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Last active April 23, 2021 13:05
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PayaGateway AccountUpdater 2.0 Request - ColdFusion
<cfset nonce = Right(ToString(rand("SHA1PRNG")),10)>
<cfset UnixStamp = left(getTickcount(), 10)>
<cfset Myurl = "">
<cfset ToBeHashed = "GET" & "#Myurl#" & "417227771521" & "#nonce#" & "#UnixStamp#">
<cfset strHmac = hmac("#ToBeHashed#","iLzODV5AUsCGWGkr","HMACSHA512")>
<cfset Auth = binaryEncode(binaryDecode(strHmac, "hex"), "base64")>
<cfhttp url="#Myurl#" port="443" method="GET">
<cfhttpparam NAME="clientID" value="W8yvKQ5XbvAn7dUDJeAnaWCEwA4yXEgd" type="header" encoded="no" >
<cfhttpparam NAME="merchantID" value="417227771521" type="header" encoded="no">
<cfhttpparam NAME="merchantKey" value="I5T2R2K6V1Q3" type="header" encoded="no" >
<cfhttpparam NAME="nonce" value="#nonce#" type="header" encoded="no" >
<cfhttpparam NAME="timestamp" value="#UnixStamp#" type="header" encoded="no" >
<cfhttpparam NAME="Authorization" value="#Auth#" type="header" encoded="no" >
<cfset SResp = deserializeJSON(cfhttp.FileContent)>
<cfoutput>Authorization String: #ToBeHashed#</cfoutput><br>
<cfoutput>timestamp: #UnixStamp#</cfoutput><br>
<cfoutput>Auth: #Auth#</cfoutput><br>
<cfoutput>Nonce: #nonce#</cfoutput><br>
<cfdump var="#SResp#">
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