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Created September 5, 2016 04:25
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Ambidextrous SCARA Kinematics
* Ambidextrous SCARA Kinematics with optimized mathematics
// Lengths of the arm segments
// If the lengths are the same the maths can be optimized
arm1_length = 5;
arm2_length = 3;
arm_sum = arm1_length + arm2_length;
// Animate over a circular path
tt = ($t * 10) - floor($t * 10);
RIGHT = tt > 0.5;
$fn = 30;
// Move Z up and down in time
ZPOS = sin($t * 360) * 4 + 5.5;
// Move in a circular path
pos = circular_position(tt);
if (RIGHT)
translate([LEFT?-arm_sum:0, 0, 0])
right_arm(pos[0], pos[1], arm1_length, arm2_length, ZPOS);
if (LEFT)
translate([RIGHT?arm_sum:0, 0, 0])
left_arm(pos[0], pos[1], arm1_length, arm2_length, ZPOS);
function sq(x) = x * x;
function hypot2(a, b) = sq(a)+sq(b);
function length(a, b) = sqrt(hypot2(a, b));
// Inverse kinematics functions for a scara style arm
// See,283327
// Angle equations for differing arm lengths
function angA(L1, L2, D2) = acos((D2 + (sq(L2) - sq(L1))) / (2 * L2 * sqrt(D2)));
function angB(L1, L2, D2) = acos((D2 - hypot2(L2, L1)) / (2 * L1 * L2));
function l_ang2(x, y, L1, L2, D2) = atan2(y, x) - angA(L1, L2, D2);
function r_ang2(x, y, L1, L2, D2) = atan2(y, x) + angA(L1, L2, D2);
// Simplified angle equations for identical arm lengths
function s_angA(L1, D2) = acos(D2 / (2 * L1 * sqrt(D2)));
function s_angB(L1, D2) = acos((D2 - (2 * sq(L1))) / (2 * sq(L1)));
function sl_ang2(x, y, L1, D2) = atan2(y, x) - s_angA(L1, D2);
function sr_ang2(x, y, L1, D2) = atan2(y, x) + s_angA(L1, D2);
* Left-Arm solution for SCARA
module left_arm(x, y, L1, L2, Z) {
D2 = hypot2(x, y);
B = -((L1 == L2) ? s_angB(L1, D2) : angB(L1, L2, D2));
A = ((L1 == L2) ? sl_ang2(x, y, L1, D2) : l_ang2(x, y, L1, L2, D2)) - B;
scara_arm(A, B, L1, L2, Z);
* Right-Arm solution for SCARA
module right_arm(x, y, L1, L2, Z) {
D2 = hypot2(x, y);
B = (L1 == L2) ? s_angB(L1, D2) : angB(L1, L2, D2);
A = ((L1 == L2) ? sr_ang2(x, y, L1, D2) : r_ang2(x, y, L1, L2, D2)) - B;
scara_arm(A, B, L1, L2, Z);
module scara_arm(A, B, L1, L2, Z) {
ARM_R = 0.3;
translate([0,0,9.5-Z]) {
difference() {
color([1,1,1]) cylinder(r=arm_sum, h=0.25, center=true, $fn=100);
cube([3*arm_sum, 3*arm_sum-8, 10], center=true);
cylinder(r=0.7,h=9.5, $fn=90);
color([0.5,0.5,1]) translate([0,0,9.5]) cylinder(r=1.7,h=1,center=true);
rotate([0, 0, A]) { // Arm A
segment(L1, ARM_R);
translate([L1, 0, 0]) {
rotate([0, 0, B]) { // Arm B
segment(L2, ARM_R);
cylinder(r1=0.1, r2=0.5, h=1);
// Draw an arm segment with the given color and length.
module segment(l, r) { rotate([0,90]) cylinder(r=r,h=l,$fn=18); }
module curve() polygon([for(a=[0 : 0.0125 : 0.5]) circular_position(a)]);
module extrusion(Z) {
color([1,0.4,0.5]) linear_extrude(Z-0.1) difference() {
offset(-.05) curve();
function circular_position(f) = [ 1.5* sin(f*720+180) * arm2_length/2, (arm_sum-arm2_length/2-0.0001) - cos(f*720+180) * arm2_length/2 ];
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