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Created December 1, 2023 15:02
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# User specific aliases and functions
# source ~/bin/
alias ll="ls -al"
alias sw=switch
# oc shortcuts
alias op="oc project"
alias oga="oc get all"
alias ogd="oc get deploy"
alias ogdc="oc get dc"
alias ogp="oc get pods"
alias ogpr="oc get pods | grep Running"
alias ogpw="oc get pods -owide"
alias ogpv="oc get pv"
alias ogpvc="oc get pvc"
alias ogapp="oc -n openshift-gitops get app"
alias ogr="oc get rolebinding -o wide"
alias ogn="oc get nodes"
alias ognw="oc get nodes -o wide| cut -c1-200"
alias op="oc project"
alias ocd="oc describe"
alias ops="oc get namespaces"
alias oge="oc get events --sort-by=.lastTimestamp"
alias oged="oc get events --sort-by=.lastTimestamp -n default"
alias k9s="k9s --logoless"
# helm shortcuts
alias hl="helm list"
alias hcm=""
# git shortcuts
alias gs="git status"
alias gc="git commit"
alias gd="git diff"
alias gb="git branch"
alias gr="git remote"
alias ga="git add"
alias gr="git remote"
alias gco="git checkout"
alias gpu="git push"
alias gpl="git pull --ff-only"
#alias gl="git log --oneline --graph --decorate --pretty='format:%C(auto)%h %as %d %s'"
alias gl='git log --oneline --graph --decorate --pretty='\''format:%C(auto)%h %as %an %d %s'\'''
alias glc='git log --oneline --graph --decorate --pretty='\''format:%C(auto)%h %as %an %d %s'\'' --left-right --boundary '
alias gld="git log -p --graph --decorate"
alias glv="git log --name-only --graph --decorate"
alias gitc='git -c http.sslVerify=false'
alias virc="vi ~/.bashrc; source ~/.bashrc"
# context handling
alias lc="oc config get-contexts"
alias uc="export KUBECONFIG=\$HOME/.kube/config-combined; oc config use-context"
alias ocl="export KUBECONFIG=\$HOME/.kube/config-combined && oc login -u $K8S_USER"
alias ocdev="uc dev; if ! oc whoami &>/dev/null; then ocl; fi; refreshNS"
alias octest="uc test; if ! oc whoami &>/dev/null; then ocl; fi; refreshNS"
alias ocprod="uc prod; if ! oc whoami &>/dev/null; then ocl; fi; refreshNS"
alias oclab="uc lab; if ! oc whoami &>/dev/null; then ocl; fi; refreshNS"
function get_namespaces {
NSLIST=$(oc get ns -o custom-columns="" --no-headers)
echo "$NSLIST"
function refreshNS {
complete -W "$(get_namespaces)" op
echo "List of namespaces refreshed for cluster: $(op)"
alias ogevery="oc api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name| sort |xargs -n1 oc get --show-kind --ignore-not-found "
source ~/bin/
source ~/bin/
function ogall {
# get all names as a bash array
NAMES=( $(oc api-resources \
--namespaced \
--verbs list \
-o name \
| grep -v packagemanifest ) \
# Now join names into single string delimited with comma
# Note *, not @
unset IFS
echo "found $COUNT CRs"
# --show-kind is enabled implicitly
oc get --ignore-not-found "$NAMES"
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