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Created October 21, 2012 05:23
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Save thiyagu-p/3925981 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
OHLC with moving average and trading volume chart using d3
function OHLC(params) {
OHLC.prototype._init = function (params) {
this.height = params.height || 650;
this.width = params.width || 1300;
this.margin = params.margin || 50; =;
this.movingAverageTypes = ['mov_avg_10d', 'mov_avg_50d', 'mov_avg_200d'];
this.dateFormat = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d"); (d) { = new Date(;
var firstDate =[0].date;
var lastDate =[ - 1].date;
this.stDate = new Date(firstDate).setDate(firstDate.getDate() - 3);
this.enDate = new Date(lastDate).setDate(lastDate.getDate() + 3);
var chartId = params.chartId || '#chart';
this._svg ="svg").attr("height", this.height).attr("width", this.width);
OHLC.prototype._createScale = function () {
this._ymin = d3.min(, function (d) {
return d.low;
this._ymax = d3.max(, function (d) {
return d.high;
this._xscale = d3.time.scale().domain([this.stDate, this.enDate]).range([1, this.width - this.margin]);
this._yscale = d3.scale.linear().domain([this._ymin, this._ymax]).range([this.height - this.margin, 0]);
OHLC.prototype._createAxis = function () {
this._xaxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(this._xscale).orient("bottom").tickFormat(this.dateFormat);
this._xaxis.tickSize(-this.width + 1);
this._svg.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + (this.margin - 1) + "," + (this.height - this.margin) + ")")
.attr("class", "axis").call(this._xaxis);
this._yaxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(this._yscale).orient("left").tickSize(-this._xscale.range()[1] + 1);
this._svg.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + this.margin + ", 0)").attr("class", "axis").call(this._yaxis);
OHLC.prototype._drawMovingAverage = function (g, mov_avg) {
var _xscale = this._xscale;
var _yscale = this._yscale;
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function (d) {
return _xscale(;
.y(function (d) {
return _yscale(d[mov_avg]);
g.append("svg:path").attr("d", line("class", mov_avg);
OHLC.prototype._addVolumeBar = function (g, chart) {
this._volumeMin = d3.min(, function (d) {
return d.traded_quantity;
this._volumeMax = d3.max(, function (d) {
return d.traded_quantity;
this._volumeScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([this._volumeMin, this._volumeMax]).range([this.margin, (this.height - this.margin) / 4]);
.attr("x",function (d) {
return chart._xscale(;
}).attr("y",function (d) {
return chart.height - chart.margin - chart._volumeScale(d.traded_quantity);
}).attr("width", 2).attr("height", function (d) {
return (chart._volumeScale(d.traded_quantity));
.attr("class", "volume");
OHLC.prototype._addMovingAverageLines = function (g) {
var chart = this;
this.movingAverageTypes.forEach(function (movingAverageType) {
chart._drawMovingAverage(g, movingAverageType);
OHLC.prototype._drawLine = function (g, x1, x2, y1, y2, className) {
return this._moveLine(g.append("line").attr("class", className), x1, x2, y1, y2);
OHLC.prototype._moveLine = function (line, x1, x2, y1, y2) {
return line.attr("x1", x1).attr("x2", x2).attr("y1", y1).attr("y2", y2);
OHLC.prototype._addOHLC = function (g) {
var previousClose = 0;
var chart = this; (d) {
var color = d.close > previousClose ? "green" : "red", x = chart._xscale(;
chart._drawLine(g, x - 3, x, chart._yscale(, chart._yscale(, color);
chart._drawLine(g, x, x, chart._yscale(d.high), chart._yscale(d.low), color);
chart._drawLine(g, x, x + 3, chart._yscale(d.close), chart._yscale(d.close), color);
previousClose = d.close;
OHLC.prototype._drawCursorMarker = function (g, xy, text) {
var x = this.dateFormat(this._xscale.invert(xy[0])), y = this._yscale.invert(xy[1]);
if (this.xCursor === undefined) {
this.xCursor = this._drawLine(g, -1, -1, -1, -1, "cursor_axis");
this.yCursor = this._drawLine(g, -1, -1, -1, -1, "cursor_axis");
if ((xy[0] - this.margin) > 0 && (this.height - xy[1] - this.margin) > 0) {
this._moveLine(this.xCursor, xy[0] - this.margin, xy[0] - this.margin, this._yscale(this._ymin), this._yscale(this._ymax));
this._moveLine(this.yCursor, this._xscale(this.stDate), this._xscale(this.enDate), xy[1], xy[1]);
text.text(x + " " + y.toFixed(2));
OHLC.prototype._addCursor = function (chart, g, text) {
this._svg.on("mousemove", function () {
chart._drawCursorMarker(g, d3.mouse(this), text);
this._svg.on("mouseout", function () {
g.selectAll('.cursor_axis').attr("x1", -1).attr("x2", -1).attr("y1", -1).attr("y2", -1);
g.on("mousemove", function () {
chart._drawCursorMarker(g, d3.mouse(this), text);
OHLC.prototype._drawChart = function () {
var g = this._svg.append("g");
var text = g.append("text").attr("x", this._xscale(this.enDate) - 150).attr("y", this._yscale(this._ymax) + 15);
this._addVolumeBar(g, this);
g.attr("transform", "translate(" + this.margin + ", 0)");
this._addCursor(this, g, text);
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