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Created September 22, 2017 15:35
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Pro-Repeal Examples
Submitted 950K Times
The current FCC regulatory scheme known as "Title II" represents an unprecedented increase in government control over the internet. Such over-regulation is hurting our economy and suffocating innovation. I support Chairman Pai's plan to return to a commonsense regulatory framework that allows for the internet to grow without useless government interference. The internet has flourished for decades without the heavy hand of government over-regulation. It's time we return to what works.
Submitted 800K Times
The unprecedented regulatory power the Obama Administration imposed on the internet is smothering innovation, damaging the American economy and obstructing job creation. I urge the Federal Communications Commission to end the bureaucratic regulatory overreach of the internet known as Title II and restore the bipartisan light-touch regulatory consensus that enabled the internet to flourish for more than 20 years. The plan currently under consideration at the FCC to repeal Obama's Title II power grab is a positive step forward and will help to promote a truly free and open internet for everyone.
Submitted 1.2M Times
Before leaving office, the Obama Administration rammed through a massive scheme that gave the federal government broad regulatory control over the internet. That misguided policy decision is threatening innovation and hurting broadband investment in one of the largest and most important sectors of the U.S. economy. I support the Federal Communications Commission's decision to roll back Title II and allow for free market principles to guide our digital economy.
Submitted 1.3M Times
In 2015, Chairman Tom Wheeler's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) imposed restrictive Title II, utility-style regulations under the guise of an open internet. Not only have these regulations inhibited innovation in the internet ecosystem, they hurt taxpayers and consumers by expanding the regulatory reach of the FCC and limiting investment in internet infrastructure. We cannot allow this revolutionary tool to be bogged down with excessive government interference. It is past time for the FCC, an agency that is funded by American taxpayers, to free the internet of burdensome regulations. By rolling back the misguided 2015 regulations we can restore an unrestricted and truly open internet. I thank the Commissioners for considering these comments during the reply period.
Submitted 650K Times
As a concerned taxpayer and consumer, I am writing to urge the FCC to set the internet free and remove the inappropriate, unnecessary and overly vast regulations currently holding back the full potential of the internet. Due to the grip of the utility-style regulations imposed under the previous Commission, taxpayers have been put at risk, the threat of new fees on consumer bills still looms large, investment in internet infrastructure has not realized its full potential, innovations have gone undeveloped and unrealized, and twenty years of the appropriate level of oversight of the internet has been reversed. We must dial-back the poorly conceived application of Title II in the Open Internet Order so that American taxpayers can benefit from an unrestrained and truly open internet that scales back the unlimited power of the government, protects consumers from new taxes and encourages future investment and endless innovations.
{"count":13744,"text":"I was outraged by the Obama/Wheeler FCC's decision to reclassify the Internet as a regulated \"public utility\" under a Depression-era law written for the old Ma Bell telephone monopoly.\n\nGovernment utility regulation of the Internet risks devastating private investment, undermining competition, and stalling innovation. It also puts consumers at serious risk of being hit with a new \"broadband tax\" to cover the lack of private sector investment due to these regulations.\n\nThe liberal extremist groups that ginned up fake support for reclassification include the group Free Press, which was cited 62 times in the Title II order.\n\nFree Press was founded by ultraliberal college professor Robert McChesney who has admitted: \"At the moment, the battle over network neutrality is not to completely eliminate the telephone and cable companies. We are not at that point yet. But the ultimate goal is to get rid of the media capitalists in the phone and cable companies and to divest them from control.\"\n\nClearly, these extremists groups are openly hostile to America's free-market economy.\n\nThe Trump/Pai FCC is right to revisit this issue. I urge you to stand up to the radical extremists who took over the FCC under Obama and protect our free-market Internet by rescinding the Title II order. \n","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":1914,"text":"Obama’s Title II order has diminished broadband investment, stifled innovation, and left American consumers potentially on the hook for a new broadband tax.