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werkzeug cache additions
'''This module contains cache-related logic'''
## TODO: improve documentation of contents
import threading
import exceptions
from werkzeug.contrib.cache import (SimpleCache, MemcachedCache, RedisCache,
FileSystemCache, NullCache)
class CacheMixin:
'''A mix-in for werkzeug.contrib.cache classes to make
some their methods thread-safe using threading.Lock
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._lock = threading.Lock()
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def add(self, *args, **kwargs):
with self._lock:
return super().add(*args, **kwargs)
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
with self._lock:
return super().get(*args, **kwargs)
def set(self, *args, **kwargs):
with self._lock:
return super().set(*args, **kwargs)
def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
with self._lock:
return super().delete(*args, **kwargs)
def get_strict(self, key):
with self._lock:
ret = super().get(key)
if ret is None and not super().has(key):
raise exceptions.CacheNotFound
return ret
def get_nonstrict(self, key):
with self._lock:
ret = super().get(key)
if ret is None:
raise exceptions.CacheNotFound
return ret
# Overwrites for werkzeug.cache.contrib classes to make them thread-safe
class SimpleCache(CacheMixin, SimpleCache):
class MemcachedCache(CacheMixin, MemcachedCache):
class RedisCache(CacheMixin, RedisCache):
class FileSystemCache(CacheMixin, FileSystemCache):
class HashedArgs:
__slots__ = '_hash', '_seq'
def __init__(self, func, args=None, kwargs=None):
seq = [func]
if args is not None:
seq += args
if kwargs is not None:
# flattern dict to seq(k1, v1, k2, v2, ...)
seq += [it for k in sorted(kwargs) for it in [k, kwargs[k]]]
seq = tuple(seq)
self._seq = seq
self._hash = hash(seq)
def __hash__(self):
return self._hash
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self._seq == other._seq
class cachedproperty(property):
'''A property with caching
Depends on underlying cache, which should be subclass or have interface of
werkzeug.contrib.cache.BaseCache. Underlying cache should be provided at
creation time (using `cache` kwarg) or defined at client class as its
`__cache__` attribute.
__slots__ = 'fget', 'fset', 'fdel', 'timeout', 'cache', 'isstrict', 'doc'
def __init__(self, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None,
*, timeout=None, cache=None, isstrict=True):
self.fget = fget
self.fset = fset
self.fdel = fdel
self.timeout = timeout
self.cache = cache
self.isstrict = isstrict
self.doc = doc if doc is not None else fget.__doc__
def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
if instance is None: # access as class attribute
return self
if self.fget is None:
raise AttributeError("can't get attribute")
cache = self.cache or instance.__cache__ # short evaluation here
timeout = self.timeout or cache.default_timeout
get = cache.get_strict if self.isstrict else cache.get_nonstrict
res = get(self.fget) # try to get
except exceptions.CacheNotFound: # if invalid -- fget and put to cache
res = self.fget(instance)
r = cache.set(self.fget, res, timeout=timeout)
if not r:
raise exceptions.CacheError from None
return res
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if self.fset is None:
raise AttributeError("can't set attribute")
cache = self.cache or instance.__cache__
cache.delete(self.fget) # invalidate and run fset func
self.fset(instance, value)
def __delete__(self, instance):
if self.fdel is None:
raise AttributeError("can't delete attribute")
cache = self.cache or instance.__cache__
cache.delete(self.fget) # invalidate and run fdel func
class cachedmethod:
__slots__ = 'method', 'cache', 'timeout', 'isstrict'
class cachedmethod_wrapper:
__slots__ = 'outer', 'instance'
def __init__(self, outer, instance):
self.outer = outer
self.instance = instance
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
'''Returns cached ret value of wrapped method'''
cache = self.outer.cache or self.instance.__cache__
timeout = self.outer.timeout or cache.default_timeout
args = (self.instance,) + args
call_hash = HashedArgs(self.outer.method, args, kwargs)
get = (cache.get_strict if self.outer.isstrict
else cache.get_nonstrict)
ret = get(call_hash)
except exceptions.CacheNotFound:
ret = self.outer.method(*args, **kwargs)
status = cache.set(call_hash, ret, timeout=timeout)
if not status:
raise exceptions.CacheError from None
return ret
def cache_push(self, *args, **kwargs):
'''Perform recalc & push ret to cache for provided args'''
cache = self.outer.cache or self.instance.__cache__
timeout = self.outer.timeout or cache.default_timeout
args = (self.instance,) + args
call_hash = HashedArgs(self.outer.method, args, kwargs)
ret = self.outer.method(*args, **kwargs)
status = cache.set(call_hash, ret, timeout=timeout)
if not status:
raise exceptions.CacheError from None
return ret
def cache_bypass(self, *args, **kwargs):
'''Bypasses cachig mechanism and acts like normal method call'''
args = (self.instance,) + args
return self.outer.method(*args, **kwargs)
def cache_invalidate(self, *args, **kwargs):
cache = self.outer.cache or self.instance.__cache__
args = (self.instance,) + args
call_hash = HashedArgs(self.outer.method, args, kwargs)
return cache.delete(call_hash)
# descriptor methods below
def __init__(self, timeout=None, cache=None, isstrict=True):
# called to create decorator, like: @cachedmethod(cache=...)
self.cache = cache
self.timeout = timeout
self.isstrict = isstrict
def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
if instance is None: # if get as class attr, not through instance
return self
return self.cachedmethod_wrapper(outer=self, instance=instance)
def __call__(self, method):
# a call to decorate passed-in method
self.method = method
return self
class IPCacheItem(int):
'''Represents ip address cache entity
Takes one argument at creation -- ip addr as string, e.g. ''
Objects of this are used as KEYS in cache, with VALUES determining
ban status of particular ip addr.
def __new__(cls, ipstring):
parts = ipstring.split('.')
res = 0
for i, part in enumerate(reversed(parts)):
res |= int(part) << i*8
return super().__new__(cls, res)
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and super().__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
return super().__hash__()
def __repr__(self):
s = '.'.join(str(int(bt)) for bt in self.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
return "%s('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, s)
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