arr = {}
attr = ''
_sub_attr = ''
r = 0
f = 0
v = 0
d = 0
_c_value = None
_sub = 0
_p_start = 0
i = 0
for c in aux:
if c == '(':
r += 1
f = 1
if _p_start == 0:
_p_start = i
elif c == ')':
r -= 1
elif c == '.':
d = 1
_sub = 1
elif c == ',':
v = 1
if v == 0 and _sub == 0:
attr += c
if _sub == 1:
if d == 0 and f == 0 and v == 0:
_sub_attr += c
if r == 0 and f == 1:
_c_value = str[_p_start + 1: (i - _p_start + 1) + _p_start - 1]
if _sub == 0:
attr = attr.replace('(' + _c_value + ')', '')
_sub_attr = _sub_attr.replace(_c_value, '')
if len(_sub_attr) > 0:
arr[attr] = arr[attr] if attr in arr else {}
arr[attr][_sub_attr] = _c_value
if _sub_attr == "fields":
arr[attr][_sub_attr] = parse_params(_c_value)
arr[attr] = _c_value
_c_value = ''
_sub_attr = ''
_p_start = 0
f = 0
if (v and r == 0) or i == len(aux) - 1:
if attr not in arr:
arr[attr] = None
attr = ''
_sub = 0
v = 0
d = 0
i += 1
return arr
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