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Last active May 24, 2016 22:36
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Convert MARC XML from Sierra export table into Shared Collection format for the sample 10K data load

To run the script:

  • You need python3.4+
  • Download the
  • run the script and pass the filename: python3.4 example.xml
  • example.xml should be the data file exported from MARC Edit

It will create a file in the same directory converted with the same filename and "_converted.xml" appended.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
import sys, time
# customer code mappings from the google doc
customerCodes = {
"43": ["Private","XX"],
"209": ["Private","XX"],
"210": ["Private","JS"],
"211": ["Shared","GN"],
"212": ["Shared","JN"],
"213": ["Private","JO"],
"214": ["Shared","NA"],
"215": ["Shared","NB"],
"216": ["Private","ND"],
"217": ["Private","NH"],
"218": ["Private","NL"],
"219": ["Private","NN"],
"220": ["Private","NO"],
"221": ["Private","NP"],
"222": ["Private","NQ"],
"223": ["Private","NR"],
"224": ["Private","NS"],
"225": ["Private","NU"],
"226": ["Private","NV"],
"227": ["Shared","NW"],
"228": ["Private","NX"],
"230": ["Private","NZ"]
# pretty print the XML at the end
pretty_print = lambda data: '\n'.join([line for line in parseString(data).toprettyxml(indent=' '*2).split('\n') if line.strip()])
def remove_namespace(doc, namespace):
"""Remove namespace in the passed document in place."""
ns = u'{%s}' % namespace
nsl = len(ns)
for elem in doc.getiterator():
if elem.tag.startswith(ns):
elem.tag = elem.tag[nsl:]
def convert(filename):
tree = ET.parse(filename)
root = tree.getroot()
# remove the namespace prefix on all the elements
remove_namespace(root, '')
bibRecords = ET.Element("bibRecords")
noCodes = []
noceCodesIndex = []
# loop through each marc:record
for record in root:
# this will be the new record/holding/items components
newBibRecord = ET.Element('record')
newHolding = False
newItemsDict = {}
fakeHoldings852TextHoldings = {}
fakeHoldings852Locations = {}
item852Data = {}
# gather some values
for aTag in record:
if ('tag' in aTag.attrib and (aTag.attrib['tag'] == '852')):
iNumber = False
for sub in aTag:
if 'code' in sub.attrib and sub.attrib['code'] == 'a':
iNumber = sub.text
item852Data[iNumber] = { 'b' : False, 'h' : False, '3' : False }
# got the item number now
for sub in aTag:
if 'code' in sub.attrib and sub.attrib['code'] == 'b':
item852Data[iNumber]['b'] = sub.text
if 'code' in sub.attrib and sub.attrib['code'] == 'h':
item852Data[iNumber]['h'] = sub.text
if 'code' in sub.attrib and sub.attrib['code'] == '3':
item852Data[iNumber]['3'] = sub.text
if item852Data[iNumber]['h'] == False:
# try to use the bib call number
for aSubTag in record:
if ('tag' in aSubTag.attrib and (aSubTag.attrib['tag'] == '952')):
for subSub in aSubTag:
if 'code' in subSub.attrib and subSub.attrib['code'] == 'h':
item852Data[iNumber]['h'] = subSub.text
if item852Data[iNumber]['h'] == False:
print("ERROR! No callnumber found for this one:",item852Data[iNumber])
if iNumber.find('.i') == -1:
print ("No iNumber",iNumber,iNumber.find('.i'))
item876Data = {}
# gather some values
for aTag in record:
if ('tag' in aTag.attrib and (aTag.attrib['tag'] == '876')):
iNumber = False
for sub in aTag:
if 'code' in sub.attrib and sub.attrib['code'] == 'a':
iNumber = sub.text
item876Data[iNumber] = { 'o' : False, 's' : False, 'y' : False }
# got the item number now
for sub in aTag:
if 'code' in sub.attrib and sub.attrib['code'] == 'o':
item876Data[iNumber]['o'] = str(sub.text)
