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Last active August 24, 2021 21:22
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#' Detect and correct misspells in a string
#' @param x string.
#' @return corrected string
#' @examples
#' replace_misspells('I vrite anglish verry weell')
#' replace_misspells('Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?')
replace_misspells = function(x){
if ( || !is.character(y)) return(y)
bad = hunspell(x[y])[[1]]
good = unlist(lapply(hunspell_suggest(bad),`[[`,1))
if (length(bad)){
for (i in 1:length(bad)){
x[y] <<- gsub(bad[i],good[i],x[y])
#' Take a list of strings with text as "x" and return a cleaned version that is more suited for NLP
#' @param x list of strings
#' @return cleaned strings
#' @examples
#' replace_misspells(df$text)
#' replace_misspells(corpus)
clean_corpus = function(x){
# Replace redundant white spaces and line jumps such as \n
x = replace_white(x)
# Replace or remove non ASCII characters
x = replace_non_ascii(x)
# Replace contractions such as "you're" by expanded such as "you are"
x = replace_contraction(x)
# Replace elongations. Ex: "heyyyyy" is replaced by "Hey"
x = replace_word_elongation(x)
# Replace emoji by plain text
x = replace_emoji(x)
# Same for emoticons
x = replace_emoticon(x)
# Get ride of HTML remaining in the text if any
x = replace_html(x)
# Normalize incomplete sentence replacement
x = replace_incomplete(x, '.')
# Replace internet slang by standard words
x = replace_internet_slang(x)
# Normalize spaces
x = replace_kern(x)
# Replace all amounts of money by a word
x = replace_money(x, replacement = 'money')
# Replace all names by a word
x = replace_names(x, replacement = 'name')
# Replace dates by a word
x = replace_date(x, replacement = 'date')
# Replace all times with a word
x = replace_time(x, replacement = 'time')
# Replace ordinals. For example 1st is transformed to first
x = replace_ordinal(x)
# Replace ratings such as "five stars" by more common adjectives
x = replace_rating(x)
# Replace all numbers by a word
x = rm_number(x, replacement = "number")
# Replace symbols used as abbreviations such as @ by at
x = replace_symbol(x)
# Strip remaining characters that are not useful
x = strip(x, char.keep = c("?","!", ".",",",";",":","'"))
# Replace misspelled words (disable it if the data is too large)
x = replace_misspells(x)
# ok, done...
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