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Last active February 26, 2019 13:24
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Some usefull extensions
# automatic bind
Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, '_bind',
enumerable: false
get: ->
new Proxy this,
get: (thing, prop) =>
# Usage
foo.on 'thing', console._bind.log
Function::curry = (params...) ->
(rest...) => this(params..., rest...)
# Usage
foo.on 'thing', log.curry('A thing:')
# shorthand for retreiving props + bonus is, isnt
_ = _it = new Proxy {},
get: (_, prop) ->
retrieve = (props...) ->
fn = (obj) ->
props.reduce ((obj, prop) -> obj[prop]), obj
if props.last() in ['is', 'isnt']
prop = props.pop()
switch prop
when 'is' then (val) -> (obj) -> fn(obj) is val
when 'isnt' then (val) -> (obj) -> fn(obj) isnt val
new Proxy fn,
get: (_, prop) -> retrieve(props..., prop)
# Usage _.some.field
bar.find 'foo'
# Same as above but with function calling
global._fn = new Proxy {},
get: (_, prop) ->
retrieve = (props...) ->
fn = (myArgs...) -> (obj, baseArgs...) ->
(props.reduce ((obj, prop) -> obj[prop]), obj).call(obj, myArgs..., baseArgs...)
new Proxy fn,
get: (_, prop) -> retrieve(props..., prop)
# Usage _fn.some.func() # func will be called with 1.. args that .map gave it _fn.some.func('firstArg') # provided args will come first
# Dynamic getter
Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, '_get',
enumerable: false
get: ->
parent = this
new Proxy parent,
get: (thing, childName) =>
new Proxy thing,
get: (_, prop, receiver) -> Reflect.get(parent[childName], prop, receiver)
set: (_, prop, receiver) -> Reflect.set(parent[childName], prop, receiver)
# Usage
objects = everChanging: { foo: 'bar' }
referencer = alwaysFreshObject: objects._get.everChanging
console.log # bar
objects.everChanging = { bar: 'foo' }
console.log # foo
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