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Last active February 9, 2023 10:17
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Example for user of how a combination of blank values may result in error reading a CSV
``` r
tf <- tempfile()
# values to save - note the space after the final new line
dodgy_vals <- "x,y\n0,1\n ,4"
#> x,y
#> 0,1
#> ,4
writeLines(dodgy_vals, tf)
open_dataset(tf, format = "csv", schema = schema(x = int64(), y = int64()), skip = 1) %>%
#> Error in `compute.Dataset()`:
#> ! Invalid: Could not open CSV input source '/tmp/RtmpF2Lxpf/file8b1d439d4116b': Invalid: In CSV column #0: Row #3: CSV conversion error to int64: invalid value ''
#> ℹ If you have supplied a schema and your data contains a header row, you should supply the argument `skip = 1` to prevent the header being read in as data.
open_dataset(tf, format = "csv", schema = schema(x = int64(), y = int64()), skip = 1, null_values = c(NA, " ", "")) %>%
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#> x y
#> <int> <int>
#> 1 0 1
#> 2 NA 4
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