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Last active December 17, 2015 19:59
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Terminal Cheat Sheet


In the following examples, "noob" will be used as the username. You will not ever type this in, it will just serve as reference for what you will actually see within terminal. For example, if your username is bob, your prompt will look like bob$ instead of noob$ .

Anywhere that you see something within carets, this is an argument placeholder and should be replaced when writing the actual command, for example mkdir <directory location or name> would be written as something like mkdir example.


ls - List contents of current directory

cd - Change directory

pwd - Print current "working" directory path

List the contents of the current working directory

noob$ ls
Desktop  	Downloads	Movies		Pictures
Documents	Library		Music		Public

Print the current working directory path

noob$ pwd

Change directory into Downloads

noob$ cd Downloads/

List the contents of the Downloads directory

noob$ ls
About Downloads.lpdf

Check to make sure we are in the Downloads directory

noob$ pwd

Change directory to the parent directory

noob$ cd ..

A shortcut to get you to the home directory

noob$ cd ~

Check to make sure we are back at our user home directory

noob$ pwd


touch <file location> - Create a new file

mkdir <directory location or name> - Make a new directory

cp <file to copy> <location to copy to> - Copy a file or directory

mv <file to move> <location to move to> - Move a file or directory

rm <file to remove> - Remove/delete a file or directory

List the contents of the Desktop directory

noob$ ls

Make a new directory called "examples"

noob$ mkdir examples

List out the contents of Desktop to see the new examples directory

noob$ ls
examples  hello_world

Change directory into the examples directory

noob$ cd examples/

Create and index.html file within examples

noob$ touch index.html
noob$ ls

Copy the index.html file and name the new file home.html

noob$ cp index.html home.html
noob$ ls
home.html	index.html

Rename home.html by using the move command and giving it a new name, about.html

noob$ mv home.html about.html
noob$ ls
about.html	index.html

Remove/delete the about.html file

noob$ rm about.html 
noob$ ls
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