\r\n \r\nThese regulations ended a decades-long bipartisan consensus that the Internet should be regulated through a light touch framework that made the Internet a remarkable engine of economic growth and free expression.\r\n \r\nI therefore strongly support fully repealing the Obama/Wheeler Internet regulations and urge the Senate to expeditiously confirm new FCC commissioners who are committed to restoring Internet freedom.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":2008,"text":"Obama’s Title II order has diminished broadband investment, stifled innovation, and left American consumers potentially on the hook for a new broadband tax.\r\n\r\nThese regulations ended a decades-long bipartisan consensus that the Internet should be regulated through a light touch framework that worked better than anyone could have imagined and made the Internet what it is.\r\n\r\nFor these reasons I urge you to fully repeal the Obama/Wheeler Internet regulations.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":30776,"text":" \"Obama's Net Neutrality order was the corrupt result of a corrupt process controlled by Silicon Valley special interests. It gives some of the biggest companies in the world a free ride at the expense of consumers and should be immediately repealed!\"","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":3684,"text":"Dear Express Restoring Internet Freedom,\n\nI support Chairman Ajit PaiÕs rollback of ObamaÕs internet takeover. \n\nTitle II regulation gives too much power to the government over the future of the internet. \n\nIt has harmed innovation and investment. It also deters competition. \n\nMarkets and consumers should regulate the InternetÕs future, not government.\n\nRegards,\nDeborah Himmel\n260 Napier Ln\nWildersville, TN 38388","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":3812,"text":"Title II regulation is burdensome and unnecessary. \n\nIt limits competition, and hurts innovation and investment. \n\nTherefore, I support FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s rollback of Obama’s Internet takeover.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":3825,"text":"Obama's Internet takeover raises concerns about the future of internet freedom. \n\nOpting to regulate the internet as a common carrier under Title II of the Telecommunications Act was a massive departure from the 20 years of light-touch regulation that saw innovation and investment in the Internet flourish. \n\nThe Title II reclassification should be repealed: it is bad for consumers, bad for innovation, and bad for the economy. \n","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":3849,"text":"Title II allows bureaucrats in Washington to pick winners and losers on the web. \n\nThe internet is best regulated by light-touch FTC regulation and the market, not heavy-handed FCC rules. \n\nI support Chairman Ajit Pai’s rollback of Obama’s Internet takeover.\n","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":5546,"text":"I support Chairman Ajit Pai’s rollback of Obama’s internet takeover. \n\nTitle II regulation gives too much power to the government over the future of the internet. \n\nIt has harmed innovation and investment. It also deters competition. \n\nMarkets and consumers should regulate the Internet’s future, not government.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":792,"text":"Dear FCC Commissioner ,\n \n The Obama-era FCC regulations known as \"Title II\" enable the federal government to exert an extraordinary and unnecessary amount of regulatory control over the internet. This bureaucratic overreach impedes innovation, stifles investment and continues to create economic uncertainty for one of the largest sectors of the U.S. economy.\n \n I support Chairman Pai's proposal to roll back Title II and restore the sensible regulatory framework that enjoyed broad bipartisan consensus and enabled the internet to thrive for more than two decades.\n \n I strongly urge all of the FCC Commissioners to support the Chairman's proposal to repeal the harmful Title II internet takeover.\n \n \n Regards,\n Hon. & Mrs. Paul Deis, Esq. III\n 1421 W Chalet Ave\n Anaheim, CA 92802","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":12303,"text":"In 2015, Chairman Tom WheelerÍs Federal Communications Commission (FCC) imposed restrictive Title II, utility-style regulations under the guise of an ñopen internet.î Not only have these regulations inhibited innovation in the internet ecosystem, they hurt taxpayers and consumers by expanding the regulatory reach of the FCC and limiting investment in internet infrastructure. We cannot allow this revolutionary tool to be bogged down with excessive government interference.\n \nIt is past time for the FCC, an agency that is funded by American taxpayers, to free the internet of burdensome regulations. By rolling back the misguided 2015 regulations we can restore an unrestricted and truly open internet. I thank the Commissioners for considering these comments during the reply period.