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Created April 4, 2010 08:51
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" You can use ambiguous command.
" Version: 0.1.0
" Author : thinca <>
" License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.1 Japan License
" <>
if exists('g:loaded_ambicmd') || v:version < 702
let g:loaded_ambicmd = 1
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Ambiguous command.
function! s:ambicmd(key)
if getcmdtype() != ':'
return a:key
" TODO: The check is incomplete.
let cmd = matchstr(getcmdline()[:getcmdpos()], '^\S\{-}\zs\a\w*')
let state = exists(':' . cmd)
if cmd == '' || state == 1 || state == 2
return a:key
if state == 3
return "\<C-d>"
" Get command list.
redir => cmdlistredir
silent! command
redir END
let cmdlist = map(split(cmdlistredir, "\n")[1:],
\ 'matchstr(v:val, ''\a\w*'')')
" Search matching.
for pat in [
\ '\c^' . cmd . '$',
\ cmd,
\ '\C^' . substitute(toupper(cmd), '.', '\0\\l*', 'g') . '$',
\ '\C' . substitute(toupper(cmd), '.', '\0\\l*', 'g'),
\ '.*' . substitute(cmd, '.', '\0.*', 'g')]
let filtered = filter(copy(cmdlist), 'v:val =~? ' . string(pat))
if len(filtered) == 1
return repeat("\<BS>", strlen(cmd)) . filtered[0] . a:key
return a:key
" TODO: Uncustomizable.
cnoremap <expr> <Space> <SID>ambicmd("\<Space>")
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
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