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Last active December 14, 2022 18:02
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Quick and dirty code for the automatable puzzles in the gchq Christmas Card puzzle 2022
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import words
class Gear:
def __init__(self, word, direction):
# letters on the teeth, assuming the first character in the string is the initial gear setting
# and you read the letters in a clockwise sequence
self.word = word
# whether the gear rotates anti-clockwise (1) or clockwise (-1)
self.direction = direction
def rotate(self, num_steps):
Returns the character that the gear should "rotate" to given a number of steps
increments = (num_steps % len(self.word)) * self.direction
return self.word[increments]
def analysis_problem():
Finds all the even length words in the sentence
message = "The Director has written his usual Christmas message but now uncover the odd one out amongst the words forming these two sentences Its odd because its not odd"
tokens = message.split()
even = []
for token in tokens:
if len(token) % 2 == 0:
return even
def coding_problem():
Brute forces all the possible solutions to the grid problem
Checks if all three rows are valid 3 letter word rows and then if the final state creates a 9 letter word
# get all words'words')
word_list = words.words()
# initial problem constraints
initial_state = [["f", "o", "r"], ["m", "a", "t"], ["i", "o", "n"]]
blue_word = "part"
green_word = "eyes"
gold_word = "uncurl"
# finds all the valid words for row 0
print("checking row 0...")
row_0_valid_words = []
for gold_character in gold_word:
for blue_character in blue_word:
row_0 = initial_state[0]
row_0[0] = gold_character
row_0[1] = blue_character
result = ''.join(row_0)
if result in words.words():
unique_row_0 = set(row_0_valid_words)
print(f"{len(unique_row_0)} unique solutions found: {unique_row_0}")
# finds all the valid words for row 1
print("checking row 1...")
row_1_valid_words = []
for gold_character in gold_word:
for blue_character in blue_word:
for green_character in green_word:
row_1 = initial_state[1]
row_1[0] = blue_character
row_1[1] = green_character
row_1[2] = gold_character
result = ''.join(row_1)
if result in words.words():
unique_row_1 = set(row_1_valid_words)
print(f"{len(unique_row_1)} unique solutions found: {unique_row_1}")
# finds all the valid words for row 2
print("checking row 2...")
row_2_valid_words = []
for gold_character in gold_word:
for blue_character in blue_word:
for green_character in green_word:
row_2 = initial_state[2]
row_2[0] = blue_character
row_2[1] = gold_character
row_2[2] = green_character
result = ''.join(row_2)
if result in words.words():
unique_row_2 = set(row_2_valid_words)
print(f"{len(unique_row_2)} solutions found: {unique_row_2}")
# finds a combination of valid words from the rows that creates a valid 9 letter word
print("finding valid 9 letter word(s)...")
solutions = []
for row_0_valid in unique_row_0:
for row_1_valid in unique_row_1:
for row_2_valid in unique_row_2:
candidate = row_0_valid + row_1_valid + row_2_valid
if candidate in words.words():
return solutions
def engineering_problem():
Returns the word given a series of gears objects
Could probably make it so you can create a GearPuzzle class
which specifies an original direction and if any Gears are connected
by a chain to calculate rotation direction to make this scale to any size
puzzle but I'll leave that for another time
gear_0 = Gear("RMNOPQ", -1)
gear_1 = Gear("EFGHIJKL", 1)
gear_2 = Gear("JBCDEFGHI", 1)
gear_3 = Gear("KLMNO", -1)
gear_4 = Gear("XYZTUVW", -1)
gears = [gear_0, gear_1, gear_2, gear_3, gear_4]
word = []
for gear in gears:
return ''.join(word)
def next_alpha(s, increment):
Returns the letter in the alphabet that is x away from the given letter
return chr((ord(s.upper()) + increment - 65) % 26 + 65)
def codebreaking_problem():
Brute forces the Caesar Shift
This doesn't actually WORK because NLTK doesn't recognise plurals
A bit of sanitisation could handle it or you could just read the final output
# only handles the obvious what.3.words address
coded_string = "pvucpbse.hsje.sfkpjot"
# removes full stop to make checking if it's all words easier
coded_string_tokens = coded_string.split('.')
for i in range (1, 26):
result = []
# increments all characters in string
for token in coded_string_tokens:
result.append(''.join([next_alpha(char, i) for char in token]).lower())
# checks if all resultant words are valid english words
is_word = True
for potential_word in result:
if potential_word not in words.words():
is_word = False
print(f"{potential_word} is a valid english word!")
# if they are, assume that this is the answer
if is_word:
return result
# would be interesting to see if there are any sentences that are
# Caesar Shift hash collisions
return ("No valid Caesar Shift found")
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