if 'code' in sub.attrib and sub.attrib['code'] == 's':
item876Data[iNumber]['s'] = str(sub.text)
if 'code' in sub.attrib and sub.attrib['code'] == 'y':
item876Data[iNumber]['y'] = str(sub.text)
# for x in item852Data:
# print(item852Data[x]['h'])
holdingsId = False
for aTag in record:
# the 'holdings'
if ('tag' in aTag.attrib and (aTag.attrib['tag'] == '866')):
for sub in aTag:
if 'code' in sub.attrib and sub.attrib['code'] == 'y':
holdingsId = sub.text
if 'code' in sub.attrib and sub.attrib['code'] == 'a':
new866 = ET.Element('datafield')
new866.attrib['tag'] = "866"
new866.attrib['ind1'] = "0"
new866.attrib['ind2'] = "0"
newHolding = new866
# the items collection
if ('tag' in aTag.attrib and (aTag.attrib['tag'] == '876')):
# build the data for this item
item876SubData = {}
for sub in aTag:
if 'code' in sub.attrib:
item876SubData[sub.attrib['code']] = str(sub.text)
# for convience
iNumber = item876SubData['a']
# figure out the logic behind 876$h and 900$a
h876 = False
a900 = False
b900 = False
if iNumber in item852Data and iNumber in item876Data:
if 's' in item876Data[iNumber]:
if (item876Data[iNumber]['s'] in customerCodes):
a900 = customerCodes[item876Data[iNumber]['s']][0]
b900 = customerCodes[item876Data[iNumber]['s']][1]
if item876Data[iNumber]['s'] not in noceCodesIndex:
# 900$a Shared $b NA & 876$h Circulates
# 852$b Location starts with "rc2" (rc2=not restricted)
# 876$o OPAC Message equal to "2" (2=Advanced Request offsite)
# 876$s Item Agency equal to "214" (214=NA=Shared)
# 876$y Item Type equal to "55" (55=MaRLI)
# -----------------------------
# 852$b Location starts with "rc2" (rc2=not restricted)
if 'b' in item852Data[iNumber] and item852Data[iNumber]['b'][0:3] == 'rc2':
# 876$o OPAC Message equal to "2" (2=Advanced Request offsite)
if 'o' in item876Data[iNumber] and item876Data[iNumber]['o'] == '2':
# 876$s Item Agency equal to "214" (214=NA=Shared)
if 's' in item876Data[iNumber] and item876Data[iNumber]['s'] == '214':
# 876$y Item Type equal to "55" (55=MaRLI)
if 'y' in item876Data[iNumber] and item876Data[iNumber]['y'] == '55':
h876 = 'Circulates'
a900 = 'Shared'
b900 = 'NA'
# 900$a Shared $b NA & 876$h Supervised use
# 852$b Location starts with "rc2"
# 852$h Call No. All Fields don't have "*q"
# 876$o OPAC Message equal to "u"
# 876$s Item Agency equal to "214" (214=NA=Shared)
# -----------------------------
# 852$b Location starts with "rc2"
if 'b' in item852Data[iNumber] and item852Data[iNumber]['b'][0:3] == 'rc2':
# 852$h Call No. All Fields don't have "*q"
if 'h' in item852Data[iNumber] and str(item852Data[iNumber]['h']).lower().find('*q') == -1:
# 876$o OPAC Message equal to "u"
if 'o' in item876Data[iNumber] and item876Data[iNumber]['o'] == 'u':
# 876$s Item Agency equal to "214" (214=NA=Shared)
if 's' in item876Data[iNumber] and item876Data[iNumber]['s'] == '214':
h876 = 'Supervised use'
a900 = 'Shared'
b900 = 'NA'
# 900$a Shared $b NA & 876$h Use on site
# 852$b Location starts with "rc2"
# 876$o OPAC Message equal to "2"
# 876$s Item Agency equal to "214"
# 876$y Item Type equal to "2" or "3"
# -----------------------------
# 852$b Location starts with "rc2"
if 'b' in item852Data[iNumber] and item852Data[iNumber]['b'][0:3] == 'rc2':
# 876$o OPAC Message equal to "2"
if 'o' in item876Data[iNumber] and item876Data[iNumber]['o'] == '2':
# 876$s Item Agency equal to "214"
if 's' in item876Data[iNumber] and item876Data[iNumber]['s'] == '214':
# 876$y Item Type equal to "2" or "3"
if 'y' in item876Data[iNumber] and (item876Data[iNumber]['y'] == '2' or item876Data[iNumber]['y'] == '3'):
h876 = 'Use on site'
a900 = 'Shared'
b900 = 'NA'
