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Created August 1, 2022 18:58
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title: "Apache Arrow R Questions on Stack Overflow"
format: html
#| label: load-packages-and-code
#| include: false
#| label: functions
#| include: false
#| warning: false
get_raw_so_data <- function(){
questions_content <- get_data(
api_name = "questions",
url = "!-nt6H9OZ4WW*msaSa)YvngdWhKQ).R9VfXkayFbhnB61(g5UUJbH7f"
# get raw data
questions <- questions_content$items %>%
mutate(last_activity = as_datetime(last_activity_date)) %>%
# ignore tags as joins get weird in Arrow as it's a list col
select(-last_activity_date, -tags) %>%
mutate(retrieved = now())
# retrieve comments
comments <- get_so_comments(questions$question_id)
# get counts of comments
reply_counts <- comments %>%
select(question_id = post_id) %>%
group_by(question_id) %>%
summarise(comments = n())
answers <- get_so_answers(questions$question_id)
answer_counts <- answers %>%
select(question_id) %>%
group_by(question_id) %>%
mutate(answers = n())
answer_accepted <- answers %>%
filter(is_accepted) %>%
select(question_id, is_accepted)
# add in raw data, reply counts, and whether an answer has been accepted
left_join(questions, reply_counts, by = "question_id") %>%
left_join(answer_counts, by = "question_id") %>%
left_join(answer_accepted, by = "question_id") %>%
replace_na(list(is_accepted = FALSE, comments = 0, answers = 0))
#' Given a vector of question IDs, pull the comments
#' @param question_ids Vector of question IDs
get_so_comments <- function(question_ids){
comments_content <- get_data(
api_name = "comments",
url = paste0(
paste(question_ids, collapse = ";"),
if (nrow(comments_content$items) == 0) {
# here's the table of comments! we can count them
comments_content$items %>%
tidyr::unnest(owner) %>%
select(display_name, account_id, score, post_id, comment_id, creation_date)
get_data <- function(api_name, url){
# message("retrieving ", api_name, " data from Stack Exchange API")
api_data <- httr::GET(url)
# if (api_data$status_code == 200) {
# message(api_name, " data successfully retrieved")
# } else {
# warning("status code ", api_data$status_code, " when querying", api_name, "API")
# }
out <- content(api_data, as = "text") %>%
# message(nrow(out$items) %||% 0, " items retrieved")
get_so_answers <- function(question_ids){
answers_content <- get_data(
api_name = "answers",
url = paste0(
paste(question_ids, collapse = ";"),
# here's the table of comments! we can count them
answers_content$items %>%
tidyr::unnest(owner) %>%
select(display_name, account_id, score, is_accepted, question_id, creation_date)
# Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow questions tagged both with 'apache-arrow' and 'r'.
#| label: create-dt
#| echo: false
escape = FALSE,
get_raw_so_data() %>%
mutate(issue = paste0("<a href='",link,"' target='_blank'>", title , "</a>")) %>%
select(issue, last_activity, comments, answers, accepted_answer = is_accepted) %>%
collect() %>%
mutate(days_since_last_activity = round(as.numeric(as.duration(interval(last_activity, now())), "days"))) %>%
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