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Created June 10, 2024 15:35
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from collections import Counter
from manim import *
import networkx as nx
import random
import numpy as np
import itertools
class UF:
def __init__(self, ids): = {i: i for i in ids}
def find(self, i):
while i !=[i]:
i =[i]
return i
def union(self, i, j):
# j -> i
i = self.find(i)
j = self.find(j)[j] = i
def transform_vdicts(scene, vdict1, vdict2, run_time=1):
k1 = vdict1.submob_dict.keys()
k2 = vdict2.submob_dict.keys()
transforms = []
for key in k1 - k2:
for key in k2 - k1:
for key in k1 & k2:
transforms.append(Transform(vdict1[key], vdict2[key]))*transforms, run_time=run_time)
class KargerMinCut(Scene):
def construct(self):
# Create a random graph
S = 6
G = nx.MultiGraph()
N = 10
edges = []
for _ in range(30):
edges.append((random.randint(1, N), random.randint(1, N)))
def draw_graph(og, layout, color_edge, names):
layout = {node: S * np.array([x, y, 0]) for node, (x, y) in layout.items()}
edges = []
cnt = Counter()
vdict = VDict()
for u, v, idx in og.edges:
i, j = names.find(u), names.find(v)
start, end = layout[i], layout[j]
i, j = min(i, j), max(i, j)
cnt[i, j] += 1
# Bend the edge if it is a multi-edge
control1, control2 = start, end
if i != j:
rad = cnt[i, j] // 2 * (-1) ** cnt[i, j] * 0.1 * S
control1 = start + np.array([0, rad, 0])
control2 = end + np.array([0, rad, 0])
# Color the edge red
color = WHITE
stroke_width = 2
if color_edge is not None:
uu, vv = color_edge
ii, jj = names.find(uu), names.find(vv)
ii, jj = min(ii, jj), max(ii, jj)
if (i, j) == (ii, jj) and cnt[i, j] == 1:
color = RED
stroke_width = 8
vdict[u, v, idx] = CubicBezier(
stroke_width=S * stroke_width,
for node in og.nodes:
i = names.find(node)
vdict[node] = Dot(point=layout[i], radius=S * 0.08, color=BLUE)
return vdict
pos = nx.shell_layout(G)
names = UF(G.nodes)
graph_vgroup = draw_graph(G, pos, None, names)
original_G = G.copy()
while len(G.nodes) > 2:
while True:
u, v, idx = random.choice(list(G.edges))
if u != v:
# Color the edge red
new_graph_vgroup = draw_graph(original_G, pos, (u, v), names)
transform_vdicts(self, graph_vgroup, new_graph_vgroup, run_time=1)
# Contract the edge
G = nx.contracted_edge(G, (u, v, idx))
new_pos = nx.shell_layout(G)
names.union(u, v) # v is merged into u
new_graph_vgroup = draw_graph(original_G, new_pos, (u, v), names)
transform_vdicts(self, graph_vgroup, new_graph_vgroup, run_time=1)
pos = new_pos
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