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Last active August 9, 2020 06:22
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Debugging in Khoros/Freemarker
<#ftl strip_text=true />
@license MIT
@version 1.0
@name freemarker-debugger
@description Macros and functions used to generate a tabular view of the .locals, .main, and .data model.
@namespace debugger
Default usage (expands the top-level methods/attributes from .data_model):
<#import "debugger.ftl" as debugger />
<@debugger.debug />
More examples:
Expands first and second-level methods/attributes for the .locals (local variables and macro parameters)
<@debugger.debug debugObject=.locals depth=2 />
<@debugger.debugDynamic debugObject=.locals depth=2 />
Settings for the debugger
<#assign settings = {
"styleClassPrefix": "freemarker-debug",
"queryParamKey": "debugQuery",
"includeStyles": true,
"ignoredKeys": ["class"], <#-- Ignore keys that exactly match these values. Case-sensitive -->
"ignoredPatterns": ["org.springframework."] <#-- Ignore keys that start with these values. Case-sensitive -->
} />
Value of parameter used when dynamically expanding objects through links
<#if RequestParameters??>
<#assign debugQuery = (RequestParameters[settings.queryParamKey]!'')?trim />
<#assign debugQuery = "" />
@param debugObject Object to expand
@param depth How deep to expand the object
<#macro debug debugObject=.data_model depth=1 ignoredKeys = settings.ignoredKeys>
<#-- include optional table styling -->
<#if settings.includeStyles>
<@tableStyles />
<#local title = varClass(debugObject) />
<div class="${settings.styleClassPrefix}-wrapper">
<h2>Ignored Keys</h2>
<#list ignoredKeys as key>
Shortcut for enabling links on expandable objects
@param depth
<#macro debugDynamic depth=1>
<#-- include optional table styling -->
<#if settings.includeStyles>
<@tableStyles />
<div class="${settings.styleClassPrefix}-wrapper">
<#if debugQuery?has_content>
<#local root = getDebugRoot(debugQuery) />
<#local debugObject = debugObjectFromUrl(root.object, debugQuery) />
<#if debugObject?is_number && debugObject == -1>
<div class="${settings.styleClassPrefix}-error">
<strong>Error:</strong> Unable to parse ${debugQuery?string}
title=[{"title": ".data_model", "url": ""}]
Prints out expandable objects (hash_ex, sequences) in tabular form
@param debugObject Object to expand
@param depth How deep to expand the object
@param dynamic Boolean to make expandable objects a link to quickly drill-down into data
@param queryParam Parameter used in query string for direct debugging
@param title Title of the section
<#macro debugTable debugObject depth dynamic=false queryParam="" title="">
<#if isComplexObject(debugObject)>
<@tableWrapper title=title titleUrl=getDebugUrl(queryParam)>
<#if debugObject?is_hash_ex>
<#list debugObject?keys?sort as key>
<#if !ignoreKey(key)>
queryParam=buildQueryParam(key, queryParam, dynamic)
<#elseif debugObject?is_sequence>
<#list debugObject as obj>
<#if !ignoreKey(key)>
queryParam=buildQueryParam(obj_index, queryParam, dynamic)
<#if !ignoreKey(key)>
<@simpleValue value=debugObject />
Basic styles for the debug table
@param classPrefix Customizable class prefix used to give basic styles to the debug table.
<#macro tableStyles classPrefix=settings.styleClassPrefix>
<style type="text/css">
.${classPrefix}-wrapper {
color: #000;
background-color: #FFF; <#-- ensure that regardless of styles the content is visible -->
padding: 10px;
.${classPrefix}-wrapper a {
color: #00F;
text-decoration: none;
.${classPrefix}-wrapper a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
.${classPrefix}-table {
background-color: #FFF;
border-collapse: collapse;
border-spacing: 0;
border: 1px solid #000;
color: #000;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: normal;
height: 0;
margin: 10px 0;
max-width: 100%;
transition: height .2s;
width: 100%;
.${classPrefix}-table .${classPrefix}-table {
margin: 0;
.${classPrefix}-table tr:hover > td {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 255, .1);
.${classPrefix}-table th {
text-align: left;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #EEE;
.${classPrefix}-table th,
.${classPrefix}-table td {
padding: 4px 8px;
vertical-align: top;
border: 1px solid #000;
.${classPrefix}-table td {
background-color: #FFF;
.${classPrefix}-table td.${classPrefix}-expanded {
padding: 0;
.${classPrefix}-table td.${classPrefix}-expanded > .${classPrefix}-table {
border: 0;
.${classPrefix}-table td.${classPrefix}-expanded > .${classPrefix}-table th {
border-top: 0;
.${classPrefix}-table td.${classPrefix}-expanded > .${classPrefix}-table tr:last-child td {
border-bottom: 0;
