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Last active April 6, 2018 20:05
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Simplex Algorithm implementation in Python (3.x)
import numpy as np
def simplex(c, A, b, basis):
z = 0
tableau = None
foundOptimal = False
numRound = 1
# we'll be using tableau because it's easier and makes more sense.
# using the basis, check if A is in canonical form.
# i.e: the basis variables used create the identity matrix.
if isCanonicalForm(A,basis):
# convert c, A, and b to tableau form.
tableau = componmentsToTableau(-c,A,b)
while not foundOptimal:
print("Round:", numRound)
numRound += 1
# to get the entering variable, look @ the negative entries in
# the top row (which is c). Use Blands rule to get the entering
# variable.
enteringVariable = getEnteringVariable(tableau)
# now we know the column to go to, we need to look into what
# row to pivot from.
pivotLocation = findMin(A, enteringVariable, b)
if pivotLocation == -1:
print("The solution is unbounded..")
return -1
print("Pivot Location [regards to A]: (" + str(enteringVariable+1)+","+str(pivotLocation+1)+")")
# now we can pivot.
tableau = pivot(tableau,pivotLocation+2,enteringVariable+2)
print("new Tableau:\n",tableau, "\n")
# extract the components of the equation
(A,b,c,z) = tableauToComponments(tableau)
# find the leaving column. We can tell which one is the
# leaving column by looking at the columns that make up A
# and removing ones that don't make the basis.
leavingVariable, basis = findLeavingColumn(A,basis)
print("Entering, Leaving Columns (for Bases):", enteringVariable+1, leavingVariable)
# at this stage we've just finished a round of simplex.
# check if C is all positive. if they are, then we've found the optimal
# solution.
if min(c) >= 0: foundOptimal = True
print("---------------------------------Best: ", z)
print("Found the (optimal?) solution:")
print("z = ", z)
print("Where x = ", produceX(A,basis,b))
return False
def produceX(A,basis,b):
# use the basis to produce the columns in A
# iterate through the basis (it starts from 1 so -1 to them)
basis = [x-1 for x in basis]
# find how many items go in x.
numberOfXValues = A.shape[1]
result = []
# iterate through the indexes
for x in range(numberOfXValues):
if x in basis:
pos = A[:,x].T.tolist()[0].index(1)
# add b's value to x
# fill it with a zero.
return result
def getEnteringVariable(t):
# repull c.
c = t[0].tolist()[0][1:-1]
# using bland's rule (Choose the entering variable k with
# the SMALLEST INDEX) and the negative entries, get the
# first one that pops up.
for i in range(len(c)):
if c[i] < 0:
return i
# otherwise we can't find a solution.
return -1
def isCanonicalForm(A,basis):
Check if the basis variables actually create
the identity matrix.
# get the basic variables X_b
X_b = []
for b in basis:
# convert X_b into a numpy matrix
X_b = np.matrix(X_b)
# get the size of the basis to create an identity matrix.
dim = X_b.shape[0]
I = np.eye(dim)
# check if they're the same.
if np.array_equal(X_b, I):
return True
return False
def findMin(A, ent, b):
# convert those subsections into lists
# so we can traverse them easier.
a_col = A[:,ent].T.tolist()[0]
b_cop = b.copy().tolist()[0]
negatives = []
contenders = []
for i in range(len(a)):
division = b_cop[i]/a_col[i]
# if it's a negative value then we mess up the number
# (we want the smallest positive)
if division < 0:
division = 2036854775807
# if they're all negative then our problem is unbounded.
if len(negatives) == len(contenders):
return -1
# now we want the index of the smallest positive number.
index = contenders.index(min(contenders))
return index
def componmentsToTableau(c,A,b,z=None):
Converts the matrix into an augmented matrix
based on the linear system z-c^(T)x = z'
tableau = None
# create top
top = [1.0]+np.transpose(c).tolist()[0]+[0.0]
top = np.matrix(top)
# create zeros
lhs_zero = np.array([np.zeros(A.shape[0])]).T
# transpose b
b_t = b.T
# initiate bottom variable
bottom = np.asarray(A.copy())
# concatenate those zeros and bottom
bottom = np.hstack((lhs_zero, bottom))
# concatenate bottom and b
bottom = np.hstack((bottom,b_t))
# now we concatenate top and bottom
tableau = np.vstack((top, bottom))
return tableau
def tableauToComponments(tableau):
Converts the tableau to regular components.
# let's create A
A = tableau[1:]
A = np.delete(A, 0, 1)
A = np.delete(A, A.shape[1]-1, 1)
# creating b
b = tableau[:,-1][1:].T
# creating c
c = tableau[0].tolist()[0][1:-1]
# creating z
z = tableau[0,-1]
return (A,b,c,z)
def findLeavingColumn(A, basis):
We'll use bland's other rule here
i.e we get the smallest index first; or rather
the first thing we find that isn't to scratch will suffice.
# iterate through the columns and see if we can
# find the identity matrix.
new_basis = []
for i in range(A.shape[1]):
# get the column
column = A[:,i].T.tolist()[0]
count_zero = 0
int_is_one = False
for j in column:
if j == 0: count_zero += 1
if j == 1: int_is_one = True
if int_is_one and count_zero == len(column)-1:
# create placeholder variable for our leaving
# column
odd_one_out = -1
for i in basis:
# this oneliner finds the first leaving value.
if i not in new_basis: odd_one_out = i; break
return (odd_one_out, new_basis)
def pivot(a, i, j):
Remember with elementary row operations you can do the following:
1. Multiply a row with a constant.
2. Add a row * constant to another row.
3. Swap the positions of two rows.
Pivoting on an entry T_(i,j) != 0 means transforming the matrix T into
a matrix T' by performing the following operations:
- multiply the ith row of T by 1/T_(i,j) (to make T_(i,j) == 1)
- For each k != i, add the ith row * constant to the kth row. (to
make T'_(k,j) = 0)
# make sure we simplify the code s.t i and j refer to np indexes.
i, j = i - 1, j - 1
# make a copy of the matrix we're going to manipulate
T = a.copy()
# get the pivot
pivot = T[i,j]
# 1. multiply the ith row of T by 1/T_(i,j) (to make T_(i,j) == 1)
divider = 1/pivot
T[i] = np.multiply(T[i], divider)
# 2. For each k != i, add the ith row * -constant to the kth row.
# (to make T'_(k,j) = 0)
for k in range(T.shape[0]):
if k != i:
# find the negative constant
constant = -T[k,j]
multiplier = np.multiply(T[i],constant)
T[k] = np.add(T[k], multiplier)
return T
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Bounded Example:
c = np.matrix([[2],[3],[0],[0],[0]], dtype=float)
a = np.matrix([
], dtype=float)
b = np.matrix([6,10,4])
basis = [3,4,5]
# -----------
# Unbounded Example:
# c = np.matrix([[-1],[3],[0],[0],[1]],dtype=float)
# a = np.matrix([
# [-2,4,1,0,1],
# [-3,7,0,1,1]
# ], dtype=float)
# b = np.matrix([1,3])
# basis = [3,4]
simplex(c, a, b, basis)
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thien commented Apr 6, 2018

I've verified the program to detect unbounded examples; that being said I've only tested it on two LPs. I'll update it in the event that other LPs break it.

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