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Last active September 21, 2020 17:10
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#determine the labels
import pyvw #vw python interface
DEST = 1
PROP = 2
FAC = 3
#create the class for the Sequence Labeler
class SequenceLabeler(pyvw.SearchTask):
def __init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions):
# you must must must initialize the parent class
# this will automatically store self.sch <- sch, self.vw <- vw
pyvw.SearchTask.__init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions)
# set whatever options you want
def _run(self, sentence): # it's called _run to remind you that you shouldn't call it directly!
output = []
for n in range(len(sentence)):
pos,word = sentence[n]
# use "" to guarantee that the example is finished properly
with self.vw.example({'w': [word]}) as ex:
pred = self.sch.predict(examples=ex, my_tag=n+1, oracle=pos, condition=[(n,'p'), (n-1, 'q')])
return output
#build the training set
my_dataset #training set
#train commands
vw = pyvw.vw("--search 3 --search_task hook --ring_size 1024") # 3 is the number of labels
sequenceLabeler = vw.init_search_task(SequenceLabeler)
#actual training
for i in xrange(2):
test_example = [ (0,w) for w in "hotel amsterdam wifi".split() ]
print test_example
#[(0, 'hotel'), (0, 'amsterdam'), (0, 'wifi')]
out = sequenceLabeler.predict(test_example)
print out
[2, 1, 3]
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anujgupta82 commented Apr 6, 2017

Hi Themis

Have you put up complete code somewhere ?
We have been trying learning2search on ATIS dataset and facing a wired problem

We are trying to use Learning2Search from vowpal-wabbit for Named Entity Recognition on the ATIS dataset. We are using the Python version from pyvw.

In ATIS there are 127 Entities (including an 'Others' category). The training set has 4978 and test has 893 sentences.

Sample sentence: 'i want to fly from boston at DIGITDIGITDIGIT am and arrive in denver at DIGITDIGITDIGITDIGIT in the morning'.

Sample labels: 'O O O O O B-fromloc.city_name O B-depart_time.time I-depart_time.time O O O B-toloc.city_name O B-arrive_time.time O O B-arrive_time.period_of_day'.

Labels are mapped to numbers from 0 - 126.

However, when we train a SequenceLabeler object on the training set and use the predict() method on sentences from the test set, we only see labels 1 & 2 as outputs, which doesn't make sense (see attached image). We tried using this on a different dataset, and had similar results.

Here is a link to our IPython Notebook with the entire flow

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated - we're clearly doing something incorrect, but we're not sure what.


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