.${classPrefix}-table td.${classPrefix}-expanded > .${classPrefix}-table .${classPrefix}-col-left {
border-left: 0;
.${classPrefix}-table td.${classPrefix}-expanded > .${classPrefix}-table .${classPrefix}-col-right {
border-right: 0;
.${classPrefix}-col-left {
width: 15%;
.${classPrefix}-table a {
display: block;
.${classPrefix}-table .${classPrefix}-top-link a {
display: inline-block;
.${classPrefix}-empty {
color: #999;
.${classPrefix}-truncate {
display: block;
.${classPrefix}-expanded > a {
padding: 4px 8px;
.${classPrefix}-error {
color: #C00;
margin: 5px 0;
.${classPrefix}-error p {
font-size: 14px;
Shortcut for table structure
@param title
@param titleUrl
FIXME: this is ugly
<#macro tableWrapper title="" titleUrl="">
<table class="${settings.styleClassPrefix}-table">
<#if title?has_content>
<th class="${settings.styleClassPrefix}-col-left" colspan="2">
<#-- TODO: ugly logic, fix -->
<#if title?is_sequence>
<div class="${settings.styleClassPrefix}-top-link">
<#list title as x>
<#if x_has_next>
<a href="${x.url?string}">${x.title?string}</a><#t/>
<#elseif titleUrl?has_content>
<a href='${titleUrl?string}'>
<th class="${settings.styleClassPrefix}-col-left">Key</th>
<th class="${settings.styleClassPrefix}-col-right">Value</th>
<#nested />
Determines if a value is a sequence or a hash_ex and can be expanded. Ignores objects that are both sequence+method.
@param object Object to determine if it is a hash_ex or sequence
@returns boolean
<#function isComplexObject object>
<#if (object?is_sequence && object?is_method)>
<#return false />
<#elseif (object?is_hash_ex || object?is_sequence)>
<#return true />
<#return false />
@param key
@param value
@param depth How deep to expand the object
@param dynamic Boolean to make expandable objects a link to quickly drill-down into data
@param queryParam Parameter used in query string for direct debugging
<#macro properties key value depth dynamic queryParam="">
<#if ignoreKey(key)>
<#return />
<#local isComplex = isComplexObject(value) />
<#if isComplex>
<#if ((depth > 1) || dynamic) && value?has_content>
<#local expandedClass = " " + settings.styleClassPrefix + "-expanded" />
<td class="${settings.styleClassPrefix}-col-left">${key?string}</td>
<td class="${settings.styleClassPrefix}-col-right${expandedClass!}">
<#if isComplex>
queryParam=queryParam />
<@simpleValue value=value />
Determines if a key should be ignored according to the settings.
@param key
@returns boolean
<#function ignoreKey key = false>
<#if key?is_string>
<#if settings.ignoredKeys?seq_contains(key)>
<#return true />
<#list settings.ignoredPatterns as pattern>
<#if key?starts_with(pattern)>
<#return true />
<#return false />
Displays a simple value (not hash_ex or sequence)
@param value
<#macro simpleValue value>
<#-- METHOD -->
<#-- check first because ?has_content doesn't work on methods -->
<#-- TODO: See what methods can be expanded -->
<#if value?is_method>
<#-- ?has_content evaluates to false for these -->
<#elseif value?is_macro>
<#elseif value?has_content>
<#-- NUMBER -->
<#if value?is_number>
${value?c}<#-- prevent number formatting -->
<#-- DATE -->
<#-- TODO: format -->
<#elseif value?is_date>
date: ${value?date}
<#-- BOOLEAN -->
<#elseif value?is_boolean>
<#-- HASH -->
<#-- TODO: Look into how to expand this -->
<#elseif value?is_hash>
<#-- STRING -->
<#-- always check string last since some objects will evaluate
to string as well as another type -->
<#elseif value?is_string>
<#-- show full value in source -->
<!-- ${value?string} -->
${truncateString(value)?string}<#-- prevent injection -->
<em class="${settings.styleClassPrefix}-empty">(empty)</em>
Function to determine what the debug url will be
@param queryParam Parameter used in query string for direct debugging
@returns string
<#function getDebugUrl queryParam>
<#local url = getBaseUrl() />
<#if debugQuery?has_content>
<#local url = url + debugQuery + queryParam />
<#local url = url + queryParam />
<#return url />
Determine the base debug url
@returns string
<#function getBaseUrl>
<#local url = "?" />
<#if RequestParameters?has_content>
<#list RequestParameters?keys as paramKey>
<#if paramKey != settings.queryParamKey>
<#local url = url + paramKey + "=" + RequestParameters[paramKey] + "&" />
<#return (url + settings.queryParamKey + "=") />
Builds the parameter to use in the query string for debugging
@param key
@param debugQueryPrefix
@param dynamic
@returns string
<#function buildQueryParam key debugQueryPrefix="" dynamic=false>
<#-- only build if it is debugDynamic -->
<#if !dynamic>
<#return "" />
<#local urlParam = "[" + (key?is_number)?string(key, '"' + key + '"') + "]" />
<#return (debugQueryPrefix + urlParam) />
Handles the output of hash_ex and sequences