# 900$a Private $b NO & 876$h [blank]?
# 852$b ITEM Location starts with "rc"
# 852$h Call No. All Fields don't have "*o"
# 876$s Item Agency equal to "220" (220=NO=Private)
# 876$y Item Type equal to "2"
# -----------------------------
# 852$b ITEM Location starts with "rc"
if 'b' in item852Data[iNumber] and item852Data[iNumber]['b'][0:2] == 'rc':
# 852$h Call No. All Fields don't have "*o"
if 'h' in item852Data[iNumber] and str(item852Data[iNumber]['h']).lower().find('*o') == -1:
# 876$s Item Agency equal to "220" (220=NO=Private)
if 's' in item876Data[iNumber] and item876Data[iNumber]['s'] == '220':
# 876$y Item Type equal to "2"
if 'y' in item876Data[iNumber] and item876Data[iNumber]['y'] == '2':
h876 = 'Supervised Use'
a900 = 'Private'
b900 = 'NO'
if h876 == False:
# print("Did not fit into User Restriction logic: ",iNumber)
h876 = 'In Library Use'
a900 = 'Private'
# make this new 876
new876 = ET.Element('datafield')
new876.attrib['tag'] = "876"
new876.attrib['ind1'] = "0"
new876.attrib['ind2'] = "0"
# we have this from above logic
if h876:
subfield = ET.SubElement(new876, 'subfield')
subfield.attrib['code'] = 'h'
subfield.text = h876
if 'a' in item876SubData:
subfield = ET.SubElement(new876, 'subfield')
subfield.attrib['code'] = 'a'
subfield.text = item876SubData['a']
print(iNumber, "No 876$a")
if 'j' in item876SubData:
subfield = ET.SubElement(new876, 'subfield')
subfield.attrib['code'] = 'j'
subfield.text = item876SubData['j']
print(iNumber, "No 876$p")
if 'p' in item876SubData:
subfield = ET.SubElement(new876, 'subfield')
subfield.attrib['code'] = 'p'
subfield.text = item876SubData['p']
print(iNumber, "No 876$p")
if 't' in item876SubData:
subfield = ET.SubElement(new876, 'subfield')
subfield.attrib['code'] = 't'
subfield.text = item876SubData['t']
print(iNumber, "No 876$t")
if '3' in item852Data[iNumber]:
subfield = ET.SubElement(new876, 'subfield')
subfield.attrib['code'] = '3'
subfield.text = item852Data[iNumber]['3']
print(iNumber, "No 876$3")
# if 'u' in item876SubData:
# subfield = ET.SubElement(new876, 'subfield')
# subfield.attrib['code'] = 'u'
# subfield.text = item876SubData['u']
# if 'v' in item876SubData:
# subfield = ET.SubElement(new876, 'subfield')
# subfield.attrib['code'] = 'v'
# subfield.text = item876SubData['v']
# new 900
new900 = ET.Element('datafield')
new900.attrib['tag'] = "900"
new900.attrib['ind1'] = "0"
new900.attrib['ind2'] = "0"
if a900:
subfield = ET.SubElement(new900, 'subfield')
subfield.attrib['code'] = 'a'
subfield.text = a900
subfield = ET.SubElement(new900, 'subfield')
subfield.attrib['code'] = 'b'
subfield.text = b900
# newItemsList.append([new876, new900])
if str(item852Data[iNumber]['h']) not in newItemsDict:
newItemsDict[str(item852Data[iNumber]['h'])] = []
newItemsDict[str(item852Data[iNumber]['h'])].append([new876, new900])
# all the rest of the bib fields
# not the 852 item
if ('tag' in aTag.attrib and (aTag.attrib['tag'] != '852' and aTag.attrib['tag'] != '866')):
# build the holdings textual description if needed
for x in item852Data:
if str(item852Data[x]['h']) not in fakeHoldings852TextHoldings:
fakeHoldings852TextHoldings[str(item852Data[x]['h'])] = []
if item852Data[x]['3'] != False:
if str(item852Data[x]['h']) not in fakeHoldings852Locations:
fakeHoldings852Locations[str(item852Data[x]['h'])] = []
if item852Data[x]['b'] != False:
