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Last active January 3, 2016 06:49
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Part 2/2 of the Stata code for replicating Bollen & Paxton's (2000) "Subjective measures of liberal democracy" (Comparative Political Studies, 33(58), pp. 58-86).
*** here I replicate Bollen & Paxton's three main regressions (p. 75) ***
* get the 1979 and 1980 factor estimates
set more off
use "/Users/thiagomarzagao/Desktop/SCpaper/data-bollenpaxton.dta"
local years "79 80"
foreach x of local years {
confa (pollib: party`x' broad`x' print`x' civlib`x') (demrul: leg`x' polrt`x' compet`x' effec`x'), vce(sbentler) from(smart) usenames difficult
matrix b_t = e(b)
predict f1 f2, bartlett
foreach v of varlist party`x' broad`x' print`x' civlib`x' {
qui replace `v' = `v' - [lambda_`v'_pollib]_cons*f1
foreach v of varlist leg`x' polrt`x' compet`x' effec`x' {
qui replace `v' = `v' - [lambda_`v'_demrul]_cons*f2
confa (sussman: broad`x' print`x') (gastil: civlib`x' polrt`x') (banks: leg`x' compet`x' effec`x'), from(smart) usenames iter(20)
matrix b_res = e(b)
matrix bb = (b_t[1,1..19], b_res[1,8..27])
constraint define 1 [phi_demrul_sussman]_cons = 0
constraint define 2 [phi_pollib_sussman]_cons = 0
constraint define 3 [phi_demrul_gastil]_cons = 0
constraint define 4 [phi_pollib_gastil]_cons = 0
constraint define 5 [phi_gastil_banks]_cons = 0
constraint define 6 [phi_sussman_banks]_cons = 0
constraint define 7 [phi_demrul_banks]_cons = 0
constraint define 8 [phi_pollib_banks]_cons = 0
constraint define 9 [theta_polrt`x']_cons = 0
constraint define 10 [theta_compet`x']_cons = 0
confa (pollib: party`x' broad`x' print`x' civlib`x') (demrul: leg`x' polrt`x' compet`x' effec`x') (sussman: broad`x' print`x') (gastil: civlib`x' polrt`x') (banks: leg`x' compet`x' effec`x'), constr(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) vce(sbentler) from(bb) usenames difficult iter(75)
matrix sigmall19`x' = e(Phi)
matrix lambda19`x' = e(Lambda)
matrix sigmaxx19`x' = e(Sigma)
* average the 1979 and 1980 estimates
matrix sigmall = .5 * (sigmall1979 + sigmall1980)
matrix lambda = .5 * (lambda1979 + lambda1980)
matrix sigmaxx = .5 * (sigmaxx1979 + sigmaxx1980)
* produce deviation form of indicators
local myvars "party80 broad80 print80 civlib80 leg80 polrt80 compet80 effec80"
* preserve
foreach v of local myvars {
summarize `v'
gen m`v' = `v' - r(mean)
mkmat mparty80 mbroad80 mprint80 mcivlib80 mleg80 mpolrt80 mcompet80 meffec80, matrix(devx)
* produce the factor scores
matrix lambdat = lambda'
matrix sigmaxxi = inv(sigmaxx)
matrix devxt = devx'
matrix e = sigmall * lambdat * sigmaxxi * devxt
matrix et = e'
svmat double et, names(col)
local myfactors "pollib demrul sussman gastil banks"
foreach x of local myfactors {
sum `x'
replace `x' = `x' - r(mean)
* reproduce p. 75 of Bollen & Paxton (sort of)
gen coverage = nyt + vanderbilt + facts
gen age = 1980 - independence
egen coups = rowtotal(coups76-coups80)
gen radiostvs = radios + tvs
summarize coverage age radiostvs area population energy
recode coverage (0=.001)
replace age = . if age < 1
gen lcoverage = ln(coverage)
gen lage = ln(age)
gen lradiostvs = ln(radiostvs)
gen lpopulation = ln(population)
gen larea = ln(area)
gen lenergy = ln(energy)
gen lprotests = ln(protests)
gen lstrikes = ln(strikes)
gen lriots = ln(riots)
reg gastil marxist lenergy protestant catholic lage monarchy coups war lprotests lstrikes lriots lcoverage lpopulation larea lradiostvs
reg sussman marxist lenergy protestant catholic lage monarchy coups war lprotests lstrikes lriots lcoverage lpopulation larea lradiostvs
reg banks marxist lenergy protestant catholic lage monarchy coups war lprotests lstrikes lriots lcoverage lpopulation larea lradiostvs
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