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Created May 8, 2020 00:32
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Paya Connect - Quick Invoice Sample - PHP
Author: SDK Support Group
Company: Paya
!!! Samples intended for educational use only!!!
!!! Not intended for production !!!
// Location Variables
$locationID = $location['ID'];
$contactID = $location['ContactID'];
$CCprodTransID = $location['ProdTransIDCC'];
$ACHprodTransID = $location['ProdTransIDACH'];
// Developer Variables
$developerID = $developer['ID'];
$host = $developer['Host'];
// User Variables
$userID = $user['ID'];
$userAPIKey = $user['APIKey'];
// Transaction Variables
$verb = "POST";
$endpoint = "/v2/quickinvoices";
// Build the request
$req = [
"quickinvoice" => [
// Required Fields
"title" => "API Invoice",
"due_date" => "2020-05-07", //YYYY-MM-DD
"item_list" => [
"API Resource" => 3,
"SDK Service" => 4,
"Consulting Fee" => 39.99
"location_id" => $locationID,
"cc_product_transaction_id" => $CCprodTransID,
"ach_product_transaction_id" => $ACHprodTransID,
"invoice_number" => "Invoice " . time(),
// Conditional Fields - Use if you want the invoice to be sent immediately via email.
"email" => "[email address]",
"contact_id" => $contactID,
"send_email" => 1,
"notification_days_before_due_date" => 0,
"notification_on_due_date" => 0,
$payload = json_encode($req);
$url = $host . $endpoint;
// ok, let's make the request! cURL is always an option, of course,
// but i find that file_get_contents is a bit more intuitive.
$config = [
"http" => [
"header" => [
"developer-id: " . $developerID,
"user-api-key: " . $userAPIKey,
"user-id: " . $userID,
"content-type: application/json",
"method" => $verb,
"content" => $payload,
"ignore_errors" => true // exposes response body on 4XX errors
$context = stream_context_create($config);
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
$response = json_decode($result);
$httpcode = http_response_code();
echo '<pre>';
print_r('URL: ' . $url);
echo '</pre>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
echo '<pre>';
print_r('HTTP Code: ' . $httpcode);
echo '</pre>';
echo '<pre>';
print_r('API Response:');
echo '</pre>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
// Pull response data for logs and display
$pretty_resp = json_encode($response, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
$errdata = json_decode($err);
$pretty_err = json_encode($errdata, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
echo '<pre>';
print('Response: ' . $pretty_resp . "\n");
print('Error: ' . $pretty_err . "\n");
echo '</pre>';
Author: SDK Support Group
Company: Paya
!!! Samples intended for educational use only!!!
!!! Not intended for production !!!
// Location Credentials
// This is provided by the merchant. A test location has been created.
// You can find your test Location ID under Project Details on the developer portal.
$location = [
"ID" => "[Location ID]",
"ContactID" => "[Contact ID]",
"ProdTransIDCC" => "[Product Transaction ID for CC Service]",
"ProdTransIDACH" => "[Product Transaction ID for ACH Service]"
// User Credentials
// The integrator may provide a single user account for use with the API. This
// same user account may then be added to merchants' locations. Otherwise the
// merchant will need to provide a set of user credentials for use with the API.
// You can find your test user credentials under API Credentials on the developer portal.
$user = [
"ID" => "[User ID]",
"APIKey" => "[User API Key]",
// Developer Credentials
// Your test developer credentials are found under Project Details and API Credentials.
$developer = [
"ID" => "[Developer ID]",
"Host" => ""
// Function to write debug information to console.
function debug_to_console( $data ) {
$output = $data;
if ( is_array( $output ) )
$output = implode( ',', $output);
echo "<script>console.log( 'Debug Objects: " . $output . "' );</script>";
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