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Last active August 5, 2019 15:19
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Andre's User Manual

My style (INTJ-A)

  • System 2 thinker when tackling new problems. When in unfamiliar territory (as is often the case in startups), I may need time to collect my thoughts. I organize my thinking by being alone and reflecting, before getting back to you.
  • System 1 for problems within my domain of knowledge. This also means that I may occasionally jump to conclusions that can be questionable. Stop me if this happens, I want my assumptions to be challenged.
  • Critical, both inwards and outwards. I try to approach every idea and thought critically, including my own. If it sounds like I’m shooting you down, I’m really not. I believe there is no such thing as “your idea” or “my idea”; there is only “an idea”, and I want to help make it a damn good one.
  • I prefer discussions to be engaging. While I try to take meeting notes, this can be difficult when engaging in debate. If I stop you mid-conversation or ask you to repeat yourself, I mean no disrespect. I value your input and want to remember it.
  • Your working hours may not be mine. Please do not feel obliged to reply if I ping you at odd hours. When a thought hits me, I may reach out to you on Slack (even on weekends) because I’m afraid I’ll lose it if I wait. Don’t feel pressured to reply.

What I value

  • Selflessness. The significance of this cannot be overstated. I believe when people hold the interests of the team above their own, problems aren’t really problems because everyone wants the same thing.
    • Transparency. I find teams to be much more effective when people can be open about their intentions.
  • Strong opinions, weakly held. I respect people who are very opinionated, with arguments driven by facts. I respect people more so when they can let go of their convictions, in light of new information.
  • Constructive criticism. I want your feedback, both positive and negative. The harder the truth hits, the more I need to hear it. I will strive to reciprocate this.
  • Prose over slides. I find prose encourages greater attention to detail and depth of thought. If the same can be accomplished with bullet points, that works for me too.
  • Clear and concise documentation. I am a huge fan of documentation in any form, both technical and organisational. I want to read and learn about how your team operates, without having to bother you incessantly with questions.

What I can’t stand

  • Meetings that waste time. This can take the form of distracted participants, meetings without agendas, or being unprepared.
  • Being manipulated. We’re all on the same team, be direct and forthcoming with your intentions. Don’t play your colleagues.
  • Being blindsided. I am comfortable if everything is on fire, and we’re committed to fixing it together. I am not comfortable if I realize the fire has been burning for months. Come to me early if you face problems and blockers.

Best way to communicate with me

  • Straight, direct communication. We’re all busy people, so getting to the point is important to me. I will do the same with you while being sensitive to your feelings.
  • I am a very visual learner. I am most effective with a marker in hand. If you see me looking lost, it often helps to whiteboard things out.
  • Slack, if you need a quick answer. I try to respond quickly when contacted via Slack. The exception is during my deep work hours, which tend to be 10-11.30AM daily and 1-4.30PM on Tues/Thurs (GMT +8:00); I may still read your messages, but I will not reply immediately unless urgent.
  • Email, if you need depth of thought and can wait. I take a longer time to respond to emails, but I tend to be more deliberate in my replies.
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