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Last active December 7, 2018 18:41
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tidyr::uncount() might come in handy if you want to transform a summary table to individual rows


df <- data_frame(animal = c("cat", "dog"), toy = c("ball", "stick"), total = c(5, 6))


# A tibble: 2 x 3
  animal toy   total
  <chr>  <chr> <dbl>
1 cat    ball      5
2 dog    stick     6


uncount(df, total)


# A tibble: 11 x 2
   animal toy  
   <chr>  <chr>
 1 cat    ball 
 2 cat    ball 
 3 cat    ball 
 4 cat    ball 
 5 cat    ball 
 6 dog    stick
 7 dog    stick
 8 dog    stick
 9 dog    stick
10 dog    stick
11 dog    stick
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