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Last active December 16, 2015 19:38
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  • Save thisiswei/5486085 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thisiswei/5486085 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
1) Win: If you have two in a row, play the third to get three in a row.
2) Block: If the opponent has two in a row, play the third to block them.
3) Fork: Create an opportunity where you can win in two ways.
4) Block Opponent's Fork:
5) Center: Play the center.
6) Opposite Corner: If the opponent is in the corner, play the opposite corner.
7) Empty Corner: Play an empty corner.
8) Empty Side: Play an empty side.
import random
import itertools
import copy
(0, 0) |(0, 1) |(0, 2)
(1, 0) |(1, 1) |(1, 2)
(2, 0) |(2, 1) |(2, 2)
OTHER = {'X':'O', 'O':'X'}
N = [['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6'], ['7', '8', '9']]
C = CORNERS = [(0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 0), (2, 2)]
OPPOSITE_CORNERS = dict((c1, c2) for c1, c2 in zip(C, C[::-1]))
D = diagnals = [[[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]],
[[0, 2], [1, 1], [2, 0]]]
SIDE = [(1, 2),(2, 1),(0, 1),(1, 0)]
ALLPOS = list(itertools.product(range(3), range(3)))
def aboard():
return [['_', '_', '_'] for i in range(3)]
def isempty(sq):
return sq == '_'
def transpose(board):
return map(list, zip(*board))
def diags(board):
ds = [board[i][j] for diag in D for i, j in diag]
return [ds[:3], ds[3:]]
def hvd(board): #horizontal, vertical, diagonal
return [board, transpose(board), diags(board)]
def show(board):
print ('\n_________\n'.join(' |'.join([N[i][j] if isempty(sq) else sq
for j, sq in enumerate(row)])
for i, row in enumerate(board)))
def newboard(board, i, j, role):
b = copy.deepcopy(board)
b[i][j] = role
return b
def checkboth(board, role, function=gotwinner, candidates=ALLPOS):
position = find_spot(board, candidates, role, function)
if position:
return position
# check if OTHER[role] have spots for winning, or two way.wining potential
position = find_spot(board, candidates, OTHER[role], function)
if position:
return position
def find_spot(board, candidates, role, function):
for i, j in candidates:
if isempty(board[i][j]):
b = newboard(board, i, j, role)
if function(b, role, i, j):
return i, j
def gotwinner(board, role=None, i=None, j=None):
for b in hvd(board):
for row in b:
if any(row.count(sq) == 3 for sq in 'XO'):
return True
return False
def gotfork(board, role, i, j):
tb = transpose(board)
if board[i].count(role) == 2 and tb[i].count(role) == 2:
return (board[i].count(OTHER[role]) == 0 and tb[i].count(OTHER[role]) == 0)
#) Opposite Corner: If the opponent is in the corner, play the opposite corner.
#) Empty Corner: Play an empty corner.
def gotcorner(board, role):
empty_corners = []
for i,j in CORNERS:
if isempty(board[i][j]):
x, y = OPPOSITE_CORNERS[(i, j)]
if board[x][y] == OTHER[role]:
return i, j
empty_corners.append((i, j))
if not empty_corners:
return empty_corners[0]
def aiplay(board, role):
pos = checkboth(board, role) # 1) Win: If you have two in a row, play the third to get three in a row.
if pos: # 2) Block: If the opponent has two in a row, play the third to block them.
return pos
pos = checkboth(board, role, gotfork) # 3, 4) place/block @ forkplace( win two way)
if pos:
return pos
if isempty(board[1][1]): # 5) play at center if it's empty
return 1, 1
corner = gotcorner(board, role) # 6, 7) place at opposite corner or just any corner
if corner:
return corner
for i, j in SIDE:
if isempty(board[i][j]):
return i, j
def play():
board, player, ai, turn, who = initial_setup()
placed = 0
while True:
if ai == turn:
i, j = aiplay(board, ai)
board[i][j] = ai
# [0, 0] => 1 [0, 1] => 2
print '\n AI place at %s \n' % (i * 3 + 1 + j)
playerplay(board, player)
if gotwinner(board):
print who[turn] + ' won'
placed += 1
turn = OTHER[turn]
if placed >= 8 and turn == player:
print 'Tie'
def initial_setup():
player = 'w'
while player not in 'XO':
player = raw_input('choose x or o ? --> ').upper()
ai = OTHER[player]
turn = random.choice('XO')
who = {player: 'You', ai: 'AI' }
board = aboard()
return board, player, ai, turn, who
def playerplay(board, player):
move = 0
while not isillegal(move, board):
move = int(raw_input('\n enter: spot(1-9) for %s -> '% player))
except ValueError:
x, y = divmod(move-1, 3) # 1-> [0, 0], 2 -> [0, 1]
board[x][y] = player
def isillegal(move, board):
if not (isinstance(move, int) and move in range(1, 10)):
i, j = divmod(move-1, 3) # 1-> [0, 0], 2 -> [0, 1]
sq = board[i][j]
except IndexError:
return False
return isempty(sq)
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