@param key
@param value
@param depth How deep to expand the object
@param dynamic Boolean to make expandable objects a link to quickly drill-down into data
@param queryParam Parameter used in query string for direct debugging
<#macro complexValue key value depth dynamic queryParam="">
<#-- store class name -->
<#if value?is_string && value?is_hash_ex>
<#local className = varClass(value) />
<#local fullValue = value /><#-- prevent injection -->
<#local shortValue = truncateString(value) /><#-- prevent injection -->
<#if (depth > 1) && (value?has_content)>
depth=(depth - 1)
title=className!'' />
<#local staticValue = (value?is_hash_ex)?string("hash_ex", "sequence") + "(" + value?size + ")" />
<#-- show class name for hash_ex -->
<#if value?is_string && value?is_hash_ex>
<#-- show full value in source -->
<!-- ${fullValue!} -->
<#local staticValue = staticValue + " " + (shortValue!'') />
<#if dynamic>
<a href='${getDebugUrl(queryParam)?string}'>${staticValue}</a>
Truncates large strings
@param string
@param maxLength The length to truncate the string to
@returns string
<#function truncateString string maxLength=100>
<#if string?is_string && (string?length > maxLength)>
<#return string?substring(0, 100) + "…" />
<#return string />
Helper macro that outputs a variable type
@param var
<#macro variableType var>
${var?is_string?string("is_string<br/>", "")}
${var?is_number?string("is_number<br/>", "")}
${var?is_boolean?string("is_date<br/>", "")}
${var?is_date?string("is_date<br/>", "")}
${var?is_method?string("is_method<br/>", "")}
${var?is_transform?string("is_transform<br/>", "")}
${var?is_macro?string("is_macro<br/>", "")}
${var?is_hash?string("is_hash<br/>", "")}
${var?is_hash_ex?string("is_hash_ex<br/>", "")}
${var?is_sequence?string("is_sequence<br/>", "")}
${var?is_collection?string("is_collection<br/>", "")}
${var?is_enumerable?string("is_enumerable<br/>", "")}
${var?is_indexable?string("is_indexable<br/>", "")}
${var?is_directive?string("is_directive<br/>", "")}
${var?is_node?string("is_node<br/>", "")}
${var?has_content?string("has_content<br/>", "")}
Gets the class of a var if applicable
@param value
@returns string
<#function varClass value>
<#if value?is_hash_ex && ((value.class)??)>
<#return value.class />
<#return "" />
Rebuild the debug object from the url parameter.
@param root
@param query
<#function debugObjectFromUrl root query>
<#local convertedArray = convertArray(query) />
<#return validObject(root, convertedArray) />
Determine the debug root information based on the query
@param query
@returns object
<#function getDebugRoot query>
<#-- default to data_model -->
<#local object = .data_model />
<#local title = ".data_model" />
<#-- .locals -->
<#if query?starts_with(".locals")>
<#local object = .locals />
<#local title = ".locals" />
<#-- .main -->
<#elseif query?starts_with(".main")>
<#local object = .main />
<#local title = ".main" />
<#-- .namespace -->
<#elseif query?starts_with(".namespace")>
<#local object = .namespace />
<#local title = ".namespace" />
<#return { "object": object, "title": title } />
Converts the debug query into an array of strings and numbers
@param query
@returns array
<#function convertArray query>
<#if query?contains("[") && query?contains("]")>
<#-- chop off front and back brackets, then split on '][' to form array -->
<#local query = query?substring(
query?index_of("[") + 1,
) />
<#if query?contains("][")>
<#local queryArray = query?split("][") />
<#local queryArray = [query] />
<#-- remove quotes for strings, convert others to numbers -->
<#local convertedArray = [] />
<#list queryArray as q>
<#if q?starts_with('"')>
<#local str = q?substring(1, q?length - 1) />
<#local convertedArray = convertedArray + [str?j_string] />
<#local convertedArray = convertedArray + [q?number] />
<#return convertedArray />
<#return [] />
Function to check if the value we're debugging exists
@param debugParent
@param array
@returns boolean
<#function validObject debugParent array>
<#local obj = debugParent />
<#list array as x>
<#if (obj[x]??)>
<#local obj = obj[x] />
<#return -1 />
<#return obj />
Builds a top-level list of links for easier traversal
@param query
@returns array
<#function getTitleLink query>
<#local root = getDebugRoot(query) />
<#local convertedArray = convertArray(query) />
<#local url = getBaseUrl() + root.title />
<#local urlList = [{
"title": root.title,
"url": url
}] />
<#list convertedArray as k>
<#if k?is_string>
<#local title = '["' + k + '"]' />
<#local title = '[' + k?string + ']' />
<#local url = url + title />
<#local urlList = urlList + [{
"title": title,
"url": url
}] />
<#return urlList />
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