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Created May 4, 2012 21:01
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Save thoemmi/2597708 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
my psake file with getting latest psake from nuget
# Helper script for those who want to run psake without importing the module.
# Example:
# .\psake.ps1 "default.ps1" "BuildHelloWord" "4.0"
# Must match parameter definitions for psake.psm1/invoke-psake
# otherwise named parameter binding fails
[string]$buildFile = 'default.ps1',
[string[]]$taskList = @(),
[string]$framework = '4.0',
[switch]$docs = $false,
[System.Collections.Hashtable]$parameters = @{},
[Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=0)]
[System.Collections.Hashtable]$properties = @{}
$solution_path = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.path
$nuget_dir = Join-Path $solution_path .nuget
$nuget_exe = Join-Path $nuget_dir nuget.exe
$nuget_packages_config = Join-Path $nuget_dir packages.config
$packages_dir = Join-Path $solution_path packages
function Get-NuGetPackageFolder {
[string] $package_name
$xml = [xml](gc $nuget_packages_config)
$package = $xml.packages.package | where { $ -eq $package_name }
Join-Path $packages_dir ($package_name + "." + $package.version)
try {
#check, if psake is up-to-date
& $nuget_exe install $nuget_packages_config -o $packages_dir
# get psake directory
$psake_dir = Get-NuGetPackageFolder "psake"
import-module (join-path $psake_dir "tools\psake.psm1")
invoke-psake $buildFile $taskList $framework $docs $parameters $properties
} finally {
remove-module psake -ea 'SilentlyContinue'
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