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Created May 26, 2015 20:35
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Rules engine. ThoughtWorks Clojure DOJO
(ns twrule.core)
;; A is the B
;; fact: '(father a b )
(def facts #{'(father andrew bob) '(father bob charlie)})
;; Grandfather rule: if A is the father of B, and B is the father of C then A is the Grandfather C
(def rules [{:patterns ['(father ?a ?b) '(father ?b ?C)]
:assertions ['(grandfather ?a ?C)]}])
(defn is-variable? [x]
(= \? (first (str x))))
(defn match [p f b]
(when (= (count p) (count f))
(loop [pairs (map vector p f), b b]
(if (empty? pairs)
(let [[phead fhead] (first pairs)]
;(println phead fhead b)
(and (is-variable? phead) (contains? b phead))
(if (= fhead (get b phead))
(recur (rest pairs) b)
(is-variable? phead) (recur (rest pairs) (assoc b phead fhead))
:else (if (= phead fhead)
(recur (rest pairs) b)
(defn var-bindings [r facts]
(defn solve [ps b]
(if (empty? ps)
(list b)
(let [p (first ps)
bs (keep #(match p % b) facts)]
(mapcat #(solve (rest ps) %) bs))))
(solve (:patterns r) {}))
(defn eval-pattern [p b]
(for [s p]
(if (is-variable? s)
(get b s)
(defn eval-assertions [r b]
(apply hash-set (map #(eval-pattern % b) (:assertions r))))
(defn instantiations [r facts]
(let [bs (var-bindings r facts)]
(map #(eval-assertions r %) bs)))
(defn algo [f rules]
(defn step [facts]
(let [is (mapcat #(instantiations % facts) rules)]
(if-let [i (first is)]
(clojure.set/union i facts)
(let [states (iterate step (apply hash-set f))]
(last (take 10 states))))
(def bi {'?a 'andrew '?b 'bob '?c 'charlie})
; (eval-pattern '(grandfather ?a ?c) bi)
;(eval-assertions (first rules) bi)
;(instantiations nil facts)
;(var-bindings (first rules) facts)
(algo facts rules )
;(match '(father ?a ?b) '(father andrew bob) {'?c 7})
; [{'?a andrew '?b bob 'c charlie}]
;(algo facts rules)
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