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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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FluxContextMixin using Fluxxor
// Array of constructors for the all registered stores
var registeredStores = [], // List of registered store constructors
registeredStoreNames = [], // StoreNames
registeredActions = {}; // Set of registered actionNames
// Keep the register functions in a closure so that
// there is only one instance of this function irrespective
// of the number of components the mixin is applied to
function registerStore (store) {
var self = this,
p = self.props,
flux = p.flux,
storeName = store.displayName,
i = 0;
while (!registeredName && i < registeredStores.length) {
// Compare constructors to check if the store was already registered
if (registeredStores[i] === store) {
registeredName = registeredStoreNames[i];
if (registeredName) {
console.log('Store was already registered by the name: ' + registeredName);
} else {
flux.addStore(storeName, new store());
// Add the store constructor to the list of registered stores
console.log('Registered: ' + storeName);
function registerAction (actionMap) {
var self = this,
p = self.props,
flux = p.flux,
actionNames = Object.keys(actionMap),
i = 0;
while (i < actionNames.length) {
actionName = actionNames[i];
// Check if the action name was already registered
if (registeredActions[actionName]) {
console.log('Action ' + actionName + ' already registered.');
} else {
// Add the action name and its handler to the hash
flux.addAction(actionName, actionMap[actionName]);
registeredActions[actionName] = true;
console.log('Registered: ' + actionName);
module.exports = {
getInitialState: function () {
var componentName = this.constructor.displayName,
stores = this.constructor.stores,
actions = this.constructor.actions;
if(stores && Array.isArray(stores) && stores.length > 0) {
console.log('Registering stores for: ' + componentName);
if(actions && Array.isArray(actions) && actions.length > 0) {
console.log('Registering actions for: ' + componentName);
return {};
* @jsx React.DOM
var React = require('react/addons'),
Fluxxor = require('fluxxor'),
FluxMixin = Fluxxor.FluxMixin(React),
StoreWatchMixin = Fluxxor.StoreWatchMixin,
// Our mixin
FluxContextMixin = require('../../mixins/FluxContextMixin'),
// Require the stores that you depend on
MyDataStore = require('../../stores/MyDataStore'),
// Require the actions that you depend on
MyDataActions = require('../../actions/MyDataActions'),
MyComponent = React.createClass({
// Adding the FluxContextMixin helps auto register
// stores and actions in the flux context
// if they were not already registered
mixins: [FluxMixin, FluxContextMixin, StoreWatchMixin('MyDataStore')],
statics: {
stores: [MyDataStore], // List the stores required by this component
actions: [MyDataActions] // List the actions required by this component
// This gets executed by Fluxxor via the StoreWatchMixin
// through getInitialState
// We are not really doing anything with it in this example
getStateFromFlux: function() {
return {};
render: function () {
var self = this,
p = this.props,
s = this.state,
flux = p.flux;
var uriStore ='MyDataStore'),
uriDetails = myDataStore.getState();
// Our dummy component renders nothing
// You would probably inspect the data
// from a store and render
// something based upon it
return (<div/>);
module.exports = MyComponent;
module.exports = {
actionName: function (payload) {
// Action handler.
// You will probably perform some operation
// here using the payload e.g. request an ajax
// util to interact with your api and then
// once it returns, inspect the data and dispatch
// an event into the flux context.
var Fluxxor = require('fluxxor'),
var data = {'key': 'default value'};
MyDataStore = Fluxxor.createStore({
initialize: function() {
'EVENT_NAME', this.doSomething
doSomething: function(payload) {
// Perform any operation on the data
// using the payload, then emit a change
getState: function() {
return uriDetails;
// Adding this will help the our mixin uniquely
// identify stores by this name later
MyDataStore.displayName = 'MyDataStore';
module.exports = MyDataStore;
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