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Created May 17, 2019 05:05
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  • Save thnk2wn/a00d0089d2d521d353c834fa05aa1374 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thnk2wn/a00d0089d2d521d353c834fa05aa1374 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[ValidateRange(1, 180)]
[int]$daysBack = 7,
if ($mine) {
$author = git config
$command = "git --no-pager log --after=""$($daysBack) days ago"" --pretty=format:""%h - %an, %ar : %s"""
if ($author) {
$command = "$command --author=""$author"""
Write-Host $command -ForegroundColor Yellow
$command = "`$output = $command"
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Depth 2 -Force |
Where-Object { $_.Mode -match "h" -and $_.FullName -like "*\.git" } |
ForEach-Object {
$dir = Get-Item (Join-Path $_.FullName "../")
Push-Location $dir
Invoke-Expression $command
if ($output) {
Write-Host "`n$($dir.Name):" -ForegroundColor Cyan
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