# now we have all the components for each bibRecord, make that.
# make a new bib
bibRecord = ET.SubElement(bibRecords, 'bibRecord')
bib = ET.SubElement(bibRecord, "bib")
# add in the owningInstitutionId and lastUpdatedDate
owningInstitutionId = ET.Element('owningInstitutionId')
owningInstitutionId.text = 'NYPL'
bibContent = ET.SubElement(bib, 'content')
bibCollection = ET.SubElement(bibContent, 'collection')
bibCollection.set('xmlns', '')
holdings = ET.SubElement(bibRecord, "holdings")
if holdingsId:
holding = ET.SubElement(holdings, "holding")
holdingOwningInstitutionHoldingsId = ET.SubElement(holding, "owningInstitutionHoldingsId")
holdingOwningInstitutionHoldingsId.text = holdingsId
holdingContent = ET.SubElement(holding, "content")
holdingCollection = ET.SubElement(holdingContent, "collection")
holdingCollection.set('xmlns', '')
holdingRecord = ET.SubElement(holdingCollection, "record")
aHolding = list(newItemsDict.keys())[0]
# create the 852
fakeHoldingRecord852 = ET.SubElement(holdingRecord,"datafield")
# add in the two fields of the fake holdings record
fakeHoldingRecord852.attrib['tag'] = '852'
fakeHoldingRecord852.attrib['ind1'] = '0'
fakeHoldingRecord852.attrib['ind2'] = '0'
newHolding852b = ET.SubElement(fakeHoldingRecord852, "subfield")
newHolding852b.attrib['code'] = 'b'
newHolding852b.text = fakeHoldings852Locations[aHolding][0]
newHolding852h = ET.SubElement(fakeHoldingRecord852, "subfield")
newHolding852h.attrib['code'] = 'h'
newHolding852h.text = aHolding
# the 866
if newHolding != False:
holdingsText = []
for aHolding in newItemsDict:
for x in fakeHoldings852TextHoldings[aHolding]:
# there was no aggergated holdings text in the 866 so make our own
fakeHoldingRecord866 = ET.SubElement(holdingRecord,"datafield")
fakeHoldingRecord866.attrib['tag'] = '866'
fakeHoldingRecord866.attrib['ind1'] = '0'
fakeHoldingRecord866.attrib['ind2'] = '0'
# we need to create a fake holdings text statement
newHolding866a = ET.SubElement(fakeHoldingRecord866, "subfield")
newHolding866a.attrib['code'] = 'a'
newHolding866a.text = ", ".join(holdingsText)
items = ET.SubElement(holding, "items")
itemContent = ET.SubElement(items, "content")
newItems = ET.SubElement(itemContent,'collection')
newItems.set('xmlns', '')
for aHolding in newItemsDict:
for aItem in newItemsDict[aHolding]:
newitem = ET.Element('record')
# there is no holdings ID
# add in a holdings for each differnt set of items with call numbers
for aHolding in newItemsDict:
fakeHoldingRecord = ET.Element("record")
holding = ET.SubElement(holdings, "holding")
holdingOwningInstitutionHoldingsId = ET.SubElement(holding, "owningInstitutionHoldingsId")
holdingContent = ET.SubElement(holding, "content")
holdingCollection = ET.SubElement(holdingContent, "collection")
holdingCollection.set('xmlns', '')
fakeHoldingRecord852 = ET.Element("datafield")
# add in the two fields of the fake holdings record
fakeHoldingRecord852.attrib['tag'] = '852'
fakeHoldingRecord852.attrib['ind1'] = '0'
fakeHoldingRecord852.attrib['ind2'] = '0'
newHolding852b = ET.SubElement(fakeHoldingRecord852, "subfield")
newHolding852b.attrib['code'] = 'b'
newHolding852b.text = fakeHoldings852Locations[aHolding][0]
newHolding852h = ET.SubElement(fakeHoldingRecord852, "subfield")
newHolding852h.attrib['code'] = 'h'
newHolding852h.text = aHolding
fakeHoldingRecord866 = ET.Element("datafield")
fakeHoldingRecord866.attrib['tag'] = '866'
fakeHoldingRecord866.attrib['ind1'] = '0'
fakeHoldingRecord866.attrib['ind2'] = '0'
# we need to create a fake holdings text statement
newHolding866a = ET.SubElement(fakeHoldingRecord866, "subfield")
newHolding866a.attrib['code'] = 'a'
newHolding866a.text = ", ".join(fakeHoldings852TextHoldings[aHolding])
items = ET.SubElement(holding, "items")
itemContent = ET.SubElement(items, "content")
newItems = ET.SubElement(itemContent,'collection')
newItems.set('xmlns', '')
for aItem in newItemsDict[aHolding]:
newitem = ET.Element('record')
# itemContent.append(newItems)
if (len(noCodes) > 0):
print("These customer codes were not found in the mapping")
with open(filename + '_converted.xml', 'w') as f:
f.write(pretty_print(ET.tostring(bibRecords, 'utf-8')))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print('Pass the name of the file to convert, example: "python3.4 marcEditOutput.xml"')
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