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Joel Serino thinq4yourself

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I hereby claim:

  • I am thinq4yourself on github.
  • I am thinq4yourself ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDdHtSNwwmTapOM3zM1aLPtuymNpqo_wSt5apbdS292BQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

'use strict';
.directive('gsImageUpload', function ($timeout, $window) {
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
var inputEle = document.querySelector('.thanks-image-input');
var canvasEle = element.children()[0].children[0];
var ctx = canvasEle.getContext('2d');
'use strict';
GiftStarterApp.directive('gsImageUpload', gsImageUpload);
function gsImageUpload($timeout, $window) {
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
var inputEle = document.querySelector('.thanks-image-input');
var canvasEle = element.children()[0].children[0];
'use strict';
(function() {
class MainController {
constructor($http, $scope, socket) {
this.$http = $http;
this.awesomeThings = [];
'use strict';
var controllername = 'main';
module.exports = function(app) {
var fullname = + '.' + controllername;
/*jshint validthis: true */
var deps = [];
function controller() {
A note from the engineer
###### (i.e. "The Fun Stuff")
This update **highly optimizes** the Gift Campaign page flow to emphasize the most important modules while making it easy to find and use the not-so important modules while guiding the user through a seamless purchasing process.
This update began with the intent to optimize the placement of the 'Pitch-In' `(primary)` and 'Invite Friends' `(secondary)` buttons on the Gift Campaign page and turned into an optimization of the entire page, payment, and share flow to get one step closer to the [Collaborator User Funnel]( Up-and-beyond changing, removing, adding, and updating components within the page, the page itself is getting a major update.
Most noticeably, the pitch in grid has a button directly beneath it allowing the a user to click a few tiles and click "pitch in" a lot quicker and easier than they could before. Much more, on large screens, the pitch in grid and pitch in buttons are always visi

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We ♥ you.

~ Dasiy @WriteOn

Hello Friend! This is awesome, isn't it?

Any .markdown or .md file can be opened by going to!

We ♥ you.

~ Dasiy @WriteOn

thinq4yourself / gist:0b4b403f524e6efa5fc4
Created September 11, 2014 04:48
Send me bitcoin not dollhairs
Verifying that +thinq4yourself is my Bitcoin username. You can send me #bitcoin here:
thinq4yourself / Monsanto, CDC, Pentagon And Others Will Make Billions With Ebola
Created August 4, 2014 20:17
Monsanto, CDC, Pentagon And Others Will Make Billions With Ebola
# **Monsanto, CDC, Pentagon And Others Will Make $Billions$ With Ebola**
### This article originally appeared on [Whiteout Press](
August 4, 2014. Atlanta. (ONN) Panic is slowly spreading across the globe, just like the deadly and incurable Ebola virus. Americans in particular are shocked and outraged that their government is purposely bringing the disease into their country rather than quarantine the victims in Africa. These are the very same experts just humiliated for their incompetent mishandling of Bubonic Plague and a host of other pandemic-causing diseases. And why are Monsanto, the CDC and the Dept of Defense in the middle of it all?
Possibly the two most feared and hated entities on Earth are the US military and the Monsanto corporation. Together, they gave the world the WMD Agent Orange and more recently, genetically modified organisms (GMOs). So it probably shouldn’t have been a surprise to find out they