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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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How many ways are there to say "morning" in Clojure?
(->> ((->> [0 2 5 1 -4 1 -6] (map #(partial + %)) (apply juxt)) 109) byte-array (String.))`
(loop [txt ""] (if (= 1803412773 (hash txt)) txt (recur (apply str (repeatedly 7 (fn [] (char (rand-nth [114 105 110 111 109 103]))))))))
(->> "bW9ybmluZw=="
(.decode (java.util.Base64/getDecoder))
(new String))
(apply str (map (fn* [p1__779#] (char (Integer/parseInt (apply str p1__779#) 2))) (partition 8 "01101101011011110111001001101110011010010110111001100111")))
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