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Created December 31, 2012 20:03
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Save thm-design/4422301 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A CodePen by Jack Rugile. Bubble Sketch.js Test - Giving Sketch.js, by Soulwire, a quick test and loving it. Learn more about it here:
# General Variables
sketch = Sketch.create()
particles = []
particleCount = 750
sketch.mouse.x = sketch.width / 2
sketch.mouse.y = sketch.height / 2
sketch.strokeStyle = 'hsla(200, 50%, 50%, .4)'
sketch.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter'
# Particle Constructor
Particle = ->
this.x = random( sketch.width )
this.y = random( sketch.height, sketch.height * 2 )
this.vx = 0
this.vy = -random( 1, 10 ) / 5
this.radius = this.baseRadius = 1
this.maxRadius = 50
this.threshold = 150
this.hue = random( 180, 240 )
# Particle Prototype
Particle.prototype =
update: ->
# Determine Distance From Mouse
distx = this.x - sketch.mouse.x
disty = this.y - sketch.mouse.y
dist = sqrt( distx * distx + disty * disty )
# Set Radius
if dist < this.threshold
radius = this.baseRadius + ( ( this.threshold - dist ) / this.threshold ) * this.maxRadius
this.radius = if radius > this.maxRadius then this.maxRadius else radius
this.radius = this.baseRadius
# Adjust Velocity
this.vx += ( random( 100 ) - 50 ) / 1000
this.vy -= random( 1, 20 ) / 10000
# Apply Velocity
this.x += this.vx
this.y += this.vy
# Check Bounds
if this.x < - this.maxRadius || this.x > sketch.width + this.maxRadius || this.y < - this.maxRadius
this.x = random( sketch.width )
this.y = random( sketch.height + this.maxRadius, sketch.height * 2 )
this.vx = 0
this.vy = -random( 1, 10 ) / 5
render: ->
sketch.arc( this.x, this.y, this.radius, 0, TWO_PI )
sketch.fillStyle = 'hsla(' + this.hue + ', 60%, 40%, .35)'
# Create Particles
z = particleCount
while z--
particles.push( new Particle() )
# Sketch Clear
sketch.clear = ->
sketch.clearRect( 0, 0, sketch.width, sketch.height )
# Sketch Update
sketch.update = ->
i = particles.length
particles[ i ].update() while i--
# Sketch Draw
sketch.draw = ->
i = particles.length
particles[ i ].render() while i--
canvas {
background: #023;
display: block;
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