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Created June 14, 2021 15:18
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Zalo - Dark Mode
// @namespace
// @description For
// @author Thien An Dang Thanh
// @homepage
// @include*
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include https://**
// @run-at document-start
// @version
// ==/UserScript==
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" }",
" .chat-info-general__section--border {",
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" }",
" .chat-onboard {",
" height: calc(100vh - 30px);",
" color: var(--white-300);",
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" color: white !important;",
" }",
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" background-color: #212121 !important;",
" }",
" .conv-container {",
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" color: white !important;",
" }",
" .item.pinned {",
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" }",
" .item-title-name {",
" color: white !important;",
" }",
" .item {",
" background: #212121 !important;",
" }",
" .item.selected,, {",
" background-color: #171717 !important;",
" }",
" .card, .card-title, .card-sender-name{",
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" color: white !important;",
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" {",
" background-color: #255eb3 !important;",
" }",
" .conv-label-title {",
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" }",
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" }",
" .suggest-friend-item:hover {",
" background-color: #000 !important;",
" }",
" .suggest-friend-content > .sgf-name {",
" color: white !important;",
" }",
" .data-list__label {",
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" color: white !important;",
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" .chat-info-general__action__item:hover:not(.no-hover) {",
" background: #000000 !important;",
" }",
" .quote-banner-content {",
" color: #000 !important;",
" }",
" .filter-tag-item.selected,, {",
" background: #1c1e21 !important;",
" color: white !important;",
" }",
" .filter-tag-item {",
" border-color: #0606ab !important;",
" color: #a0a8b1 !important;",
" background: #2d2c2c !important;",
" }",
" .fr-center-top {",
" background: #212121 !important;",
" }",
" .fr-center-top div{",
" color: white !important;",
" }",
" #searchResultList .list-friend-conctact, #contactList .list-friend-conctact, #groupList .list-friend-conctact {",
" color: white !important;",
" }",
" #contactList{",
" background: #353535 !important;",
" color: white !important;",
" }",
" .contact-list-item:hover {",
" background: #121213 !important;",
" }",
" .contact-list-item.selected,, {",
" background: #353535 !important;",
" }",
" .contact-list-item:hover.selected,, {",
" background: #121213 !important;",
" }",
" .chat-message__actions{",
" color: #000000 !important;",
" }",
" .card-send-time, .card-send-time__sendTime{",
" color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87) !important;",
" }",
" .chat-info-general__action__item:after{",
" border-bottom: 1px solid #484848 !important;",
" }",
" .reacts-list{",
" color: #2d2d2d !important;",
" }",
" > .chat-message-caption, > .chat-message-caption, > .chat-message-caption, > .card-send-time, > .card-send-time, > .card-send-time {",
" background: #255eb3 !important;",
" }",
" a {",
" color: #0068ff !important;",
" }",
".item-title-name span {",
" color: white !important;",
" margin-bottom: auto !important;",
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// no head yet, stick it whereever
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