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Created May 8, 2017 14:15
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import os
import numpy
import audioread
import librosa
__available_post_processing_methods__ = {}
def load_audio(filename, sr, mono):
# output is (1, n_samples, n_channels)
if os.path.isfile(filename):
if os.path.getsize(filename) > 0:
# file info
af_info = audioread.audio_open(filename)
n_channels = af_info.channels if not mono else 1
duration_sec = af_info.duration
duration_smp = int(duration_sec * sr)
duration_smp = int(numpy.ceil(duration_smp / sr - 1 / sr) * sr)
# load audio
x, fs = librosa.core.load(filename, sr=sr, mono=mono)
x = librosa.util.fix_length(x, duration_smp)
x = x.reshape((n_channels, duration_smp, 1)).T
print('\n\nSize of file {} is {}.\n'.format(os.path.basename(filename), os.path.getsize(filename)))
return None, None
raise IOError('File not found {}'.format(filename))
return x, fs
def segment_audio(x, sr, frame_size_sec, hop_size_sec=None, **kwargs):
n_channels = x.shape[-1]
n_samples = x.shape[1]
frame_size_smp = int(frame_size_sec * sr)
hop_size_smp = int(hop_size_sec * sr) if hop_size_sec is not None else frame_size_smp
frame_list = []
start = 0
while start < n_samples - (frame_size_smp - hop_size_smp):
end = int(numpy.min((start + frame_size_smp, n_samples)))
frame = x[:, start:end, :]
if frame.shape[1] < frame_size_smp:
pad_matrix = numpy.zeros((1, frame_size_smp - frame.shape[1], n_channels))
frame = numpy.concatenate((frame, pad_matrix), axis=1)
start += hop_size_smp
return numpy.array(frame_list)[:, 0, :] # numpy.squeeze(frame_list, axis=1)
__available_post_processing_methods__['segment_audio'] = segment_audio
def normalize(x, **kwargs):
n_segments = x.shape[0]
n_channels = x.shape[-1]
for segment in range(n_segments):
norm_val = numpy.max(numpy.max(numpy.abs(x[segment]), axis=1 if n_channels == 2 else 0))
x[segment] /= norm_val
return x
__available_post_processing_methods__['normalize'] = normalize
def mel_spectrogram(src, sr=12000, n_fft=512, n_mels=96, hop_len=256, dura=29.12, **kwargs):
src = src[0, :, 0].T
n_sample = src.shape[0]
n_sample_wanted = int(dura * sr)
# trim the signal at the center
if n_sample < n_sample_wanted: # if too short
src = numpy.hstack((src, numpy.zeros((int(dura * sr) - n_sample,))))
elif n_sample > n_sample_wanted: # if too long
src = src[int((n_sample - n_sample_wanted) / 2):int((n_sample + n_sample_wanted) / 2)]
logam = librosa.logamplitude
melgram = librosa.feature.melspectrogram
x = logam(
melgram(y=src, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_len, n_fft=n_fft, n_mels=n_mels) ** 2,
# x = numpy.expand_dims(x, axis=3)
x = numpy.expand_dims(numpy.expand_dims(x, axis=3), axis=0)
return x
__available_post_processing_methods__['mel_spectrogram'] = mel_spectrogram
def get_item_data(item_filename, sr=44100, mono=True, post_processing_list=None, default_data_shape=None):
item_data, _ = load_audio(item_filename, sr, mono)
if item_data is None:
return numpy.zeros(default_data_shape)
if post_processing_list is not None:
if type(post_processing_list) is not list:
post_processing_list = [post_processing_list]
for postproc_stage in post_processing_list:
for method_name, params in postproc_stage.items():
if method_name in __available_post_processing_methods__.keys():
method = __available_post_processing_methods__[method_name]
if 'sr' in method.__code__.co_varnames:
params['sr'] = sr
elif method_name == '_hash':
break # just ignore
raise IOError('Method not available {}'.format(method_name))
if params['enable']:
item_data = method(item_data, **params)
return item_data
class VerySimpleGenerator():
def __init__(self, files_df, batch_size=1, mono=True, desired_fs=22050,
shuffle=True, label_str='scene_label', post_processing_list=None, **kwargs):
self.files_df = files_df # pd.DataFrame: for training: columns=['path', 'label',..], for test ['path']
self.n_files = len(self.files_df)
self.shuffle = shuffle
if self.shuffle:
self.files_df = self.files_df.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)
self.label_str = label_str
if self.label_str in self.files_df.columns:
