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Last active January 16, 2017 05:32
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import math; #For pow and sqrt
from random import shuffle;
def ReadData(fileName):
#Read the file, splitting by lines
f = open(fileName,'r');
lines =;
#Split the first line by commas, remove the first element
#and save the rest into a list.
#The list holds the feature names of the data set.
features = lines[0].split(',')[:-1];
items = [];
for i in range(1,len(lines)):
line = lines[i].split(',');
itemFeatures = {"Class" : line[-1]};
for j in range(len(features)):
f = features[j]; #Get the feature at index j
v = float(line[j]); #Convert feature value to float
itemFeatures[f] = v; #Add feature value to dict
return items;
###_Auxiliary Function_###
def EuclideanDistance(x,y):
S = 0; #The sum of the squared differences of the elements
for key in x.keys():
S += math.pow(x[key]-y[key],2);
return math.sqrt(S); #The square root of the sum
def CalculateNeighborsClass(neighbors,k):
count = {};
for i in range(k):
if(neighbors[i][1] not in count):
#The class at the ith index is not in the count dict.
#Initialize it to 1.
count[neighbors[i][1]] = 1;
#Found another item of class c[i]. Increment its counter.
count[neighbors[i][1]] += 1;
return count;
def FindMax(Dict):
maximum = -1;
classification = "";
for key in Dict.keys():
if(Dict[key] > maximum):
maximum = Dict[key];
classification = key;
return classification,maximum;
###_Core Functions_###
def Classify(nItem, k, Items):
#Hold nearest neighbours. First item is distance, second class
neighbors = [];
for item in Items:
#Find Euclidean Distance
distance = EuclideanDistance(nItem,item);
#Update neighbors,
#either adding the current item in neighbors or not.
neighbors = UpdateNeighbors(neighbors,item,distance,k);
#Count the number of each class in neighbors
count = CalculateNeighborsClass(neighbors,k);
#Find the max in count, aka the class with the most appearances
return FindMax(count);
def UpdateNeighbors(neighbors,item,distance,k):
if(len(neighbors) < k):
#List is not full, add new item and sort
neighbors = sorted(neighbors);
#List is full
#Check if new item should be entered
if(neighbors[-1][0] > distance):
#If yes, replace the last element with new item
neighbors[-1] = [distance,item["Class"]];
neighbors = sorted(neighbors);
return neighbors;
def main():
items = ReadData('data.txt');
newItem = {'PW' : 1.4, 'PL' : 4.7, 'SW' : 3.2, 'SL' : 7.0};
print Classify(newItem,3,items);
if __name__ == "__main__":
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