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Created December 6, 2017 03:46
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The implementation of all linked list operations in C++
using namespace std;
//built node .... node = (data and pointer)
struct node //node or link
int data; //data item
node* next; //pointer to next node
//built linked list
class linkedlist
node* head; //head or first ... pointer to the first node
linkedlist() //constructor
head=NULL; //head pointer points to null in the beginning == empty list
void addElementFirst(int d); //add element (one node)
void addElementEnd(int d); //add element (one node)
void addElementAfter(int d,int b); //add element b after node d
void deleteElement(int d);
void display(); //display all nodes
//1-Push front code
void linkedlist::addElementFirst(int d)
//create new node with name newNode with the same size of node and make it pointer to node
node* newNode=new node; //new node means allocate the same size of the node
newNode->data=d; //give newNode data which is d ...we used -> operator not . operator because newNode is pointer to class .... and we don't use;
newNode->next=head; //make the pointer of new node (newNode) which called (next) points to where the head pointer points to it NOW
head=newNode; //make head pointer points to the new node (newNode)
//1-Push back code
void linkedlist::addElementEnd(int x)
node* newNode=new node; //newNode is the pointer of the new node
node* temp=new node; //temp or fromStartToEnd is the pointer must be pointer to the same as head points
temp=head; //fromStartToEnd is the pointer must be pointer to the same as head points
newNode->data=x; //in newNode in data put x
if(temp==NULL) //means if linked list is empty
return; //to end function
//if not,if there end(head in first then called end) points to node
temp=temp->next; //make end pointer points to the next node
newNode->next=NULL; //make put pointer points to null
temp->next=newNode; //then make end pointer points to the new node (put)
//if d=5,key=2
void linkedlist::addElementAfter(int d,int key) //d is the value that we want
node* search=new node; //search is pointer must search to points to the node that we want
search=head; //firstly search must points to what head points
while(search!=NULL) //if linked list has nodes and is not empty
if(search->data==d) //if our pointer points to the same value we search
node* newNode=new node; //create new node called newNode and make it pointer to node
newNode->data=key; //put key in data in newNode
newNode->next=search->next; //make the next of newNode pointer to the next to search pointer
search->next=newNode; //then make search pointer to the newNode
return; //or break;
//else,means make want pointer to the new next
//if search pointer to null means empty linked list or we reached to the last element and not found the node that we want
if(search==NULL) //if linked list empty
cout<<"The link not inserted because there is not found the node "<<d<<" in the LinkedList. "<<endl;
void linkedlist::deleteElement(int d)
node* del; //del is pointer points to node
del=head; //first we make del points to where the head points
if(del==NULL) //means if linked list is empty
cout<<"Linked list is empty"<<endl;
return; //return to main
if(del->data==d) //if first element in linked list is the element that we want to delete ... or one element is what we want
head=del->next; //make head points to the next to del
//if(del->data!=d) .... the same
if(del->next==NULL) //if first element in linked list is not the element that we want to delete ... or one element is not what we want
cout<<"Is not here, So not deleted."<<endl;
//if here more one node points to another node ... bigger than 2 nodes .. at least 2 nodes
cout<<"Is not here, So not deleted."<<endl;
//void linkedlist::display(node *head)
void linkedlist::display()
int n=0; //counter for number of node
node* current=head; //current is pointer points to where head point .... same as node* current=new node; current=head;
//if linked list is empty
if (current==NULL)
cout<<"This is empty linked list."<<endl;
//if linked list has nodes
while(current!=NULL) //until current reach to null (last element)
cout<<"The node data number "<<++n<<" is "<<current->data<<endl; //print data
current=current->next; //move to next node
int main()
linkedlist li; //li is object from linkedlist class
li.display(); //empty list
li.addElementFirst(25); //head->25->NULL
li.addElementFirst(36); //head->36->25->NULL
li.addElementFirst(49); //head->49->36->25->NULL
li.addElementFirst(64); //head->64->49->36->25->NULL
cout<<"After adding in the first of linked list"<<endl;
//head->64->49->36->25->NULL //current linked list from prev addElementFirst method
cout<<"After adding in the end of linked list"<<endl;
li.addElementEnd(25); //head->25->NULL
li.addElementEnd(36); //head->25->36->NULL
li.addElementEnd(49); //head->25->36->49->NULL
li.addElementEnd(64); //head->25->36->49->64->NULL
cout<<"linked list after adding 10 after node that has data = 49"<<endl;
cout<<"linked list after adding deleting 49"<<endl;
//Notice :delete the first 49 ... not permission for duplicates
for(int i=0; li.size() ;++i)
return 0;
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