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ServiceNow TimeZoneUtils
var ClientTimeZoneUtils = Class.create();
ClientTimeZoneUtils.prototype = Object.extendsObject(AbstractAjaxProcessor, {
getCurrentTimeInTimeZone: function() {
var tz = this.getParameter('sysparm_tz');
var tzu = new TimeZoneUtils();
var gdt = tzu.setTimeZone(tz);
return gdt.getDisplayValue();
type: 'ClientTimeZoneUtils'
Article and documentation link:
See the other files in this Gist for the script files
var TimeZoneUtils = Class.create();
TimeZoneUtils.prototype = {
* Upon initialization, you can pass in a GlideDateTime object you've already created and set to a specific time.
* The reference to this object will be used, and your GDT will be modified in-place. Alternatively, you may choose
* not to specify a parameter upon initialization, and a new GlideDateTime object will be created, used, and returned
* with the current time in the specified time-zone.
* @param {GlideDateTime} [gdt] - A reference to the (optional) GlideDateTime object to be modified IN-PLACE.
* If not specified, a new one will be generated, and a reference returned.
initialize: function(gdt) {
if (gdt) {
this.gdt = gdt;
} else {
this.gdt = new GlideDateTime();
* Get the GlideDateTime object (as a reference).
* This will return a *reference* to the GlideDateTime object. Note that because of JavaScript's
* pass-by-reference jive, you should expect that if you set a variable using this method, then
* call another method which modifies the GDT object referenced in this class, you will be modifying
* the object to which your variable is a reference! In other words, your variable will be modified *in-place*.
* @returns {*|GlideDateTime}
getGDT: function() {
return this.gdt;
* Get the number representing the current GDT object's offset from UTC, in hours.
* If the GlideDateTime object is in the Pacific time zone for example, this method will return either
* "8" or "7" (depending on DST).
* @returns {number}
getOffsetHours: function() {
return ((Number(this.gdt.getTZOffset() / 1000) / 60) / 60);
* Note that you can specify time-zones in a number of formats, like "US/Pacific",
* "US\\Eastern", or by short name (such as "mountain").
* Currently, this utility only understands a few time-zones by short name. You can print out a list of
* pre-defined these supported short-names by printing out the keys in the timeZones property.
* Example: gs.print(Object.keys(new TimeZoneUtils().timeZones));
* You can reference any time-zone using the following (case-sensitive) format:
* <Region>\<Zone>
* Example: "Pacific\Guam", or "America\Puerto_Rico"
* @param {|string} tz - The TimeZone object to use to set the time-zone of
* the current GlideDateTime object.
* @returns {*|GlideDateTime}
setTimeZone: function(tz) {
Click any of the locations there, and on the corresponding page, find the
"Timezone" value.
These are the valid values for the time-zone parameter.
//ensure we've got a string and that it's lower-case.
tz = (typeof tz === 'string') ? tz : tz.toString();
//Validate the TZ string, and get a TimeZone Java object from it.
tz = this._getTimeZoneFromString(tz);
return this.gdt;
* Gets the display value of the current GlideDateTime object.
* If a time-zone was specified by calling .setTimeZone(), this will return the time in that time-zone.
* If the GDT's time value was set prior to passing it into TimeZoneUtils, this will return that date/time
* in the specified time-zone.
* @returns {string} The current time, in the specified time-zone.
getDisplayValue: function() {
return this.gdt.getDisplayValue();
* @returns {string} The current value, in SYSTEM time, of the GlideDateTime object.
getValue: function() {
return this.gdt.getValue();
* @param {|string} tz - The TimeZone object to use to set the time-zone of
* @returns {*} The TimeZone object, OR false if an invalid time-zone was passed in.
* @private
_getTimeZoneFromString: function(tz) {
//If it's a valid time-zone coming in, bob's our uncle.
if (this._isValidTimeZone(tz)) {
if (this.timeZones.hasOwnProperty(tz.toLowerCase())) {
return this.timeZones[tz.toLowerCase()];
} else {
//Otherwise, check if it matches one of our timeZone object properties.
var shortTZ = this._getShortTimeZoneName(tz);
if (this._isValidTimeZone(shortTZ)) {
return this.timeZones[shortTZ.toLowerCase()];
//If nothing else has returned by now, it means the time zone isn't valid.
gs.warn('Invalid time zone specified. Time zone: ' + tz, 'TimeZoneUtils Script Include, _getTimeZoneFromString method');
return false;
* Checks if the passed string is a valid time zone string.
* @param {string} tz - The TimeZone string to use to set the time-zone of
* @returns {boolean}
* @private
_isValidTimeZone: function(tz) {
var tzObj =;
//If the tz string wasn't valid, then getID will return the string "GMT",
//which - unless the user specified GMT as the time-zone, will not match the string argument.
//However, if it does match, OR if the arg is found in the timeZones object, then we're good to go.
return ((String(tzObj.getID()) === tz) || this.timeZones.hasOwnProperty(tz.toLowerCase()));
* Try another way of getting the proper time-zone. This is used when to look for a time-zone based only on the short-name.
* @param {string} tz - The time-zone name we're looking at, at a string.
* @returns {string} The time-zone, or a valid version of it if it needs validation, in lower-case.
* @private
_getShortTimeZoneName: function(tz) {
//Check if the string contains a forward-slash, back-slash, or underscore.
if (tz.indexOf('\\') >= 0 || tz.indexOf('/') >= 0 || tz.indexOf(' ') >= 0) {
If it contains a "/" or "\", grab everything after that character.
Trim the resulting (sub-)string.
If the remainder contains a space, replace it with an underscore.
tz = tz.slice(tz.indexOf('\\') + 1).slice(tz.indexOf('/') + 1).trim().replace(/ /g, '_');
return tz.toLowerCase();
* Just a reference to the setTimeZone method.
* @param {|string} tz - The TimeZone object to use to set the time-zone of the current GlideDateTime object.
* @returns {*}
setTZ: function(tz) {
return this.setTimeZone(tz);
* These are the pre-defined short-names for certain common time-zones.
* Feel free to expand upon this object.
* Currently, this utility only understands a few pre-defined time-zones by short name.
* You can print out a list of these supported short-names by printing out the keys in the timeZones property.
* Example: gs.print(Object.keys(new TimeZoneUtils().timeZones));
timeZones: {
type: 'TimeZoneUtils'
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