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Last active September 19, 2016 14:00
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Quarter Geometries
import arcpy
import os
import io
import sys
def quart_geom(geom):
Quarter an arcpy geometry
:param geom: arcpy.geometry
:return: list
# Get the extent of the input geometry, get corner points and calculte X/Y coordinates
min_x = geom.extent.XMin
max_x = geom.extent.XMax
mean_x = (max_x + min_x) / 2
min_y = geom.extent.YMin
max_y = geom.extent.YMax
mean_y = (max_y + min_y) / 2
# construct list of new corner points for the four quarters
quart1_coords = [[min_x, min_y], [mean_x, min_y], [mean_x, mean_y], [min_x, mean_y], [min_x, min_y]]
quart2_coords = [[mean_x, min_y], [max_x, min_y], [max_x, mean_y], [mean_x, mean_y], [mean_x, min_y]]
quart3_coords = [[mean_x, mean_y], [max_x, mean_y], [max_x, max_y], [mean_x, max_y], [mean_x, mean_y]]
quart4_coords = [[min_x, mean_y], [mean_x, mean_y], [mean_x, max_y], [min_x, max_y], [min_x, mean_y]]
quarts_coords = [quart1_coords, quart2_coords, quart3_coords, quart4_coords]
# construct polygon geometries, using quart coordinate lists and add them to a list
quarts = list()
for quart_coords in quarts_coords:
# Create a Polygon object based on the array of points
# Append to the list of Polygon objects
arcpy.Array([arcpy.Point(*coords) for coords in quart_coords])))
# clip input feature using newly created quarts and add them to a list
geom_quarts = list()
for quart in quarts:
#if geom.overlaps(quart):
except ValueError:
# skip if something goes wrong - not ideal - have to find a better way to handle this
# this happens a lot with very large geometries. Seems to be an Arcpy issue?
print "skip"
# return list containing up to four geometries
return geom_quarts
def quart_geom_max_byte(geometry, max_bytes=1e+7):
This function quarters an arcpy geometry.
If WKT of resulting quarter is larger than given max_bytes it will be quartered again and again
until threshold is met.
Return list of quartered arcpy geometries
:param geometry: arcpy.geometry
:param max_bytes: float
:return: list
passed_geoms = list()
large_geoms = list()
done = False
while not done:
done = True
# For the first run add input geometry to check_geoms as a list
if not passed_geoms and not large_geoms:
check_geoms = [geometry]
# otherwise use the output results from the geometries quartered in the previous run
# and reset large_geoms
check_geoms = large_geoms
large_geoms = list()
# fall all geometries not yet checked, test if WKT bytes size is larger than threshold
# if yes, quarter it, if not append it to passed_geoms
for geom in check_geoms:
if sys.getsizeof(geom.WKT) > max_bytes:
large_geoms += quart_geom(geom)
done = False
except SystemError:
# geom.WKT fails for very large geometries
# in that case, just assume that it is to big and quarter it
print "too large"
large_geoms += quart_geom(geom)
done = False
# return list of quartered geoms
return passed_geoms
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get GDAM feature class and select relevant fields
fc = r"D:\GIS Data\Global\gadm28.gdb\gadm"
cur = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, ["ISO", "NAME_0", "HASC_1", "NAME_1",
"HASC_2", "NAME_2", "HASC_3", "NAME_3",
"NAME_4", "NAME_5", "SHAPE@"],
sql_clause=(None, 'ORDER BY ISO'))
# Define output path (needs to be empty!!)
gadm_path = r"D:\temp\gadm\tsv"
# Loop through all rows and convert write them to TSV file
# if geometry is too large, quarter it
counter = 0
for row in cur:
# quarter geometries
geoms = quart_geom_max_byte(row[10], max_bytes=1e+7)
if len(geoms) > 1:
print len(geoms)
#print u" ".join(i.encode('utf8') if isinstance(i, basestring) else u"" for i in row[:-1])
# define output file name using country code
# one file for each country
gadm_file = os.path.join(gadm_path, "{}.tsv".format(row[0]))
#if output file does not yet exist we are dealing with a new country
if not os.path.exists(gadm_file):
# if this is not the first loop
# close previous file
if counter > 0:
counter = 0
# Create new file
gadm =, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
print gadm_file
#Had some encoding issue. This might now actually work without encode/decode. Seems now redundant but I haven't tested it without...
# write row to currently opened file
# if geometry was quartered several rows with the same attributs but different geometries will be added
#tsv_rows = list()
for geom in geoms:
if counter > 0:
counter += 1
new_row = row[:-1] + (geom.WKT,)
#tsv_rows.append(u"\t".join(i.encode('utf8').decode('UTF-8') if isinstance(i, basestring) else u"" for i in new_row)])
gadm.write(u"\t".join(i if isinstance(i, basestring) else u"" for i in new_row))
# Finally, close last file
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