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Last active February 3, 2022 20:18
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Kogito Tooling Examples - Implementing the Ping Pong View in Angular
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"ping-pong-view-angular": {
"ping-pong-view-wc": {
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import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { MessageBusClientApi } from "@kie-tools-core/envelope-bus/dist/api";
import { PingPongChannelApi, PingPongInitArgs } from "@kie-tools-examples/ping-pong-view/dist/api";
import { PingPongFactory } from "@kie-tools-examples/ping-pong-view/dist/envelope";
import { ReplaySubject, BehaviorSubject, Subject } from "rxjs";
declare global {
interface Window {
initArgs: PingPongInitArgs;
channelApi: PingPongChannelApi;
export interface LogEntry {
line: string;
time: number;
function getCurrentTime() {
providedIn: 'root',
export class PingPongApiService implements PingPongFactory {
channelApi: MessageBusClientApi<PingPongChannelApi>;
initArgs: PingPongInitArgs;
log = new ReplaySubject<LogEntry>(10);
logCleared = new Subject();
lastPingTimestamp = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);
dotInterval?: number;
initialized = false;
pingSubscription?: (source: string) => void;
pongSubscription?: (source: string, replyingTo: string) => void;
constructor() {}
create(initArgs: PingPongInitArgs, channelApi: MessageBusClientApi<PingPongChannelApi>) {
// Making sure we don't subscribe more than once.
this.initArgs = initArgs;
this.channelApi = channelApi;
// Subscribe to ping notifications.
this.pingSubscription = this.channelApi.notifications.pingPongView__ping.subscribe((pingSource) => {
// If this instance sent the PING, we ignore it.
if (pingSource === {
// Add a new line to our log, stating that we received a ping.{ line: `PING from '${pingSource}'.`, time: getCurrentTime() });
// Acknowledges the PING message by sending back a PONG message.
this.channelApi.notifications.pingPongView__pong.send(, pingSource);
// Subscribe to pong notifications.
this.pongSubscription = this.channelApi.notifications.pingPongView__pong.subscribe(
(pongSource: string, replyingTo: string) => {
// If this instance sent the PONG, or if this PONG was not meant to this instance, we ignore it.
if (pongSource === || replyingTo !== {
// Updates the log to show a feedback that a PONG message was observed.{ line: `PONG from '${pongSource}'.`, time: getCurrentTime() });
// Populate the log with a dot each 2 seconds.
this.dotInterval = window.setInterval(() => {{ line: ".", time: getCurrentTime() });
}, 2000);
this.initialized = true;
return () => ({
clearLogs: () => {
this.log = new ReplaySubject<LogEntry>(10);
// Emit a value to logCleared so we can re-subscribe to this.log wherever needed.;
getLastPingTimestamp: () => {
return Promise.resolve(this.lastPingTimestamp.value);
// Send a ping to the channel.
ping() {
clearSubscriptions() {
this.pingSubscription && this.channelApi.notifications.pingPongView__ping.unsubscribe(this.pingSubscription);
this.pongSubscription && this.channelApi.notifications.pingPongView__pong.unsubscribe(this.pongSubscription);
clearInterval() {
ngOnDestroy() {
<div class="ping-pong-view--main">
<h2>This is an implementation of Ping-Pong View in Angular</h2>
<p class="ping-pong-view--p-iframe">
The envelope boundary border is green. It can be an iFrame or a Div. (It's possible to use Div if using web
components made from Angular components)
<p class="ping-pong-view--p-ping-pong">The Ping-Pong View implementation border is red</p>
<div class="ping-pong-view--container">
<i>#{{ pingPongApiService.initArgs?.name }}</i>
<div class="ping-pong-view--header">
<span>Hello from Angular!</span>
<button (click)="">Ping others!</button>
<div class="ping-pong-view--log">
<p *ngFor="let entry of log | async" class="ping-pong-view--line">
{{ entry.line }}
import { PingPongApiService, LogEntry } from "./ping-pong-api.service";
import { Component, Input, OnInit } from "@angular/core";
import * as PingPongViewEnvelope from "@kie-tools-examples/ping-pong-view/dist/envelope";
import { ContainerType } from "@kie-tools-core/envelope/dist/api";
import { Observable, scan } from "rxjs";
selector: "app-ping-pong",
templateUrl: "./ping-pong.component.html",
styleUrls: ["./ping-pong.component.css"],
providers: [],
export class PingPongComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() containerType: ContainerType = ContainerType.IFRAME;
@Input() envelopeId?: string;
constructor(public pingPongApiService: PingPongApiService) {}
log: Observable<LogEntry[]>;
subscribeToLogUpdates() {
this.log = this.pingPongApiService.log.asObservable().pipe(scan((acc, curr) => [...acc.slice(-9), curr], []));
ngOnInit() {
// Initialize log with a starting message.{ line: "Logs will show up here", time: 0 });
// Initialize envelope with the container config, the bus,
// and factory (in this case, a service that implements the "create" method).