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":30267,"text":"In 2015, President ObamaÕs FCC passed rules treating the Internet as a government regulated public utility for the first time in history. Those pushing hardest for the new rules were Silicon Valley monopolies like Google and leftist globalists like George Soros.\n\n\n\nGoogle in fact visited the White House more than 427 times during the Obama years. Leftist foundations like SorosÕ Open Society and the Ford Foundation spent almost $200 million pushing for the rule change.\n\nNow we know why. In less than two years big tech and their liberal allies have taken total control of our information and communications platforms. They have used their power to flatten competitors, ban speech, censor content, routinely violate our privacy, and silence dissenting voices.\n\n\n\nWhile ObamaÕs goal clearly benefited radical progressives, leftist political candidates, and his Silicon Valley corporate cronies it destroyed the free and open Internet by establishing them as our information gatekeepers.\n\nI strongly encourage the FCC to oppose efforts by the TechLeft and liberal globalists to take over our Internet. Please roll back President ObamaÕs disastrous rules immediately. The future of a free and open Internet is at stake.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":30419,"text":"ObamaÕs Federal Communications Commission (FCC) forced regulations on the internet that put the government, and unaccountable bureaucrats, in control. These rules have cost taxpayers, slowed down broadband infrastructure investment, and hindered competition and choice for Americans. The time to remove the regulatory stranglehold on the internet is NOW.\n\nI urge the taxpayer-funded FCC to undo the terrible regulatory burdens that ex-FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler imposed on the internet. After 20 years, and trillions of dollars in infrastructure investment, there is no reason for the government to come in and ruin what has been a thriving tool that has changed the way we all live.\n\nChairman PaiÕs proposal to repeal Title II regulations will ensure the continued growth of a dynamic, open internet for all American consumers and taxpayers.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":62637,"text":"The FCC's Net Neutrality rules were written in the Obama White House by political staff and Tech Industry special interests who overruled the FCC's own experts. The FCC's own chief economist Tim Brennan called the rules \"an economics-free zone.\" They should be repealed.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":74810,"text":"Obama's Net Neutrality order was the corrupt result of a corrupt process controlled by Silicon Valley special interests. It gives some of the biggest companies in the world a free ride at the expense of consumers and should be immediately repealed!","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":83079,"text":"The free-market Internet was an incredible engine of economic growth, innovation, and job creation since the 1990s and has already been substantially slowed by the 2015 Net Neutrality rules. The slowdown in investment is destroying jobs and risks a big future tax hike to make up for lost private investment. Save American jobs by repealing Net Neutrality.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":92886,"text":"The Title II order created a gaping gap in privacy protections by taking the best cop, the FTC, off the beat. That is reason enough to support Chairman Pai's proposal to restore Internet freedom. Restore privacy by repealing Net Neutrality.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":102715,"text":"Rapacious Silicon Valley monopolies like Amazon, Twitter and Netflix are now openly partnering with neo-Marxists like Free Press and Fight for the Future to launch phony astroturf campaigns to prevent the rollback of President Obama's 2015 internet takeover.\r\n\r\nWhat frightens Americans isn't the rollback of already outdated rules aimed at Silicon Valley's competitors, but rather the complete takeover of the internet by this same handful of leftist companies and their radical leftist allies.\r\n\r\nThese companies are not only censoring our viewpoints, blocking users and competitors online, prioritizing their own services, and destroying our online privacy, they are now even using their unrivaled corporate influence and greed to destroy our news media and free expression.\r\n\r\nIt's time to rollback Obama's disastrous rules designed only to give Silicon Valley free reign over our internet and bolster their monopoly gatekeeper status.\r\n\r\nIf any business sector in America today needs rules, it's Silicon Valley's gluttonous monopolies that are destroying our internet. Please rollback Obama's government takeover of the internet before our free and open internet becomes Amazon, Facebook and Google's private property.