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Last active January 29, 2019 19:06
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Visual Studio Code Settings Sync Gist
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"Update suite of tests": {
"prefix": "suiteup",
"body": [
"module Pages.$1.UpdateTests exposing (suite)",
"import Expect",
"import Pages.$1.Messages exposing (Msg(..))",
"import Pages.$1.Model",
"\t\t( Model",
"\t\t, init",
"import Pages.$1.Update exposing (update)",
"import Test exposing (..)",
"model : Model",
"model =",
"runUpdate : Msg -> Model -> Model",
"runUpdate msg model =",
"\tupdate Nothing msg model",
"\t\t|> Tuple.first",
"suite : Test",
"suite =",
"\tdescribe \"$2\"",
"\t\t[ $3 ]"
"Page messages": {
"prefix": "pagemsg",
"body": [
"module Pages.$1.Messages exposing (Msg(..))",
"type Msg",
"\t= $2"
"Page model": {
"prefix": "pagemdl",
"body": [
"module Pages.$1.Model",
"\t\t( Model",
"\t\t, init",
"type alias Model =",
"\t{ $2",
"init : Model",
"init =",
"\t{ $3 }"
"Page update": {
"prefix": "pageupd",
"body": [
"module Pages.$1.Update",
"\t\t( onArrival",
"\t\t, update",
"import Messages as RootMsg",
"import Model as RootModel",
"import Pages.$1.Messages exposing (Msg(..))",
"import Pages.$1.Model exposing (Model)",
"import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData(..))",
"import Routing.Route as Route exposing (VerificationStep)",
"import Routing.Router exposing (VerificationResult(..))",
"import Types exposing (SessionInfo)",
"import Util exposing ((=>))",
"onArrival : Maybe SessionInfo -> VerificationStep RootModel.Model RootMsg.Msg",
"onArrival sessionInfo { model } =",
"\t\t\t=> Cmd.batch []",
"update : Maybe SessionInfo -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd RootMsg.Msg )",
"update sessionInfo msg model =",
"\tcase msg of",
"\t\t_$2 ->",
"\t\t\tmodel => Cmd.none"
"Page view": {
"prefix": "pageview",
"body": [
"module Pages.$1.View exposing (view)",
"import Html exposing (..)",
"import Html.Attributes exposing (class)",
"import Pages.$1.Messages exposing (Msg(..))",
"import Pages.$1.Model exposing (Model)",
"import Routing.Route as Route",
"view : Model -> Html Msg",
"view model =",
"\tdiv []",
"\t\t[ $2 ]"
"Page commands": {
"prefix": "pagecmd",
"body": [
"module Pages.$1.Commands exposing ($2)",
"import Api.Decoders as Decoders",
"import Api.Encoders as Encoders",
"import Api.Http as Api exposing (EndPoint(..))",
"import Http",
"import Messages as RootMsg",
"import Pages.$1.Messages exposing (Msg(..))",
"import Types",
"\t\t( SessionInfo",
"\t\t, $3",
"$2 : Maybe SessionInfo -> Cmd RootMsg.Msg",
"$2 sessionInfo =",
"Import model from page": {
"prefix": "impmdl",
"body": "import Pages.$1.Model as $2Model"
"Import view from page": {
"prefix": "impview",
"body": "import Pages.$1.View as $2View"
"Import msg from page": {
"prefix": "impmsg",
"body": "import Pages.$1.Messages as $2Msg"
"Import upd from page": {
"prefix": "impupd",
"body": "import Pages.$1.Update as $2Update"
"Import cmd from page": {
"prefix": "impcmd",
"body": "import Pages.$1.Commands as $2Cmd"
"Case of view": {
"prefix": "caseofview",
"body": [
"\t\t$1 model_ ->",
"\t\t\t$1View.view $2model_",
"\t\t\t\t|> $1Msg",
"\t\t\t\t|> frame Page.Standard"
"Get request": {
"prefix": "apiget",
"body": [
"$1 : Maybe SessionInfo -> Cmd RootMsg.Msg",
"$1 sessionInfo =",
"\t\t{ url = $2 |> Api.endpointToUrl",
"\t\t, expect = Http.expectJson Decoders.$3",
"\t\t, sessionInfo = sessionInfo",
"\t\t($4 >> RootMsg.$5)"
"Post request": {
"prefix": "apipost",
"body": [
"$1 : Maybe SessionInfo -> $2 -> Cmd RootMsg.Msg",
"$1 sessionInfo $3 =",
"\t\t{ url = $4 |> Api.endpointToUrl",
"\t\t, expect = Http.expectJson Decoders.$5",
"\t\t, sessionInfo = sessionInfo",
"\t\t, jsonBody = Encoders.encode$6",
"\t\t($7 >> RootMsg.$8)"
// Place your snippets for markdown here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and
// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the
// same ids are connected.
// Example:
// "Print to console": {
// "prefix": "log",
// "body": [
// "console.log('$1');",
// "$2"
// ],
// "description": "Log output to console"
// }
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