# check if str label or already code
item_label = self.files_df.iloc[numpy.random.randint(0, self.n_files)][self.label_str]
if all(isinstance(item, int) and item in [0, 1] for item in item_label):
self.label_already_formatted = True
self.label_already_formatted = False
self.class_labels = self.files_df[self.label_str].unique()
self.n_classes = len(self.class_labels)
print('{} was not found in df'.format(label_str))
self.post_processing_list = post_processing_list
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.mono = mono
self.desired_fs = desired_fs
self.n_frames = None
self.frame_size_smp = None
self.n_channels = None
self.duration_smp = None
self.n_batches = None
self.item_shape = self.get_item_shape()
def get_num_batches(self):
if self.n_batches is None:
self.n_batches = int(numpy.ceil(len(self.files_df) / self.batch_size))
return self.n_batches
def get_item_shape(self):
# get a random file in the data set
f = self.files_df.iloc[numpy.random.randint(self.n_files)]['path']
# return its shape
return numpy.shape(self.get_item_data(f))
def get_item_data(self, item_filename):
item_data, sr = load_audio(item_filename, self.desired_fs, self.mono)
if item_data is None:
return numpy.zeros(self.get_item_shape())
if self.post_processing_list is not None:
if type(self.post_processing_list) is not list:
self.post_processing_list = [self.post_processing_list]
for postproc_stage in self.post_processing_list:
for method_name, params in postproc_stage.items():
if method_name in __available_post_processing_methods__.keys():
method = __available_post_processing_methods__[method_name]
if 'sr' in method.__code__.co_varnames:
params['sr'] = self.desired_fs
elif method_name == '_hash':
break # just ignore
raise IOError('Method not available {}'.format(method_name))
if params['enable']:
item_data = method(item_data, **params)
return item_data
def labels_to_matrix(self, data, labels):
labels_one_hot = {}
for item_filename, item_data in data.items():
n_segments = item_data.shape[0]
item_label = labels[item_filename]
if self.label_already_formatted:
labels_one_hot[item_filename] = numpy.tile(item_label, (n_segments, 1))
pos = numpy.where(self.class_labels == item_label)
roll = numpy.zeros((n_segments, self.n_classes))
roll[:, pos] = 1
labels_one_hot[item_filename] = roll
return labels_one_hot
def reset_output_arrays(self):
self.batch_files = []
self.batch_data = {}
self.batch_labels = {}
def process_output(self):
# Convert annotations into activity matrix format
labels_one_hot = self.labels_to_matrix(data=self.batch_data, labels=self.batch_labels)
x_training = numpy.vstack([self.batch_data[x] for x in self.batch_files])
y_training = numpy.vstack([labels_one_hot[x] for x in self.batch_files])
if self.shuffle:
order = numpy.random.permutation(x_training.shape[0])
x_training = x_training[order, :, :]
y_training = y_training[order, :]
return x_training, y_training
def flow(self):
# sequence = annotation.keys()
while True:
batch_idx = 0
# for item_filename in self.sequence:
for idx, item in self.files_df.iterrows():
item_filename = item['path']
label = item[self.label_str]
if batch_idx == 0:
self.batch_labels[item_filename] = label
self.batch_data[item_filename] = self.get_item_data(item_filename)
if batch_idx == self.batch_size - 1:
batch_idx = 0 # reinitialize batch counter
# output of generator
x_training, y_training = self.process_output()
yield x_training, y_training
batch_idx += 1
if not batch_idx == 0:
# output of generator
x_training, y_training = self.process_output()
yield x_training, y_training
def create_batch(self):
batch_idx = 0
for idx, item in self.files_df.iterrows():
item_filename = item['path']
label = item[self.label_str]
if batch_idx == 0:
self.batch_labels[item_filename] = label
self.batch_data[item_filename] = self.get_item_data(item_filename)
if batch_idx == self.batch_size - 1:
batch_idx = 0 # reinitialize batch counter
# output of generator
x_training, y_training = self.process_output()
return x_training, y_training
batch_idx += 1
if not batch_idx == 0:
# output of generator
x_training, y_training = self.process_output()
return x_training, y_training
