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Last active November 6, 2023 02:36
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Mean Based Clustering
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from graphviz import Source
df = pd.read_csv("states.csv").set_index('States')
# Function to calculate feature improvements
def calculate_feature_improvements(X, y, n_splits=5):
# If there are fewer samples than n_splits, reduce n_splits to the number of samples
n_splits = min(n_splits, len(X))
# If there's only one or no sample left, no further splitting is possible
if n_splits <= 1:
return {}
kf = KFold(n_splits=n_splits)
feature_errors = {feature: [] for feature in X.columns}
feature_errors['random'] = [] # Add the random feature
for train_index, test_index in kf.split(X):
labels_train = y.iloc[train_index].copy()
features_train = X.iloc[train_index].copy()
features_train['random'] = np.random.rand(len(features_train))
overall_mean = labels_train.mean()
overall_error = mean_squared_error(labels_train, [overall_mean] * len(labels_train))
for feature in features_train.columns:
mean_value = features_train[feature].mean()
above_mean = features_train[feature] >= mean_value
below_mean = features_train[feature] < mean_value
# Ensure there are samples above and below the mean before calculating error
if above_mean.any():
error_above = mean_squared_error(labels_train[above_mean], [labels_train[above_mean].mean()] * sum(above_mean))
error_above = 0
if below_mean.any():
error_below = mean_squared_error(labels_train[below_mean], [labels_train[below_mean].mean()] * sum(below_mean))
error_below = 0
total_error = error_above + error_below
improvement = overall_error - total_error
average_improvements = {feature: np.mean(improvements) for feature, improvements in feature_errors.items() if improvements}
average_improvement_random = average_improvements.pop('random', 0)
improvements_over_random = {feature: improvement - average_improvement_random for feature, improvement in average_improvements.items()}
return improvements_over_random
# Function to perform dataset split based on a feature
def split_dataset(X, y, feature):
mean_value = X[feature].mean()
above_mean = X[X[feature] >= mean_value]
below_mean = X[X[feature] < mean_value]
labels_above_mean = y.loc[above_mean.index]
labels_below_mean = y.loc[below_mean.index]
return (above_mean, labels_above_mean), (below_mean, labels_below_mean)
# Updating the build_tree function to properly propagate n, mean, and sdev up the tree to each decision node
def build_tree(X, y, depth=1, max_depth=None, leaf_id=0):
# Use a unique identifier for each node
if max_depth is not None and depth > max_depth or len(X) == 0:
return {
'prediction': y.mean() if len(y) > 0 else float('nan'), # Avoid division by zero
'leaf_id': leaf_id,
'n': len(y),
'sdev': y.std(ddof=0) if len(y) > 1 else float('nan'), # Standard deviation for population
'mean': y.mean() if len(y) > 0 else float('nan')
# Calculate feature improvements for the current subset
feature_improvements = calculate_feature_improvements(X, y)
# Stop if no feature provides an improvement over random
if not feature_improvements or max(feature_improvements.values()) <= 0:
return {
'prediction': y.mean() if len(y) > 0 else float('nan'),
'leaf_id': leaf_id,
'n': len(y),
'sdev': y.std(ddof=0) if len(y) > 1 else float('nan'),
'mean': y.mean() if len(y) > 0 else float('nan')
# Select the best feature based on improvements_over_random
best_feature = max(feature_improvements, key=feature_improvements.get)
# Perform the split
(above_mean, labels_above_mean), (below_mean, labels_below_mean) = split_dataset(X, y, best_feature)
# If a split does not result in child nodes, return the prediction
if above_mean.empty or below_mean.empty:
return {
'prediction': y.mean() if len(y) > 0 else float('nan'),
'leaf_id': leaf_id,
'n': len(y),
'sdev': y.std(ddof=0) if len(y) > 1 else float('nan'),
'mean': y.mean() if len(y) > 0 else float('nan')
# Recursively build the subtrees with incremented leaf_id
left_subtree = build_tree(below_mean, labels_below_mean, depth + 1, max_depth, leaf_id=leaf_id * 2 + 1)
right_subtree = build_tree(above_mean, labels_above_mean, depth + 1, max_depth, leaf_id=leaf_id * 2 + 2)
# Return the node and its subtrees
return {
'feature': best_feature,
'split_value': X[best_feature].mean(),
'n': len(y),
'sdev': y.std(ddof=0) if len(y) > 1 else float('nan'),
'mean': y.mean() if len(y) > 0 else float('nan'),
'left': left_subtree,
'right': right_subtree
def tree_to_dot(tree, dot_string=None, counter=[0]):
if dot_string is None:
dot_string = ['digraph decision_tree {']
dot_string.append(' node [shape=box];')
node_id = counter[0]
if 'prediction' in tree:
# Leaf node
# Ensure the prediction is a scalar value for formatting
prediction = tree['prediction']
if isinstance(prediction, pd.Series):
prediction = prediction.iloc[0]
sdev = tree['sdev']
if isinstance(sdev, pd.Series):
sdev = sdev.iloc[0]
n = tree['n']
if isinstance(n, pd.Series):
n = n.iloc[0]
dot_string.append(f' {node_id} [label="Prediction: {prediction:.2f}\nStDev: {sdev:.2f}\nn: {n}"];')
# Decision node
dot_string.append(f' {node_id} [label="{tree["feature"]} <= {tree["split_value"]:.2f}?"];')
# Left subtree (below mean)
counter[0] += 1
left_child_id = counter[0]
dot_string.append(f' {node_id} -> {left_child_id} [label="True"];')
tree_to_dot(tree['left'], dot_string, counter)
# Right subtree (above mean)
counter[0] += 1
right_child_id = counter[0]
dot_string.append(f' {node_id} -> {right_child_id} [label="False"];')
tree_to_dot(tree['right'], dot_string, counter)
if node_id == 0:
return '\n'.join(dot_string)
return dot_string
# Function to traverse the tree and return the prediction for a given row of features
def predict(tree, x):
# If we've reached a leaf node, return the prediction and leaf_id
if 'prediction' in tree:
return tree['prediction'], tree['leaf_id']
# Decide whether to follow the left or right subtree based on the split feature's value
if x[tree['feature']] < tree['split_value']:
return predict(tree['left'], x)
return predict(tree['right'], x)
# Function to apply the prediction function to each row in a dataframe
def predict_dataset(X, tree):
predictions, leaf_ids = zip(*X.apply(lambda x: predict(tree, x), axis=1))
return predictions, leaf_ids
# Build the decision tree
max_depth = 10 # Example max_depth
# Assume X_train, y_train for training and X_test, y_test for testing
# Here we would build the tree using the training data
decision_tree = build_tree(X, y, max_depth=max_depth)
# Use the modified function to get predictions and leaf ids
predictions, leaf_ids = predict_dataset(X, decision_tree)
# Finally, calculate the Mean Squared Error on the test data
mse = mean_squared_error(y, predictions)
dot_description = tree_to_dot(decision_tree)
# Convert the DOT description to a Source object
source = Source(dot_description)
# Render the source object to a file
source.render('decision_tree', format='png', cleanup=True)
# Display the rendered graph (this will open it in your default image viewer)
labeled_df = pd.concat([y,X,pd.DataFrame(leaf_ids,columns=['label']).set_index(X.index)],axis=1)
average_by_label = labeled_df.groupby('label').mean()[y.columns[0]] # is the column name of y
sorted_labels = average_by_label.sort_values(ascending=False) # Sort by average in descending order
for g in sorted_labels.index:
subset = labeled_df[labeled_df['label']==g]
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