\r\n\r\nAlso we are sick and tired of all the CONTROL FREAK elite loons that want to to dominate the people of the UNITED STATES, and for the record, know that the masses WILL NOT TOLERATE this treason against us. Be smart, and go with the people you are supposed to be serving, WE THE PEOPLE.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":127511,"text":"Title II is a Depression-era regulatory framework designed for a telephone monopoly that no longer exists. It was wrong to apply it to the Internet and the FCC should repeal it and go back to the free-market approach that worked so well.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":289864,"text":"In 2015, President Obama's FCC passed rules treating the Internet as a government regulated public utility for the first time in history. Those pushing hardest for the new rules were Silicon Valley monopolies like Google and leftist globalists like George Soros.\n\nGoogle in fact visited the White House more than 427 times during the Obama years. Leftist foundations like Soros' Open Society and the Ford Foundation spent almost $200 million pushing for the rule change.\n\nNow we know why. In less than two years big tech and their liberal allies have taken total control of our information and communications platforms. They have used their power to flatten competitors, ban speech, censor content, routinely violate our privacy, and silence dissenting voices.\n\nWhile Obama's goal clearly benefited radical progressives, leftist political candidates, and his Silicon Valley corporate cronies it destroyed the free and open Internet by establishing them as our information gatekeepers.\n\nI strongly encourage the FCC to oppose efforts by the TechLeft and liberal globalists to take over our Internet. Please roll back President Obama's disastrous rules immediately. The future of a free and open Internet is at stake.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":300048,"text":"In 2015, wealthy leftist billionaires and powerful Silicon Valley monopolies took the internet out of the hands of the people and placed it firmly under the thumb of the federal the government, monopolies like Google and global billionaires like George Soros. Not surprisingly, today Obama's new Internet gatekeepers are censoring our viewpoints, banning our online activities and silencing dissenting voices. As Google Chairman Eric Schmidt admitted, \"We're not arguing for censorship, we're arguing just take it off the page...make it harder to find.\"\r\n\r\nIt took only two years and a green light from Obama for companies like Google and Facebook and their liberal allies like George Soros to take total control of the dominant information and communications platform in the world today.\r\n\r\nWe simply can't afford to let Obama's disastrous rules stand. The FCC must stand up for a truly free and open Internet by immediately rolling back his cynical and self-serving Internet takeover. The future of a free and open Internet is at stake","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":379648,"text":"Obama's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) forced regulations on the internet that put the government, and unaccountable bureaucrats, in control. These rules have cost taxpayers, slowed down broadband infrastructure investment, and hindered competition and choice for Americans. The time to remove the regulatory stranglehold on the internet is NOW.\n\nI urge the taxpayer-funded FCC to undo the terrible regulatory burdens that ex-FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler imposed on the internet. After 20 years, and trillions of dollars in infrastructure investment, there is no reason for the government to come in and ruin what has been a thriving tool that has changed the way we all live.\n\nChairman Pai's proposal to repeal Title II regulations will ensure the continued growth of a dynamic, open internet for all American consumers and taxpayers.","repeal":"Y"}
{"count":656977,"text":"As a concerned taxpayer and consumer, I am writing to urge the FCC to set the internet free and remove the inappropriate, unnecessary and overly vast regulations currently holding back the full potential of the internet. Due to the grip of the utility-style regulations imposed under the previous Commission, taxpayers have been put at risk, the threat of new fees on consumer bills still looms large, investment in internet infrastructure has not realized its full potential, innovations have gone undeveloped and unrealized, and twenty years of the appropriate level of oversight of the internet has been reversed. We must dial-back the poorly conceived application of Title II in the Open Internet Order so that American taxpayers can benefit from an unrestrained and truly open internet that scales back the unlimited power of the government, protects consumers from new taxes and encourages future investment and endless innovations.","repeal":"Y"}
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