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import sys
import os
from utils.audio_utils import VerySimpleGenerator, get_item_data
import dask.array as da
from dask.delayed import delayed
import numpy as np
def label_str_to_one_hot(label_str, unique_classes, n_rows):
pos = np.where(unique_classes == label_str)
roll = np.zeros((n_rows, len(unique_classes)))
roll[:, pos] = 1
return roll
def data_from_df(df, params, post_processing, chunksize=10, use_dask=False):
# find the unique classes
unique_classes = df['label'].unique()
# load item params
sr = params['audio']['sr']
mono = params['audio']['mono']
# find the shape of a single item
n_files = len(df)
idx = np.random.randint(n_files)
filename = df.iloc[idx]['path']
data_shape = np.shape(get_item_data(str(filename), sr=sr, mono=mono, post_processing_list=post_processing))
n_segments = 1#data_shape[0]
label_shape = (n_segments, len(unique_classes))
if use_dask:
# load data with dask
x = da.stack(
delayed(get_item_data)(fp, sr, mono, post_processing, data_shape),
shape=data_shape, dtype=np.float32) for fp in df['path']]
y = da.stack(
delayed(label_str_to_one_hot)(label_str, unique_classes, n_segments),
shape=label_shape, dtype=np.float32) for label_str in df['label']]
# reshape data so the shape is (num_samples * segments, size of data)
x = x.reshape(x.shape[0] * x.shape[1], *x.shape[2:])
y = y.reshape(y.shape[0] * y.shape[1], *y.shape[2:])
# re-chunk dask arrays
x = x.rechunk((chunksize, *data_shape[1:]))
y = y.rechunk((chunksize, *label_shape[1:]))
# load data without dask
x = np.array([get_item_data(fp, sr, mono, post_processing, data_shape) for fp in df['path']])
y = np.array([label_str_to_one_hot(label_str, unique_classes, n_segments) for label_str in df['label']])
# reshape data so the shape is (num_samples * segments, size of data)
x = x.reshape(x.shape[0] * x.shape[1], *x.shape[2:])
y = y.reshape(y.shape[0] * y.shape[1], *y.shape[2:])
return x, y
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import sys
import os
from dcase_framework.parameters import ParameterContainer, get_learner_params, get_callbacks
from dcase_framework.utils import *
from models.common import ModelBuilder
from utils.audio_utils import VerySimpleGenerator, get_item_data
from import data_from_df
import numpy as np
import argparse
import textwrap
import pandas as pd
def process_dataset_csv(meta_filename, dataset_path=None, sep='\t', eval_label=False):
def make_full_path(x): return os.path.join(dataset_path, x)
def make_list(x): return eval(x)
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dataset_path, meta_filename), sep=sep)
df['path'] = df['path'].apply(make_full_path)
if eval_label:
df['label'] = df['label'].apply(make_list)
return df.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)
def main(argv):
np.random.seed(123456) # let's make randomization predictable
# Load default parameters from a file
default_parameters_filename = 'parameters.yaml'
parameters_set = 'choi2016a'
# Initialize ParameterContainer
params = ParameterContainer(project_base=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
# Load default parameters from a file
# get learner parameters
learner_params = get_learner_params(default_parameters_filename, params['active_set'])
# setup data - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
meta_df = process_dataset_csv(params['path']['meta_file'], params['path']['data'])
post_processing = params['feature_extractor']['parameters']
# for fold in params.get_path('dataset_method_parameters.development.fold_list'):
folds = params.get_path('dataset_method_parameters.development.fold_list')
# create training and test df
train_df = meta_df[(meta_df['fold'].isin(folds)) & (meta_df['split'] == 'train')]
x_train, y_train = data_from_df(train_df, params, post_processing)
# create model - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
model = ModelBuilder(learner_params, x_train.shape[1:], y_train.shape[-1]).create_model()
# get callbacks
callbacks = get_callbacks(params)
# train model - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
except (ValueError, IOError) as e:
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