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Created November 11, 2014 15:43
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A java version of game of line shamelessy stolen from rosetta code.
public class GameOfLife{
public static void main(String[] args){
String[] dish= {
int gens= 3;
for(int i= 0;i < gens;i++){
System.out.println("Generation " + i + ":");
dish= life(dish);
public static String[] life(String[] dish){
String[] newGen= new String[dish.length];
for(int row= 0;row < dish.length;row++){//each row
newGen[row]= "";
for(int i= 0;i < dish[row].length();i++){//each char in the row
String above= "";//neighbors above
String same= "";//neighbors in the same row
String below= "";//neighbors below
if(i == 0){//all the way on the left
//no one above if on the top row
//otherwise grab the neighbors from above
above= (row == 0) ? null : dish[row - 1].substring(i,
i + 2);
same= dish[row].substring(i + 1, i + 2);
//no one below if on the bottom row
//otherwise grab the neighbors from below
below= (row == dish.length - 1) ? null : dish[row + 1]
.substring(i, i + 2);
}else if(i == dish[row].length() - 1){//right
//no one above if on the top row
//otherwise grab the neighbors from above
above= (row == 0) ? null : dish[row - 1].substring(i - 1,
i + 1);
same= dish[row].substring(i - 1, i);
//no one below if on the bottom row
//otherwise grab the neighbors from below
below= (row == dish.length - 1) ? null : dish[row + 1]
.substring(i - 1, i + 1);
}else{//anywhere else
//no one above if on the top row
//otherwise grab the neighbors from above
above= (row == 0) ? null : dish[row - 1].substring(i - 1,
i + 2);
same= dish[row].substring(i - 1, i)
+ dish[row].substring(i + 1, i + 2);
//no one below if on the bottom row
//otherwise grab the neighbors from below
below= (row == dish.length - 1) ? null : dish[row + 1]
.substring(i - 1, i + 2);
int neighbors= getNeighbors(above, same, below);
if(neighbors < 2 || neighbors > 3){
newGen[row]+= "_";//<2 or >3 neighbors -> die
}else if(neighbors == 3){
newGen[row]+= "#";//3 neighbors -> spawn/live
newGen[row]+= dish[row].charAt(i);//2 neighbors -> stay
return newGen;
public static int getNeighbors(String above, String same, String below){
int ans= 0;
if(above != null){//no one above
for(char x: above.toCharArray()){//each neighbor from above
if(x == '#') ans++;//count it if someone is here
for(char x: same.toCharArray()){//two on either side
if(x == '#') ans++;//count it if someone is here
if(below != null){//no one below
for(char x: below.toCharArray()){//each neighbor below
if(x == '#') ans++;//count it if someone is here
return ans;
public static void print(String[] dish){
for(String s: dish){
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