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Last active January 16, 2020 17:36
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import readline from "readline-sync"
// Side effects
class EffectfulImplementation {
getUserInput () {
return readline.question("> ")
listTodoItems () {
// Dummy implementation.
return [
{ description: "Laundry", done: false },
{ description: "Groceries", done: true }
printTodoItems (items) {
for (const item of items) {
// Logic (pure code)
function parseCommand(input) {
// Dummy implementation.
return {
action: "list",
function cli(impl) {
const userInput = impl.getUserInput()
const command = parseCommand(userInput)
switch (command.action) {
case "list":
const items = impl.listTodoItems()
// ...
// Glue code
cli(new EffectfulImplementation());
import parser from "./nonSequentialActions.js"
function generateDocumentation (parser) {
switch (parser.action) {
case "pure":
return null
case "stringField":
return { [parser.key]: "string" }
case "numberField":
return { [parser.key]: "number" }
case "objectField":
return { [parser.key]: generateDocumentation(parser.parser) }
case "apply":
const doc1 = generateDocumentation(parser.parser1)
const doc2 = generateDocumentation(parser.parser2)
if (doc1 === null) {
return doc2
} else if (doc2 === null) {
return doc1
} else {
return {...doc1, ...doc2}
function numberField (key) {
return {
action: "numberField",
function stringField (key) {
return {
action: "stringField",
function objectField (key, parser) {
return {
action: "objectField",
function pure (value) {
return {
action: "pure",
// Return a new parser that executes both parsers and apply the result of the
// second one to the function returned by the first one.
function apply (parser1, parser2) {
return {
action: "apply",
// Map a function to the result of a parser.
function mapParser (parser, f) {
switch (parser.action) {
case "pure":
return pure(f(parser.value))
return apply(pure(f), parser)
function interpret (parser, json) {
switch (parser.action) {
case "pure":
return parser.value
case "numberField":
if (typeof(json[parser.key]) === "number") {
return json[parser.key]
} else {
throw "ParsingError"
case "stringField":
if (typeof(json[parser.key]) === "string") {
return json[parser.key]
} else {
throw "ParsingError"
case "objectField":
if (typeof(json[parser.key]) === "object") {
return interpret(parser.parser, json[parser.key])
} else {
throw "ParsingError"
case "apply":
const f = interpret(parser.parser1, json)
const x = interpret(parser.parser2, json)
return f(x)
const someJson = {
database: {
port: 5432,
username: "myapp",
const parser =
pure(function (port) {
return function (username) {
return `postgresql://${username}:secret@localhost:${port}/myapp`
// To execute the parser, we would call:
// const result = interpret(parser, someJson)
// For later:
export default parser
import readline from "readline-sync"
function read () {
return {
action: "read",
next: pure,
function print (string) {
return {
action: "print",
next: pure,
// A pure program that simply returns a value.
function pure (value) {
return {
action: "pure",
function interpret (program) {
switch (program.action) {
case "read":
const input = readline.question("")
return interpret(
case "print":
return interpret(
case "pure":
return program.value
// Bind two programs together. Return a new program which is equivalent to
// running the first program and feed its return value to the second one.
function bind (program, next) {
switch (program.action) {
case "pure":
return next(program.value)
return {
next: (val) => bind(, next)
const number = 42;
const game =
bind(print("Enter a guess"), _ => {
return bind(read(), (input) => {
const guess = Number(input)
if (guess === number) {
return print("Congratulations! You found it.")
} else if (guess < number) {
return bind(print("Higher"), _ => game)
} else if (guess > number) {
return bind(print("Lower"), _ => game)
} else {
return print("Just numbers, please.")
// To execute the program, we would just have to call:
// interpret(game)
// For later
export default game
import _ from "underscore"
import game from "./sequentialActions.js"
function testInterpreter (program, inputs, accOutputs) {
switch (program.action) {
case "read":
const input = inputs[0]
const rest = inputs.slice(1)
return testInterpreter(, rest, accOutputs)
case "print":
return testInterpreter(,
case "pure":
return accOutputs
const outputs = testInterpreter(game, ["3", "90", "32", "42"], [])
const expectedOutputs = [
"Enter a guess",
"Enter a guess",
"Enter a guess",
"Enter a guess",
"Congratulations! You found it."
if (_.isEqual(outputs, expectedOutputs)) {
console.log("All is well")
} else {
console.log("Test failure", outputs, expectedOutputs)
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