config: { containerType: this.containerType, envelopeId: this.envelopeId! },
bus: { postMessage: (message, _targetOrigin, transfer) => window.parent.postMessage(message, "*", transfer) },
pingPongViewFactory: this.pingPongApiService,
// Create an observable variable with the 10 latest values of the log.
this.pingPongApiService.logCleared.subscribe(() => this.subscribeToLogUpdates());
import { PingPongApiService } from "./ping-pong-api.service";
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { PingPongComponent } from "./ping-pong.component";
declarations: [PingPongComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule],
exports: [PingPongComponent],
providers: [PingPongApiService],
bootstrap: [PingPongComponent],
export class PingPongModule {}
* The API of a PingPongViewApi.
* These methods are what the "external world" knows about this component.
export interface PingPongApi {
clearLogs(): void;
getLastPingTimestamp(): Promise<number>;
* Methods provided by the Envelope that can be consumed by the Channel.
export interface PingPongEnvelopeApi {
pingPongView__init(association: Association, initArgs: PingPongInitArgs): Promise<void>;
pingPongView__clearLogs(): Promise<void>;
pingPongView__getLastPingTimestamp(): Promise<number>;
export class PingPongEnvelopeApiImpl implements PingPongEnvelopeApi {
private readonly args: EnvelopeApiFactoryArgs<PingPongEnvelopeApi, PingPongChannelApi, void, {}>,
private readonly pingPongViewFactory: PingPongFactory
) {}
pingPongApi?: () => PingPongApi | null;
public async pingPongView__init(association: Association, initArgs: PingPongInitArgs) {
this.args.envelopeClient.associate(association.origin, association.envelopeServerId);
this.pingPongApi = this.pingPongViewFactory.create(initArgs, this.args.envelopeClient.manager.clientApi);
public async pingPongView__clearLogs() {
public async pingPongView__getLastPingTimestamp() {
const api = this.pingPongApi?.();
if (!api) return Promise.resolve(0);
return api.getLastPingTimestamp();
export class PingPongApiService implements PingPongFactory {
create(initArgs: PingPongInitArgs, channelApi: MessageBusClientApi<PingPongChannelApi>) {
return () => {
} as PingPongApi;
pingPongApiService = new PingPongApiService();
// Initialize envelope with the container config, the bus,
// and factory (in this case, a service that implements the "create" method).
// This should be called after the view is rendered,
// inside a `ngOnInit` or `useEffect` for example.
config: { containerType: this.containerType, envelopeId: this.envelopeId! },
bus: { postMessage: (message, _targetOrigin, transfer) => window.parent.postMessage(message, "*", transfer) },
pingPongViewFactory: this.pingPongApiService,
"extends": "./tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "./dist/wc",
"types": []
"files": ["src/app/web-component/web-component.main.ts", "src/polyfills.ts"],
"include": ["src/app/web-component/*.d.ts"]
import { Component, Input } from "@angular/core";
import { ContainerType } from "@kie-tools-core/envelope/dist/api";
selector: "ping-pong-wc",
template: `<app-ping-pong [containerType]="containerType" [envelopeId]="envelopeId"></app-ping-pong>`,
export class PingPongWcComponent {
@Input("containertype") containerType: ContainerType;
@Input("envelopeid") envelopeId: string;
import { WebComponentModule } from "./web-component.module";
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic";
const bootstrap = () => platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(WebComponentModule);
bootstrap().catch((err) => console.error(err));
import { NgModule, Injector, DoBootstrap } from "@angular/core";
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { createCustomElement } from "@angular/elements";
import { PingPongModule } from "../ping-pong/ping-pong.module";
import { PingPongWcComponent } from "./web-component.component";
declarations: [PingPongWcComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule, PingPongModule],
entryComponents: [PingPongWcComponent],
providers: [],
export class WebComponentModule implements DoBootstrap {
constructor(private injector: Injector) {}
ngDoBootstrap() {
const element = createCustomElement(PingPongWcComponent, { injector: this.injector });
customElements.define("ping-pong-angular", element);
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